1 Answer

Answer :

: Excessive sleep gradually paralyzes the musculature. Laziness occurs in work. Increases body weight. Speech also sometimes causes problems in blood circulation . In addition, recent research has shown that excessive sleep increases the risk of heart disease!

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Last Answer : I do this sometimes, I think when you worry too much or are thinking about a problem it is harder to sleep because you are not as relaxed.

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Last Answer : Actually, what is probably happening is that when you sleep longer than usual, you wake up during a different part of the sleep cycle, which can make you feel groggy. In fact, people who awaken ... witches (See The Spirit Catches You And Then You Fall Down , about Hmong immigrants in Fresno.)

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Last Answer : It doesn’t leave you much time to live a life outside of dreamworks.

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Last Answer : Well, 7 hours is the optimum for adults it's said. What I've found after sleeping for a long time is I sometimes get headaches simply because I haven't had a morning drink or eat. Get up and rehydrate ... of yours! Your brain is 75% water, and it sure ain't gaining any when you;re just lying there.

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Last Answer : Even after getting enough sleep at night, if you get a lot of sleep, then have regular tea and coffee. And if you are taking medication for depression or any mental illness, you will get plenty of ... there is no need to eat anything. The more you sleep, the better the mental illness will work.

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Last Answer : I think it’s usually due to old age. They just stop.

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Last Answer : Sluts are people who’ll sleep with anyone EXCEPT you!

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Last Answer : No age is too young, as long as you keep your nude part hidden in the blanket :)

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Last Answer : when I ran out of beer.

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Last Answer : I am the wind.

Last Answer : but yeah, I would sleep when I cried, but I'm in the work process and that's why I spend the night ...