A kind of rule that a man has to pay for everything on a date? I am thinking here of movie tickets, popcorn, and so on.

1 Answer

Answer :

This is normal. But I had a date where she didn't leave and she paid for the popcorn, the cinema. I think this is the most correct, but you shouldn’t even go over the other side of the horse in either direction.

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Last Answer : answer:what are you selling and what is your size? To answer your question I have shopped and sold at the exact two stores in SF and, by far, Crossroads is better however if your clothes are in poor condition BE would probably be your better choice. PS I was serious about my questions above.

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Last Answer : (a) iii - Water Pollution (b) iii - Leaching (c) iv - Enhancement of water storage capacity (d) i - Rain water harvesting

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