Who is the author of the book "'The New Delhi Conspiracy'" ? -General Knowledge

1 Answer

Answer :

Meenakshi Lekhi

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Description : The author of the book “The New Delhi Conspiracy” ? -General Knowledge

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Last Answer : Simpsons predicting the future. Those mfs predicting Trump being the president years ago. There are tons of other examples as well.

Description : Do you personally know anyone with Covid conspiracy theories?

Last Answer : This is a hard one. Remember when saying Covid came from a lab was a conspiracy theory? But now more and more experts are leaning towards that as an answer to the question of where it came from. My ... is something that was thought to be true that wasn't. And yet people continue to act like it is.

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Last Answer : My favorite is a large book called The Killing Of A President about the JFK assassination.

Description : Shall we make a joint writing course for conspiracy thinkers/writers/inventors?

Last Answer : You mean like Viral Troll School? Only if we figure out a way to monetize it. I’m not letting some tumpstunned wingnut bunker rat rip off my creativity without paying.

Description : Will the Kraken-lawyers being sanctioned for their frivolous lawsuit, have any measurable impact on the MAGA conspiracy theorists?

Last Answer : Oh that is so great! But never underestimate insane people’s ability to dream ridiculous stuff up to counter with.

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Last Answer : Oh, books also are welcome.

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Last Answer : C. The fact that they exist.

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Last Answer : I have it on good authority that many of John Cena's 16 WWE Championship victories were rigged.

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Last Answer : The conspiracies I believe in have yet to be disproven.

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Last Answer : MKultra, Area 51, giant squids, mole people,the secret room entrance under Lincoln

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Last Answer : Sounds good to me, I don’t trust either one of those two.

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Last Answer : Have you tried Dan Brown’s novels?

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Last Answer : Ivanka’s clothing sales tanked and there was a lot of inventory, re-labeling is cheap and quick.

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Last Answer : Hollow Earth Theory Chemtrails Our world leaders are lizard people Denver airport conspiracy

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Last Answer : I think there is an army of cyberfreaks down at the NSA whose job it is to manufacture and propagate conspiracy theories across the net 24/7/365 to keep America confused and divided. ... politically impotent, depressed and self-defeating, thereby keeping the One Percent unmolested and in control.~

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Last Answer : answer:All conspiracy theories are illogical and rely on faulty reasoning to believe them. “Believe” is the operative word. There is no evidence that soundly upholds the ideas, so they must be believed. It is impossible to reason with a believer, thus the conspiracy theories are irrefutable.

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Last Answer : answer:Replace oil company with multinational corporations and you have the idea of New World Order. A global government controlled by corporations. The expansion of the corporate empire built by the country of the United States. “Order out of chaos.” Silent weapons for quiet wars.

Description : Anyone have a good conspiracy theory lately?

Last Answer : I’ve heard rumors that cops are nicer to white people than they are to black people.

Description : I am in total shock about the Malaysian airline being shot down. Are there any conspiracy theories about the disappeared plane and this most recent incident?

Last Answer : The russians did it. They will use that as another piece of their excuse portfolio to invade the ukraine.

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Last Answer : answer:I haven't been following this, so I apologize if I am missing something. The time to believe there is a conspiracy is when we have evidence of the conspiracy. It appears from my ... unable to solve this mystery or provide anything new that would help the people who are investigating it.

Description : How many conspiracy theories do you subscribe to?

Last Answer : I wouldn’t say I “subscribe” to any, but something doesn’t smell right with the whole Kennedy thing.

Description : Have conspiracy theorist posts subsided on your facebook page?

Last Answer : No. I’ve just unfriended them or hidden their posts.

Description : Do you feel that people who are into conspiracy theories are "deep thinkers?"?

Last Answer : I also find conspiracy theorists to be irrational ,paranoid and delusional but the fact remains that some conspiracies are real,

Description : Would it be possible to concoct a conspiracy theory so absurd even dedicated conspiracy theorists would reject it as improbable?

Last Answer : answer:No, whatever conspiracy theory you concoct, there will be someone who believes it. I mean people think the Bush administration pulled off the greatest conspiracy since the JFK assassination. But some of the same ... will say Bush isn't smart enough to find his own way out of a wet paper bag.

Description : What is your favorite conspiracy theory?

Last Answer : Why? Because all presidents (except Regan) go gray like Moses did when he came off the mountain. Governments really have no power. We are all controlled by aliens and we have elections so the masses ... really. It keeps them somewhat in line. I don't necessarily believe this but it's my favorite.

Description : How long will it take for the conspiracy nuts to blame the San Francisco plane crash on Obama?

Last Answer : There’s probably already a fill-in-the-blanks version in place and ready for any eventuality.

Description : What are the most convincing conspiracy theories?

Last Answer : The ones peppered with just enough truth to confuse, served to people who’ve been lied to by the authorities they formerly trusted.

Description : Where can I find information on Holocaust conspiracy theory?

Last Answer : If you look up “Holocaust Denial” on a search engine you will be inundated with links.

Description : Can anyone explain to me what the whole "FEMA Camp" conspiracy is supposed to be all about? The who, what, when, where and how of the whole business (see details)

Last Answer : Alex Jones, a certified conspiracy theorist, has much to say on this subject.

Description : What drives conspiracy theorists?

Last Answer : Conspiracy theory is much easier to grasp than fundamental science.

Description : What are your thoughts on my paranoid conspiracy theory?

Last Answer : I don’t think it’s government as much as it is the elete trying to reclaim control by turning the government into their own tool. People in government are just pawns.

Description : Have you heard or entertained any interesting conspiracy theories associated with David Petraeus' resignation as D/CIA?

Last Answer : It is amazing that in today's paranoia, there haven't already been more and wilder conspiracy theories getting widespread attention. So far, all I've heard is that Obama knew and kept the lid on it till ... theories will fly. I think the types who think them up are a little bit slow on the uptake.

Description : Does anybody still think chemtrails are a conspiracy theory?

Last Answer : answer:I'm not sure how praying solar radiation will work, and am skeptical that it is a governmental technique. I'm not sure what you mean by chemtrails. I didn't read the report, just ... and technology committee is even willing to look into this, since Republicans don't believe in global warming.

Description : Why is Sandusky still crying "conspiracy"?

Last Answer : I thought the same thing when I saw it on the news. Who is he trying to kid, himself or his wife? He will get jail time and it will be for the rest of his life.

Description : What is the appeal of conspiracy theories?

Last Answer : It makes someone feel special. That they contributed to something in society other than flipping burgers. It is also good practice for beginners, not only in critical thinking but in writing and speaking skills for those who wouldn’t normally given the opportunities to express oneself creatively.

Description : Is there a Christmas light conspiracy?

Last Answer : answer:Yes. It's like playing some games where all you have to do is pass one opportunity or make one mistake and then nothing you do after will get you a win for the game. There is a ... and test them outside the box tray. Don't plug in/extend strings of lights assembled in different countries.~

Description : Conspiracy Theory: Is Alec Baldwin on the take?

Last Answer : answer:Not that I can figure out. However, if he wasn’t already their spokesperson, no doubt he is even now signing the deal. But he might lose his mileage card ad gig. I know that I saw that commercial yesterday and felt a funny frisson knowing Alec Baldwin had been kicked off a plane.

Description : Conspiracy theories aside, if you were a straight actor in Hollywood, would you do a movie where you would have to dress in drag or do gay scene?

Last Answer : answer:If I thought I was good enoguh to pull it off I'd try. I don't know if my acting would be good enough, it seems like it would be a hard thing to do. Jim Carrey in I love you Phillip ... as a gay man in that movie made me realize he is a serious and talented actor as well as a funny guy.

Description : Have recent events this year furthered the "world government" cause? If you believe in the conspiracy?

Last Answer : In the United States, recent events have proven that folks are willing to take crackpots seriously. This bodes well for the spread of the One World Government conspiracy, whether or not it's true ... such events as the Eurozone bailouts, Arab Spring revolutions, and droughts (!) would affect a OWG?

Description : What is your favorite conspiracy theory?

Last Answer : Area 51.