Penalty corner' is related to which game? -General Knowledge

1 Answer

Answer :

In field hockey, a penalty corner, sometimes known as a short corner, is a penalty given against the defending team. It is predominantly awarded for a defensive infringement in the penalty circle or for a deliberate infringement within the defensive 23-metre area.

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Description : Penalty stroke' is used in which game? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : In field hockey, a penalty stroke, sometimes known as a penalty flick, is the most severe penalty given. It is predominantly awarded when a foul has prevented a certain goal from being scored or for a deliberate infringement by a defender in the penalty circle.

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Last Answer : A) Rs 5 crore Explanation: The RBI carried out an inspection after Rs 6,100 crore import remittances were effected by Bank of Baroda‘s Ashok Vihar branch in New Delhi.

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Description : Why not execute a convicted (death penalty) person, the day after the sentencing?

Last Answer : They have to allow time for appeals. Many convicted persons have been freed after years on death row when their conviction is overturned.

Description : In the National Hockey League (NHL) can you get a penalty for roughing a teammate?

Last Answer : It would not make sense. It would be like penalizing a player for tying a hand behind their back. The referee is not going to penalize a player for giving the team a disadvantage. It is up to the coaching staff of the player’s team to determine how the player should be disciplined.

Description : Can a corporation be given the death penalty?

Last Answer : No. And they cannot be put in jail.

Description : Why do you support the death penalty?

Last Answer : ”....this is now a progressive position” Please, don’t make a statement like that without some reference. It is not a Progressive position, and anyone who says it is, is making shit up. And, who speaks for progressives? Because I am progressive, and they don’t speak for me.

Description : What would you recommend as a realistic alternative to the death penalty?

Last Answer : answer:Many states and jurisdictions are now limiting the terms of solitary confinement because of the mental stress that it can cause. I think life in prison may be a worse punishment than death. ... and regulations, dealing with limited choices of bad food, all that prisoners have to deal with .

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Last Answer : the only answer to your last question is they are stupid.

Description : Why are states having so much trouble finding a humane way of administering the death penalty?

Last Answer : In terms of continuing to do it by lethal injection the problem is that the chemicals they used to use are not being produced much any more because the countries that produced them have outlawed ... seen as cruel and unusual punishment. But we do manage to euthanize our companion animals humanely.

Description : If there is a penalty for saying what you wish, do you really have free speech or the resemblance of such?

Last Answer : Are you kiddin’? As a married man I can personally attest that there is no such thing as completely free speech. Anything you say has a consequence, and there is no mirth permitted.

Description : What would happen if the death penalty was optional for anyone of sound mind facing an extended prison sentence?

Last Answer : It wouldn’t work. If the convict is truly of sound mind then they would never opt to die.

Description : Does a US citizen residing in Canada pay the tax penalty for not having a healthcare plan?

Last Answer : AFAIK the requirement is to have a plan while resident in the USA, so no.

Description : What are your thoughts on the death penalty as it pertains to innocent people being wrongly convicted?

Last Answer : answer:I’m opposed to killing people who don’t deserve it. Well, as a general rule, anyway.

Description : When the death penalty was to "hang from the neck until dead", were the criminals forced to wear a headcovering, or could they be hung with their face showing?

Last Answer : They mainly covered their heads so that their final agonies would not be seen by others. I would not mind either way, the final outcome is painful death.

Description : For those against the death penalty what would you recommend as a solution to deal with this sort of killer?

Last Answer : Bring back the old fashioned chain gang, Put them to work as they have done before, as long as we (taxpayers) are providing shelter, food, etc., make them work on helping repair roads, buildings, etc., away from the general population under severe guard. This has to be more humane than killing them…

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Last Answer : answer:In my searching, I have found no reference to him being charged with a killing or up for the death penalty - let alone being challenged to eat his shoe. ... Gabriel Dumont The only information I found on someone who ate their shoe was Werner Herzog, the filmmaker.

Description : What are your thoughts about the delay announced yesterday regarding ObamaCare to not impose a penalty until 2015 on businesses that don't insure?

Last Answer : answer:Typical, business gets the breaks. And, only businesses with over 50 employees I believe. Maybe this is the first step in a single-payer universal health care plan. Not sure how but I can hope can’t I?

Description : What do you think about companies discontinuing offering health insurance and paying the government penalty?

Last Answer : If it is true, which I doubt. but if it is true, the logical reason would be to save money. The health insurance, when Obamacare is fully implemented, is going to cost the employer more. The penalty will be less than the cost of the insurance.

Description : If you are opposed to the death penalty, would you suspend your opposition if Dzhokar Tsarnaev is found guilty in federal court of a capital crime?

Last Answer : answer:I am opposed to the death penalty. Not because I think it is immoral. I think it is too quick of a punishment. Life in prison is much worse. So no, I will not change my position on the death penalty.

Description : What is the legal penalty for this if any?

Last Answer : Is this a hypothetical situation? If not, I’d keep an eye on that gum. A single stick of gum is an unusual thing to send in the mail, but it’s not terribly unusual to put liquid LSD on chewing gum.

Description : What is the penalty for jumping off your itinerary at the connecting airport?

Last Answer : I have done this several times, different routings. The only “penalty” I got then was that I was not awarded the corresponding mileage for the trips. These were pre-9–11 era. Since then, I have not had the opportunity to do this again.

Description : Should the death penalty be abolished in all the states?

Last Answer : The penalty has never stopped the crime but I think all states should use it in cases where there is no question of guilt.

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Last Answer : answer:IANAL: In theory, you could set up a trust, with a trustee who is under contract to not give you the money until a certain date. The trustee could, in theory, take the money out prior to the date, breaching the contract, but in practice would be unlikely.

Description : If you alone could decide what penalty to give the two guys that raped and murdered the Petit mom and 2 daughters, what would it be?

Last Answer : I don’t believe in the death penalty. Life in prison. I don’t see this case as being so unlike hundreds of others.

Description : Big businesses actually get away with murder. Should some of these people face the death penalty?

Last Answer : in China they do, remember the contaminated baby food scandal, i believe two low grade managers were executed, interestingly not the CEO.

Description : Should the death penalty be extended to violent rapists, pedophiles, and/or those who torture?

Last Answer : answer:Yes. EDIT: Oh snap, didn’t see the “explain yourself” bit in the details. I believe the most violent offenders can’t be “fixed”, and, well, to be honest, I believe in that whole an eye for an eye thing.

Description : Are there any countries that forced a tax penalty on Google ?

Last Answer : Not tax penalties, but Google is in trouble rght now with German data protection agencies for taking pictures of peoples’ homes and storing data from private wireless networks without the owners’ consent.

Description : Who will be the penalty takers for each national team in the forthcoming FIFA World Cup?

Last Answer : answer:Off the top of my head I only know a few i'm afraid. England : Frank Lampard Spain : David Villa France : Thierry Henry Italy : Andrea Pirlo Brazil : Kaka Argentina : Leo Messi USA : ... 't let England lose on penalties again, I couldn't take it.Looking forward to spanking the yanks :¬}

Description : What is your opinion on this as Death Penalty?

Last Answer : answer:People. including convicted criminals, are not property or playthings. 8th Amendment to the United States Constitution: “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted”

Description : When a government exercises the death penalty and kills a criminal, would you say they were murdered?

Last Answer : No. I’d say they were executed.

Description : Can the death penalty ever be justified?

Last Answer : Your own morals facilitate whether it is justified or not. If you believe in an eye for an eye, then sure it is.

Description : Do you agree that the death penalty for serious crimes needs to be reinstated everywhere?

Last Answer : And in Canada you have far less violent crime than we do in the U.S. What on earth do you want the death penalty for? I believe the death penalty should be abolished worldwide.

Description : Why is the death penalty a non-view event when it could be assessible to all by cable?

Last Answer : I agree that it shouldn't be shied away from- especially if one supports it. However, showing it on television would violate a few laws. So to get around those it would have to be either a pay ... I just don't see how it will happen with the way our communication and broadcasting system is set up.

Description : Does Bernard L. Madoff deserve the death penalty?

Last Answer : WTF? No, he doesn’t.

Description : In Indonesia,the penalty for Masturbation is Decapitation!Do you know of any other strange or weird laws?

Last Answer : In Samoa, it's a crime to forget your wife's birthday. In Australia, it's illegal to name any animal you plan to eat. In Cannes, France, it's illegal to wear a Jerry Lewis mask. In ... it's illegal to paint your lawn red. Unmarried women are not allowed to buy edible panties in South Carolina.

Description : Death penalty,why the delay?

Last Answer : In the U.S., there is the appeal process to go through. People deserve to be able to appeal to save their life, I think. Sometimes beyond a doubt isn't so very beyond, with people being ... later with DNA evidence. At the very least, we owe these people due process - it's in the Constitution.

Description : How do you feel about the death penalty?

Last Answer : It really is a tough topic, seems like Texas gives it a bad name, they put more people to death there than anywhere else. I do agree with it in the cases of rape in the multiples, children, ... is killing someone who is mentally ill, like someone with autism, or stuff like that. Hope this helps.

Description : What is the penalty for stealing a handicapped sign?

Last Answer : You mean besides the Karma factor?!

Description : Is 65 years or more in prison a more severe punishment than the dealth penalty?

Last Answer : I think its pretty harsh, when they get out of prison, they will have nothing. And that would hurt bad.

Description : Penalty limit on highschool lacrosse?

Last Answer : This might help. I thought it was 2 yellow cards or one red.

Description : In (American) football, is it better for an offensive lineman to chance a holding penalty than play it clean and let the chips fall?

Last Answer : answer:If the guy's going to get past you, it's better to hold at least some of the time. There are many situations where you don't want to let a guy through. Better to take the 5 yards ... obvious and subtle methods of holding, and I'm sure players practice those and are coached on them as well.

Description : In American Football, if you do not insert your mouth guard is it a foul/penalty?

Last Answer : I remember the refs would make us put it in in High School, but I can’t remember if it was a penalty. I don’t think anyone really cares in College or the NFL.

Description : If John Terry hadn't missed his penalty, would Avram Grant still have a job?

Last Answer : Probably not. He was a caretaker all the way….

Description : What are your views on the death penalty?

Last Answer : Depend on the cruelty of the crimes commited, but I guess death penalty is a form of escaping for the criminal, nothing works better than life in prision with hard labour included, just to make you think about all the pain you caused…

Description : Speaking of the death penalty, were the executions of Julius & Ethel Rosenberg in 1953 "justified," considering that they had never killed anyone?

Last Answer : That was a clear case of confusing criminal justice and national security – in my opinion, killing the offender is not a reasonable corrective action in either.