Never sneeze again, or never cough again. Which one and why?

1 Answer

Answer :

I already hold all of my sneezes in.

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Last Answer : I don't understand what it looks like to have dandruff in your throat. However, as a result of dryness in the throat, coughing is expected and recurrence which is unbearable. If you bring lozenge ... Take 2 teaspoons of medicine after meal but do not take any water or anything after taking medicine.

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Description : How do you cancel a sneeze? And on average, how successful is your method?

Last Answer : When you feel it coming on, press your tongue hard into the roof of your mouth just above your front teeth. If you cannot stifle it, sneeze into the crook of your elbow.

Description : What do you call an almost sneeze?

Last Answer : I call that hugely frustrating, like when one is on the cusp of sexual climax & a passing car backfires completely putting one of their stroke.

Description : How would you spell the way you sneeze?

Last Answer : I need to sneeze so I can hear it. Quick! where’s the pepper?

Description : What do you do when you have to sneeze but can't?

Last Answer : I get a Kleenex and blow my nose.

Description : Have you ever had the need to sneeze and nothing happens?

Last Answer : Licking my eyebrows only messes up my readers so I don’t do it as often.

Description : Sometimes when I sneeze I catch a cramp in my chode...

Last Answer : I didnt even realize I had a chode, until now.

Description : Do you get annoyed when you sneeze?

Last Answer : Only if I don’t have a tissue or I’m doing something like driving on the freeway.

Description : What is that terrible feeling in your nostrils when you "lose" a sneeze?

Last Answer : It’s the same when you’re on the verge of sexual climax & your kids walk in on you, oh shit!

Description : Arm hurts after a sneeze, is this a sign of bad heart health?

Last Answer : answer:First of all, don't try to make dramatic and quick changes in your body. Doing that leads to more problems than any chronic problem that you may already have, such as overweight and ... diagnosticians in the world , and even the best diagnostician in Fluther would say see a doctor .

Description : Why does the sun make me sneeze?

Last Answer : You’re not alone. This happens to me too. Here’s an article on it:

Description : If Milo has an occasional brief sneeze, is it something to worry about?

Last Answer : answer:I have 7 cats, and they all sneeze on occasion. As long as they don’t have a discharge or runny nose it is most likely just dust I have Catgut, Boo, Bea, Kathy, Dark Matter, socks and Mary

Description : How far can an elephant sneeze?

Last Answer : answer:Hahaha you're in an inventive mode today, clearly! lol Well I don't know, but, based on being sneezed on by horses and Llamas, I'd say the terminal velocity of an Elephant sneeze would be quite ... work, I was about 2 feet away and he blasted me but good, had to change my clothes! haha

Description : Why can I only sneeze when standing up?

Last Answer : I don’t know. I can sneeze both sitting and lying down.

Description : What does sneezing fix that ends the urge to sneeze?

Last Answer : answer:It expels the irritants. Regarding the number of sneezes, a Doctor once told me as a rule of thumb that two or more sneezes in quick succession were indicative of an allergic response. Sometimes, I’ll sneeze four times in a minute or two, when I do that it’s time for an allergy med.

Description : When I sneeze, why is it always multiple (usually 6-8 times) in a row?

Last Answer : some people have what I call the “multiple sneeze gene” where they never sneeze just once. My mom has it, my coworker has it. I don’t have it, i sneeze just once.

Description : Why do I sneeze when I pluck my eyebrows?

Last Answer : It has to do with how your facial nerves are wired. The facial nerves include the trigeminal, which has a branch that extends from the brow down into the tip of the nose. Sometimes, when plucking your eyebrows, that nerve is stimulated and it makes you have to sneeze. (via)

Description : What does it mean when cats sneeze?

Last Answer : Clean your house. They spend most of their time closer to the floor than you do.

Description : Why when people sneeze they have to close they're eyes?

Last Answer : So they won’t fly out ya head

Description : What are these little semi-hard things that come out of my mouth when I sneeze?

Last Answer : @desiree333 are these things always there, or are they are a recent development? Are you sick? Are you sure they are coming out of your mouth and not being ‘coughed up’ out of your throat?

Description : Is it possible to sneeze while you're asleep?

Last Answer : I’ve never done it before or heard of anyone else doing it, but I’d think that if you can cough while asleep, then you could sneeze while asleep.

Description : Do your nipples get hard when you sneeze?

Last Answer : No, mine don’t, but I have heard of that before.

Description : Why do some people make vocal noises when they sneeze?

Last Answer : i say ‘hickup’ when i hickup. i cant help it. ive always done it. and everyone always laughs!

Description : How often does the average person sneeze?

Last Answer : Is this average person in a pepper factory?

Description : What makes people sneeze?

Last Answer : Looking at the sun, feathers, or lots of pepper. Dust or cat dander, things of that nature

Description : Is it really true that a sneeze is 1/10 of an orgasm?

Last Answer : I was told it was 1/7th of an orgasm. Not to mention, how could one go about measuring something like that? I know I have had those days where the orgasm felt lesser then the for-play, and ... your body releases the same chemicals in the same ways as it does during climax, but in a lesser amount.

Description : Do we sneeze in our sleep?

Last Answer : Here is an excerpt of an article that I found on Wikipedia: Sneezing cannot occur during sleep due to REM atonia - a bodily state wherein motor neurons are not stimulated and reflectory signals ... sneezing that would occur afterwards would take place with at least a partially awake state of mind.

Description : Why is it impossible to keep your eyes open when you sneeze?

Last Answer : From the Boston Globe: Actually, no one really knows. ' It is unclear, but scientists theorize that we close our eyes to protect them. We may be protecting our eyes from microorganisms ... even sphincters (which is why some people with stress incontinence may urinate slightly when they sneeze).

Description : Why do people sneeze differently?

Last Answer :

Description : Do you like to sneeze?

Last Answer : Not when boogers/mucus are a part of the deal.

Description : Why do I sneeze after I eat?

Last Answer : I’m confused. Are you we talking about you or your girlfriend?

Description : If you sneeze with your eyes open will your eyeballs pop out?

Last Answer : answer:You would think they would. It seems logical. Actually, they blow out through your nose. One out of each nostril. Weird. And to actually answer your question. No, you remain intact if you sneeze with your eyes open. I do it all the time.

Description : Is it bad to hold in a sneeze?

Last Answer : Yes, because you don’t get that satisfaction when you say “Yes! I finally got it out!”

Description : Do you also sneeze in bright sunlight?

Last Answer : No, can’t say I do.

Description : Why does everyone sneeze differently?

Last Answer : Don’t know but I sneeze loud and I wish I didn’t.

Description : If you have lightly colored eyes do you sneeze more often when you go outside?

Last Answer : I don’t get it?

Description : Why don't we sneeze in our sleep?

Last Answer : answer:i was just reading around, some guy asked how do you know you aren't sneezing when asleep? lol I also ready that a lot of our mucus membranes are .. in laymans terms, shut off , so ... one of my sisters burp while asleep (that was nothing short of hilarious), and we cough. Dunno really..

Description : Why can I smell honey when I sneeze?

Last Answer : I’m not sure why you smell honey, but consider it a blessing. Honey is delicious.

Description : How many times do you sneeze?

Last Answer : hmm it all varies, sometimes, 1–2-3.

Description : Do you sneeze too loud?

Last Answer : haha Hell yea! It’s so loud my little brother thought it was thunder storming outside, so he plugged his ears

Description : What's happening when you sneeze?

Last Answer : you should check out howstuffworks, they explain everything there even such as silly question as sneezing.

Description : She seems perfectly fine. She's very playful and eats and sleeps like a normal ferret. The only weird thing she does is sneeze a lot. When she does, there's no discharge. What can I do for her?

Last Answer : There could be a number of reasons why a ferret sneezes - allergies, infection, an abnormal opening between oral and nasal cavities, polyps in the oral cavity. Your ferret sounds pretty healthy, but if ... such as x-rays, ultrasound, endoscopy, CAT and MRI to determine if there really is a problem.

Description : sneeze wed, is it dangerous for dogs to be around?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : What's a foot long, made of leather, and sounds like a sneeze? -Riddles

Last Answer : A Shoe.

Description : I'm clean when I'm black, Dirty when white; Get too close, And you might sneeze. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : A Chalkboard.

Description : They can trickle down, They can tickle too. Or make you sneeze, Or comfort you. Their rustling sound, you've rarely heard, Unless you're a pillow or a bird! What are they? -Riddles

Last Answer : They are feathers.

Description : What did Metternick mean to say when he remarked, ‘When France sneeze, the rest of Europe catches cold’? -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) The revolutionary spirit spread all over Europe only after the French Revolution took place in 1789. The ideas of liberty, equality and fraternity gained popularity among people all over ... and standards for the entire continent. Other countries of the continent just followed what France did.

Description : Why do we occasionally sneeze? -Biology

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Why human being sneeze ? -Biology

Last Answer : When the dust particles such smoke, pollens etc enters our nose and sticks to the inner lining of the nose. Then these particles irritates the inner lining of the nose and to remove that dust particles we sneeze.