Have those affected by the redundancies already found a different job? Where are they located? What is the solution for such a case?

1 Answer

Answer :

It seems to me that order is slowly but surely starting to return to order. People dare to look for and hire again because they see the end of the tunnel. If you haven’t found a job yet, hit the advertising pages with steam now, because there will definitely be a solution.

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Last Answer : If you have - explain why you made the decision and you handled it with dignity.

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Last Answer : Context.. What is this goat boy thing about? (googled it) still trying to figure out how the Olympics are involved. Got a link. My searches are coming up empty. “shot goat in face olyympics mascot” NOTHING And to be clear.. You are saying hunting is worse than racism…

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Last Answer : Getting out while the getting out is still fairly good? I think there would be some relief.

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Last Answer : Freedom of speech does not mean other people have to listen to you or, in this case, pay you to speak on the radio.

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Last Answer : Yeah, When we decided not to have kids I wanted the snip, my Doctor said he wouldn’t do it I said fine tell me who will he did ,and I never saw him again.

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Last Answer : Coal jobs are already being lost at an alarming rate. If we don’t mine it, it will come from other coal exporting countries. I don’t see any benefit to hurting ourselves in a futile attempt to manage other countries.

Description : Has anyone ever left his old place of work(not been fired or leaving on bad terms)and returned there after some years?

Last Answer : answer:In a way, the answer is yes'. While working at one hotel, I was offered a regional position with the same company. When that job was eliminated, I worked for two other hotels (again, ... a new general manager. It was just a matter of sitting back, observing what was better and adopting it.

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Last Answer : My guess is 2832 rockets fired from Gaza with an August 3 cease fire date. What is yours?

Description : Have you ever gotten fired?

Last Answer : answer:Sort of. I got let go because my availability while in school was no longer compatible with their needs. I wasn't fired because of my performance or for doing anything wrong. I decided to not ... signs your paychecks or you might get canned. Most people don't gave to learn this the hard way.