Sechium - Chayote, Christophine, Mirliton, Vegetable Pear

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Answer :

DESCRIPTION: This is a semi-hardy perennial vine native to South America. It can grow up to 15 feet in the mid-South and up to 30 feet in the Southwest. The Chayote produces waxy-green, pear shaped fruits. Some are spiny and some are ridged. Other common names that is goes by includes Mirliton, Christophine and Vegetable Pear. In climates where they can survive the winter, the tuberous roots grow large and can be eaten candied, boiled, or roasted.

POTTING: Since this vine is a native of tropical America, it needs a long growing season. It won't produce fruits until the garden receives at least 12 hours of sun and the plants are large enough to support them. These plants thrive best in the Deep South where these requirements are met. It will live over the winter with a light mulch in this climate. It can be grown as an annual across the mid-South, but has a short fruiting season before it is killed by frost. It will live in any reasonably fertile soil. They should be set 4 feet apart and the sunny side of a building or fence is a good place to plant them. They should be provide with strong trellises or the vines may be trained up a tree. Between rains, soak plants deeply every week, using manure tea or soluble fertilizer. Stop feeding when the first flowers appear. The fruits may be harvested when they stop growing larger. A few should be saved for the next year's planting. Store them in a ventilated plastic bag with a few paper towels to soak up moisture in the refrigerator at about 40 degrees. They will usually keep for 60 to 90 days. If they're stored warm, they'll begin to germinate in a month or two. Chayote fruits may be peeled, sliced and cooked like summer squash, but are fairly bland and need seasoning. Fruits can also be scooped out and stuffed like green peppers. If the roots live to grow large, they may be candied, boiled or roasted.

PROPAGATION: Start Chayote by potting 2 or 3 fruits in gallon containers in midspring. They don't have to be started early in nearly frost free regions. Multiple plants ensures good pollination, but isn't strictly necessary. Lay the fruit on its side and press it halfway into the dirt. Cover the pot with plastic wrap and set it in a warm spot (temperature 75 to 80 degrees). Water once in a while. The single seed is in the puckered end of the fruit. It will set roots and send out a shoot. At that time, take off the plastic and set the pot in full sun in a warm corner. Once danger from frost has passed, tap out the plants and set in manured garden soil as described above in potting.

VARIETIES: S. edule. Many varieties are available in Mexico and Central America - white, apple-green, or brownish, smooth or spiny. Gardeners in the U.S. must settle for whatever grows from the Chayote fruits they buy at the grocery store or what they can find.

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Last Answer : Its not an infection, therefore your other fruit trees will not be affected by this tree. What you are describing is a tree that is being eaten by critters at its root system. Not insects, but ... deal with the issues before they bloom out of site. Sorry about the loss of the tree. -Birdy

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Last Answer : sounds like a fungus. you have to spray with dormant oil in the fall and start again in the spring. I spray according to the container up to the bud stage and then just spray the trunk. Is this tree getting ... need about 25 ft of air space. PH should be 6.0 to might need lime.

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