1 Answer

Answer :

In all cases Of the law To dominance Established Karake Means.

Related questions

Description : What is your opinion of this discipline a man gave his daughter for bullying?

Last Answer : Yay for dad! It’s her second infraction of bullying. She needs to learn that it is not okay to bully other kids and there are consequences that go beyond taking away a cell phone for an hour. I am not a parent.

Description : What rights do parents have to discipline their child?

Last Answer : Contact a local child psychologist for help/suggestions. Perhaps through your local health department. Spanking is a relative term. If you start early enough, with the right spanking medium*, I think it would work ... back while the objections roll in! Also, if she's older than 18, kick her out!

Description : Off-duty anchorwoman goes on nasty rant when she had her car towed - is one week suspension too much, not enough or perfect discipline for her?

Last Answer : answer:Given the comments I have read about the particular towing company, a week seems about right. If I did that, no one would ever see the video, and even if they did chances are, as an unknown ... . But the whole episode really has nothing to do with her job or her ability to carry it out.

Description : Did you ever use the threat of a nap as discipline?

Last Answer : No. It never even occurred to me, because NO threat was viable when it came to the frenetic, can’t sit still daughter. The remedy was to rush her outdoors at every opportunity to parks, playgrounds, beaches, wherever, and let her run herself to exhaustion. The nap would ensue on the way home.

Description : Do you, or would you, let a Boss or Supervisor discipline you off company time?

Last Answer : When the boss calls you, let him shout or question you or whatever. Next time you are at work, add that time to your timesheet in 15 minute increments. At overtime rates. The boss will learn.

Description : How do you discipline someone who botched an execution?

Last Answer : Make them watch the video of the man and his family suffering.

Description : Have you ever had to discipline someone else's child?

Last Answer : answer:I heard this being discussed on telly this morning and everyone agrees with the blind eye theory. But I tell you what, if some kid was dragging my dog across the floor while the mother ignored the ... no, I wouldn't smack someone's kid, mostly because you would probably get sued for doing it!

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Last Answer : answer:Quite possibly, self discipline is overrated. I see it as you deciding whether you believe in your goals or not. If you really believe in your goals, you will discipline yourself ... fluthering instead of studying or writing the manuscript or whatever else they thought they should be doing.

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Last Answer : answer:I hope you mean discipline = teach and not punishment. With an autistic child, you must exercise a tremendous amount of patience, and supervision. Each child is a unique situation, but for the most ... by the amount of spam entries they have - they are not monitored, and will not be useful.

Description : Parental discipline question (see details)

Last Answer : Not a parent, but the sign seems like a gentle reminder for the responsible party to make their accompanying children behave (I am an aunt). I am not at all offended by the sign as I also expect my ... a store and I would not take my 2 year old niece into the place because she can have breakdowns.

Description : Where can I learn self-discipline?

Last Answer : Tae Kwon Do practice and Bikram Yoga practice.

Description : Does anyone have any experience with "conscious discipline"?

Last Answer : answer:Just a warning, research the meds they want you to give your son THROUGHLY before you give them to him. So many just take the pills a doctor orders without second thoughts. ... discipline here is some information in video format: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4482433245240650484#

Description : How to discipline a toddler?

Last Answer : Put him in the ‘naughty corner’. Make sure that what you say you really do mean. He has to understand you are not joking when you tell him to do something. Make him apologise for disrespecting you. When he apologises tell him you love him, but he must do as you tell him.

Description : How does one build self discipline?

Last Answer : It starts by staying off Fluther, and I am not being jocular!

Description : How to have hard core self discipline?

Last Answer : You could join the military…

Description : An Olympian or a concert musician - they had the talent and the discipline to go all the way - could you have?

Last Answer : My mother was a concert pianist, although she (being a woman in the 50's) gave up whatever career she might have had to care for her children. I also have a neice who was an Olympia ... older and got a Ph.D. That took some doing-although granted not as much as the aforementioned achievements.

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Last Answer : That’s easy. The luscious frosting on the cake challenged my attempts at self discipline.

Description : What systems do you put in place for discipline in the classroom?

Last Answer : You might try writeoffs. this worked pretty good with our children. for a child this age, writing “I must not talk in class” 50 times is a challenge for most. they will remember this for the rest of their life. good luck. john

Description : Discipline instilled in children can take many forms. What is an endearing way your parents would do this to you for minor discrepencies in your childhood?

Last Answer : After years of therapy I can now calmly say- not much My mom did know how to use the ‘I’m disappointed in you’ very well. Worked better than any spanking in the world.

Description : How do you feel when you see someone discipline their child?

Last Answer : Pretty much the same way I feel about anything I have no control over.

Description : Do you think corporal punishment is necessary for discipline in schools?

Last Answer : Absolutely not. I do not think corporal punishment is necessary in the home either. Parents are adults. They are supposed to be able to outthink the child-not descend to the child's ... misbehavior including isolating the child, removing the child from school via suspension or, finally, expulsion.

Description : How do you discipline your children? Do you think that 'beating' them is right?

Last Answer : Most child development experts agree that physical punishment is ineffective, and only serves to alleviate the anger of the adult, rather than actually teach a lesson. We have a 2 year old and a ... -3 Magic system, which seems to work really well and was recommended to us by our pediatrician.

Description : What are some ways I can train myself to have more discipline?

Last Answer : When I was trying to overcome some severe shyness as a kid, I just decided if it scared me or was hard, I'd do it. I might screw up once in a while, or look dumb but at least I tried. ... yourself you don't really need that toy or purse or shirt. Your life will not be completed with an accessory.

Description : How did your parents discipline you?

Last Answer : They didn’t. Neglect and abuse are two sides of the same coin.

Description : How did your parents discipline you?

Last Answer : They didn’t. Neglect and abuse are two sides of the same coin.

Description : How did your parents discipline you?

Last Answer : They didn’t. Neglect and abuse are two sides of the same coin.

Description : How did your parents discipline you?

Last Answer : They didn’t. Neglect and abuse are two sides of the same coin.

Description : How did your parents discipline you?

Last Answer : They didn’t. Neglect and abuse are two sides of the same coin.

Description : How did your parents discipline you?

Last Answer : They didn’t. Neglect and abuse are two sides of the same coin.

Description : How did your parents discipline you?

Last Answer : They didn’t. Neglect and abuse are two sides of the same coin.

Description : How did your parents discipline you?

Last Answer : They didn’t. Neglect and abuse are two sides of the same coin.

Description : Does the issue of raising a child affect the relationship?

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Why do they set an example when it comes to perseverance or motivation?

Last Answer : Because you need a lot of these qualities. Self-discipline and perseverance in the diet matter a lot! And in training, it’s dedication and to stop not partying on the weekends and not doing anything to put yourself down.

Description : His daughter and her younger son are afraid of him. He's not working, he's hanging out, and he's a clear loafer.

Last Answer : You can't just give up. Who will take care of him and feed him? Based on the facts, a court or a social worker may order a possible placement in an educational institution. Until the age of 18, the daughter is responsible for him.

Description : What are the best positive ways to discipline growing up kids?

Last Answer : There is an old saying which was commonly used by our elders and it goes like this "Spare the rod and spoil the child". This old saying supports the act of giving punishment to kids and not praising them ... , take it away until he or she has learnt the lesson of the errors in his or her ways.

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : As the Gothic people move into the Empire, they were used firstto settle on the border to protect against later arrivals. thenlater recruited into the army. This army progressively changedethos, and its ... the Roman army became a Goth, Odoacer, who took overthe emperorship form Romulus in 476 CE.

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Last Answer : It took years of practice to develop skill with a sword (rangeof 2 meters) or a bow (range 30 meters) It took weeks to teach 100peasants to use a gun (range 50 meters) There were more peasantsthan samurai, and they could be replaced much faster.

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : geology

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : How did samurai warriors improve their discipline?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : How do you discipline a 17 year old boy?

Last Answer : Set the boundaries for reasonable behaviour. When the boundariesare crossed take away a privilege for a time. eg no computer/internet time, no mobile phone etc.Be consistent with discipline, and stick to what you havesaid

Description : What does this passage indicate about the discipline of the sultan's troops?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Why couldn't the samurai with their discipline and training complete with the gun?

Last Answer : It took years of practice to develop skill with a sword (rangeof 2 meters) or a bow (range 30 meters) It took weeks to teach 100peasants to use a gun (range 50 meters) There were more peasantsthan samurai, and they could be replaced much faster.

Description : Discipline?

Last Answer : Alternative NamesSetting limits; Teaching children; PunishmentInformationFrustration, anger, and occasional acting-out are inevitable behaviors in every child. Whether you are a strict disciplinarian or more laid-back and ... to the bedroom for more than 5 minutes, the child may totally forget the r

Description : youth military school: Developing Discipline And Responsibility?

Last Answer : Youth military schools are highly structured schools that emphasize discipline, obedience, physical fitness, and academics. Originally these schools weredeveloped as an alternative to longer terms of confinement ... , substance abuse or ADD/ADHD, clinical depression, and ODD issues.Similar to

Description : 5 Self Discipline Tips to Ensure Success in Virtual School?

Last Answer : Working and learning at home is quickly becoming the new normal.Computer technology opened up entire new avenues including distancelearning. Virtual school is a popular and convenient choice forstudents ... any time via enteringyour study space or via phone.2. EncourageSet goals for schoolwork by