Do you have a good relationship with your child?

1 Answer

Answer :

I have a very good relationship with my little son. We usually organize joint programs together, such as playground, ice cream.

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Last Answer : I am in florida if that helps, and i meant state not country, sorry, he lives in new york, I am in florida.

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Last Answer : I haven’t seen it but I am not shy I would say something

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Last Answer : answer:Is his name on the child's birth certificate? If so, he does have some paternal rights and he could try to stop you from moving out of the state if he wanted to. That being said, as there ... free consultation, try to find one of those to speak with for starters and go from there. Good luck!

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Last Answer : answer:- I'm not going to abandon my kids. - Honest communication is encouraged and common in my house. - The question, why? is very common in my house. - It's (practically) a tv-free environment. ... something we're working on, but I don't think my kids will be that much better off than I was.

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Last Answer : answer:It depends. If you want to, yes. If you do it out of duty, and resent them because you are doing it, no. If you have to put them in care, it's best to keep them in the same ... because so many of their children set them up and see to all their comfort and physical needs and then disappear.

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Last Answer : answer:If you have not yet done so, I urge you to get counseling for dealing with the abuse. It is really the only way to heal. I can strongly recommend the book The Courage to Heal.

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Last Answer : Same for all .. if I’d start making favourites then I’d start making mistakes .. I hope I’ll never do them.

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Last Answer : I think the answer depends on how old child is and what the circumstances are.

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Last Answer : Yes. My grandmother's cousin left her kids one day and no one has heard from her since. She'd be dead by now. No one knows why she left. A few of my cousins refuse to speak to my sister, and my ... . We had to beg her to come see my mom before she died. I know lots of people with similar stories.

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Last Answer : There would always be hope if the parent is alive.

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Last Answer : I think it’s a kid being a kid for the most part. Don’t worry about what other people think.

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Last Answer : I have. I’ve also been accused of using words “nobody else knows, ” trying to make people feel stupid by using complicated words, and Lord knows what else. My advice is to have the kid look up the word if he doesn’t know it.

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Last Answer : I think that it's important to be honest. You don't have to air all your dirty laundry to a young child, but it's such an important trust relationship you could do much more harm by ... . It might not pay off immediately but as your child matures i think they will greatly appreciate your honesty.

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Last Answer : Tell them early [as in, like 5 or 6] – but reassure them that they are loved and seriously reassure them that they are your child no matter what. Source: I was adopted.

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Last Answer : No. He should pay for the child. And at one point in time it will ask “who’s my daddy”. It is inevitable.

Description : Would you be able to work at the same company with your parent/child? If so, could you bear to watch people flirt and make passes at them?

Last Answer : I used to work with my first wife in different sections of a company. I rather enjoyed seeing customers trying to hit on her while I came into the room before she noticed me. It did a bit for my ego, plus I got to see her shoot them down.

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Last Answer : My parents were always very supportive of me, so I don't think they gave me any bad advice.

Description : Who should I go if I fear a child is being hurt by their parent?

Last Answer : Dude, you’ve got to call! You will regret it if you don’t. They will probably be able to figure out what is going on.

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Last Answer : The child will always prefer the parent who favors that child above the other children, and blacksheep children should always be proud that they are the least-liked sibling!

Description : 1. Thomas was caught stealing 27 times in one year, yet he was never arrested. How come?2. A truck driver went three blocks the wrong way down a one-way street with out breaking the law. How come?3. Not a single parent objected when the teacher spanked every child in the class. How come? -Riddles

Last Answer : 1. Thomas was a baseball player and was stealing bases. 2. The truck driver was walking. 3. The teacher was in an orphanage school.

Description : What is Parent and Child Table ?

Last Answer : If the primary key of one table is used in another table, then that key is called the foreign key of the second table relative to the first table. Here the first table is called the parent and the second table is called the child table.

Description : What can a parent do when a child is already adult and obese to change?

Last Answer : If you’re a mature thinker, you’ll normally understand if you tell your parent your opinion. He probably won’t change it because of him, but if he does, he can help him get started at least that much.

Description : Today’s kids no longer ask their parents, they rather look online for the answer most of the time.

Last Answer : My opinion is that the parent should break the boundaries. I may be old-fashioned, but my child can't watch what he wants. There is a laptop and internet in vain. If I don't let something go, ... me about anything, I never bothered that I couldn't reach it. Luckily we have a good relationship :)

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Last Answer : To adulthood. So until 18

Description : "Is there a fund a father can put child support payments in and have fund make payments to the custodial parent?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : How to be a smart parent to your child?

Last Answer : I always thought so too until I started having them and I appreciate our parents more now for holding it down with all our mischievous and stubborn behaviour. From my experience the first thing ... their innate abilities and help them be unique and creative. That way you will showing smartness.

Description : Why would a parent call their child by their original number?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What does it mean when a child dreams that her parent died?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : When can a child decide to live with a non custodial parent?

Last Answer : Generally the child cannot make that decision until they reacheighteen years of age unless the parents can agree to thechange.

Description : What if the absent Parent refuses to pay child support?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : Getting Child Support from an Absent Parent?

Last Answer : It is not uncommon for an absent parent to stop paying the child support that he or she has been ordered by the courts to pay. The reasons for non-payment vary, but the bottom line is that the ... be made each month. If a parent stops paying child support on time, the custodial parent has the right

Description : how long can a parent not be in contact with their child before it is considered abandonment?

Last Answer : Abandonment of a child from a legal stand point varies from state to state as well as the age of the child and whether the separation was willful on the part of the parent, initiated by the child or the parent ... be called in case of emergency, what time of day was it, and the list goes on and on!

Description : If the noncustodial parent claims the child as an exemption, but does not qualify for EIC or Child Tax Credit, can the custodial parent claim EIC, for which she qualifies with one child and file as Head of Household?

Last Answer : The only way your ex-husband can claim your child, regardless of what the divorce decree states, is if you agree to it by filing Form 8332. To find out more visit the IRS website or call them directly. They are very informative and helpful in these situations.