In the game of economics,workers are the players who function as both producers and?

1 Answer

Answer :

In the game of Economics, workers are the players who functionas both producers and _consumers_

Related questions

Description : What was the impact of globalisation on workers and small producers in India? -SST 10th

Last Answer : The impact of globalisation on workers and small producers in India is as follows: (i) Small-scale producers have been adversely affected by globalisation because they are not able to compete with ... wages and had to work for long hours on a regular basis without getting any employment benefits.

Description : Describe the major problems created by the globalization for a large number of small producers and workers. -SST 10th

Last Answer : Globalization for small producers and workers . It may lead to widening of income inequalities among various countries . Workers jobs are no longer secure. . Expansion of unorganized sector. . Small ... workers are on the whims of employers. . Workers are denied their fair share of benefits.

Description : The difference between the price the consumer is prepared to pay for a commodity and the price which he actually pays is called (1) Consumer's Surplus (2) Producer's Surplus (3) Landlord's Surplus (4) Worker's Surplus

Last Answer : (1) Consumer's Surplus Explanation: Consumer surplus is the difference between the maximum price a consumer is willing to pay and the actual price they do pay. If a consumer would be willing to pay ... price, then they are getting more benefit from the purchased product than they spent to buy it.

Description : The difference between the price the consumer is prepared to pay for a commodity and the price which he actually pays is called (1) Consumer’s Surplus (2) Producer’s Surplus (3) Landlord’s Surplus (4) Worker’s Surplus 

Last Answer : Consumer’s Surplus

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Last Answer : Place of WorkNature of EmploymentPercentage of working PeopleIn offices and factories registered with the governmentOrganised15Own shops, office, clinics in marketplaces with formal ... , domestic workersUnorganised20Working in small workshops usually not registered with the governmentUnorganised50

Description : In an ecosystem the function of the producers is to

Last Answer : In an ecosystem the function of the producers is to A. Convert organic compounds into inorganic ... C. Utilize chemical energy D. Release energy

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Last Answer : b) Allocation function

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Last Answer : They’re classed as mascots, clubs choose kids through ballots & the ones who are chosen see the parents bank balance take a pretty hefty hit. Can cost up to a grand per child, worth it though if that’s your bag.

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Last Answer : Well if you like zombie games, give Dead Island a shot. You can have four players here too, plus the sequel Riptide is out. Pretty fun and intense open world zombie game.

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Last Answer : answer:@zensky: But we all train/study and work hard. How much do you make an hour? Some capitalist is about to scold you for even talking about this. I suspect It's all about the market, commie. ... oh yeah maybe we value the wrong things, and our economic system is sh*t . But what do I know.

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Last Answer : Monopoly, of course!

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Last Answer : Was that when they had the 2 female DJs spinning some old-school tracks? I knew the songs when I heard them, but I can't recall what they were 2 weeks later (I'm old what can I say?) ... other description (like how many minutes into the video the track starts). Somehow we'll figure it out for you.

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Last Answer : answer:The way you've asked the question (and maybe I'm remembering Spades wrong) it sounds like you're asking, if 1 have 1 heart and 8 hearts have already been played, what are the chances ... one player has all four remaining hearts is less than 1%. Post again if I've misunderstood the question.

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Last Answer : (a) \(rac{13}{25}\)Let E : Event of drawing a queen in a single draw the pack of 52 cards. As there are 4 queens in a pack of 52 cards,P(E) = \(rac{4}{52}\) = \(rac{1}{13}\)P(\(\bar{E}\)) = P(not ... {25}\). [Sum of a G.P with infinite terms = \(rac{a}{1-r}\) where a = 1st term, r = common ratio.]

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Last Answer : answer:

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Last Answer : 5 players are there on each side.

Description : How many players are there on each side in a women’s Basketball game? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : 5 (Five) Players Basketball is a team sport in which two teams, most commonly with five players each, opposing one another on a rectangular court, compete with the primary objective of shooting a basketball through the defender's hoop.

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Last Answer : 11 (Eleven) Players [Feild hockey] There are 6 players to each side, one of which is the goalie. The goalie can be pulled for an extra player. Hockey teams usually consist of 4 lines, totally to 20 players.

Description : How many players are there in each team in hockey game -General Knowledge

Last Answer : 11 (Eleven) Players [Feild hockey] There are 6 players to each side, one of which is the goalie. The goalie can be pulled for an extra player. Hockey teams usually consist of 4 lines, totally to 20 players.

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Last Answer : No! Gamers are gamers.

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Last Answer : Answer: Eleven

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : You might try Craigslist to see if you can find another hockey game like the one you have - they probably dont make parts for it any more. Spartan Sports has a web site for such accessories. ... adds, and find someone locally who may give you parts or sell a damaged table with replacement parts.

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Last Answer : d. Players

Description : . In a zero-sum game, a. What one player wins, the other loses b. The sum of each player’s winnings if the game is played many times must be zero c. The game is fair-each person has an equal chance of winning d. Long-run profits must be zero

Last Answer : a. What one player wins, the other loses

Description : A common assumption about the players in a game is that a. Neither player knows the payoff matrix b. The players have different information about the payoff matrix c. Only one of the players pursues a rational strategy d. The specific identify of the players is irrelevant to the play of the game

Last Answer : d. The specific identify of the players is irrelevant to the play of the game

Description : A game of the football with 11 players lasts for exactly 80minutes.There are 4 substitutes that alternate equally.If each player plays for the same length of the time,What is the duration? 1)120m 2)20m 3)84m 4)40m

Last Answer : 2)20m Exp: 80/4=20m.

Description : When all the players of the game follow their optimal strategies, then the expected pay off of the game is called....................... a. Gain of the game b. Loss of the game c. Value of the game d. None of these

Last Answer : c. Value of the game

Description : Which of the following is an assumption of game theory? a. The players act rationally and intelligently b. Each payer has a finite set of possible courses of action c. The players attempt to maximise gains or minimises losses d. All of the above

Last Answer : d. All of the above

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Last Answer : wants

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Last Answer : im in volved in the game of Economics because i pay taxes go towork when im suppose to

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : a) True

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : Why are the new tariffs causing U.S. domestic steel producers' stock prices to fall?

Last Answer : ~ ~ ~ ~ Wait wait wait, you listening to the Orange haired tax master ??

Description : Animals used in movies - how do producers ensure they're not harmed?

Last Answer : Here is your answer! Interesting question with an interesting answer!

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Last Answer : Usually it’s so they have more control of the product of their art. It allows them to have more of a say about where the money goes in regards to the production.

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Last Answer : answer:a) Not that they're questionable, just that consumers freak out about it. Like how nuclear magnetic resonance got renamed magnetic resonance because people get creeped out by the word nuclear. b) I ... 't mean it's not there. For what it's worth, I have no problem with GM products.

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Last Answer : I don’t think so, but what if the show isn’t even real? What if it’s faked?

Description : Which states are the leading producers of the following horticultural crops ? -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) Mangoes : Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. (ii) Bananas : Kerala, Mizoram, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu. (iii) Grapes : Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra. (iv) Apples and Apricots : Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh.

Description : Why were most of the producers reluctant to use the new technology ? -SST 10th

Last Answer : ' (i) Expensive new technology: New technologies and machines were expensive, so the pioducers and the industrialists were cautious about using them. (ii) Costlier repair : The machines often ... hammers were produced, and 15 kinds of axes. These required human skill, not mechanical technology.

Description : Explain the methods used by producers to expand their markets in the 19th century. -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) Advertisement : Advertisements through newspapers, magazines, hoarding; were the most important method used by the producers to expand the market. It played a major role in expanding ... that Indians produce. Finally, advertisements became a vehicle of the nationalist message of Swadeshi.

Description : Who are producers and consumers? -SST 10th

Last Answer : We participate in the market both as producers and consumers. . As producers of goods and services, we could be working in any of the sectors like primary, secondary or tertiary. . Consumers ... purchase goods and services that they need. These are the final goods that people as consumers use.

Description : “Globalisation and greater competition among producers has been of advantage to consumers.” -SST 10th

Last Answer : Globalisation and competition among producers, an advantage to consumers: . Globalisation and greater competition among producers, both local and foreign producers have been of advantage to consumers. . ... several products. . They enjoy much higher standards of living that was possible earlier.

Description : In what ways were jute producers of Bengal affected by the economic crisis? -SST 10th

Last Answer : . Jute producers grew raw jute that was processed in factories for export in the form of gunny bags. . But as gunny bag export collapsed, the prices of raw jute crashed by more than 60 per ... incomes, faced ever lower prices and fell deep into debts. Thus the Bengal Jute growers used to lament.