When do i pick my pumpkins?

1 Answer

Answer :

It almost the end of summer....orange is a big clue, then stem should be hard.....leave a long stem, this helps it not rot...............wipe it down with 10 % bleach in water to prevent it from going bad....one cut.......take it out of the sun to keep it from going bad.  Some people cook them or save them for holiday activities.  If you cook them you can take the seeds out and wash & roast them with just a touch of salt.  Some people store them in the root cellar for later to make pies.  Some people can them for future use.

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Last Answer : When they start to grow, they are green, when they ripen they are a bright orange. I think that it is too soon to take them. If you are going to use them as October decorations, they have ... in. I would wipe them with a weak solution of bleach with tap water and dry them before storing them.

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Last Answer : We use that black cover..............when the pumpkins are bright orange and the stem is dry it is time......leave 6 to 8 inches of stem on.......cut it off with a sharpe knife........wipe it ... dry it..............keep it out of the sun in a cool dry place until needed for cooking or decoration.

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Last Answer : you can pick pumpkins at any time in the north we usually wait until after a frost or two

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Last Answer : Be sure that the vine near the pumpkin is hard................give it a long stem as that keeps the pumpkin fresh......cut it and wash the pumpkin with 10% bleach with water....wipe the whole thing down and take it into a shaded area or root cellar to keep it fresh for baking or decorations.

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Last Answer : As far as I'm aware of, there isn't. Scratch that. You can eat any pumpkin, but others will taste better. The bigger the pumpkin the worse it'll taste because of the sugar content. You can ... the smaller variety that are 3 to 6 pounds. site that explains it very well I learned something new today.

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Last Answer : You have to trace back the vines carefully to see how many flowers are on the vine........keep only 2 or 3 on one vine and cut the rest off. Don't let any more flowers form as they will take ... .5-7.5. Good luck with your fall crop. Put some hay under each pumpkin to keep them off the ground

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Last Answer : PH should be 5.5-7.5...............carefully put some composted horsemanure around where the roots are in the ground right before the next rain. Next year prepare the soil with ... wait until spring and cover with newspapers after planting and then put old grass on top to hold the moisture.

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Last Answer : The only way to know for sure it to wash it down good and cut it. If you are going to cook it and inside is still solid you will know..... We had frost here 5 times and real heavy that went ... You can rinse and save some seeds for next year. They love to grow in very old horse or cow manure.

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Last Answer : flowers first, then pumpkins!

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Last Answer : put some very old horseman around the plant. Let it grow on it own........the flowers from the vine are the beginnings of the pumpkin.

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Last Answer : There could be a number of causes. Unsuitable soil, bad seeds, small watering, insufficient pollination and the like. You will probably have to say goodbye to your own pumpkin this year and get one from the competition

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Last Answer : Need Answer