Family misunderstanding?

1 Answer

Answer :

Simple, ask him to explain what it was all about.

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Description : Should the sister remain with the family?

Last Answer : The whole mythology of ghosts is that they move on after their difficulty is resolved. So she would move on, not continue to haunt SB. She is a pretty shitty ghost if she can’t remember her own suicide. SB should just ignore her.

Description : Have you ever had family dump something on you that you want no part of?

Last Answer : My cousins are wanting to have a reunion in June but it's falling on me to.pull it together evidently. I'm trying hard to figure it out but my sister's aren't wanting any part of it, and ... never have another chance. But it interferes with my chill out with a beer in front of the tube activities.

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Last Answer : I only tried to spare them how bad I was.

Description : How to deal with family?

Last Answer : Were you close to your parents before your brother passed? Just give them some space to them you are here for them let them come to you.

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Last Answer : I would go for the free subscription, with the tailored ads.

Description : What to do about these family heirlooms?

Last Answer : Points of clarification: 1. * All five nieces were given pieces of Mom's (their grandmother's) jewelry, based upon a list she left upon her death. The three grandsons were not. Does this ... children, right? 3. Did the grandsons receive any other heirlooms, such as something from their grandfather?

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Last Answer : No one in Germany has a sense of humour.

Description : Why does my family just think they can take over my life?

Last Answer : We have a moving day coming up this weekend for our disabled grandmother and elderly great-gandmother, so I sympathize. Our whole family is getting together to go in and move them. You need to be clear with your family that they must help!

Description : How does your family deal with aging parents?

Last Answer : If your Q is the one in red, at the top, my answer is: pretty poorly. I moved closer to mine to help, and did a lot before my dad passed. My two older sisters, who live ... most comprehensive senior center near you, they can probably steer you towards advice and resources. Good luck with this!

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Last Answer : No. Your protecting your family from druggies.

Description : Did you get support from your family in tricky situations?

Last Answer : Yes. Two of my brothers would support me in anything. The other one was just indifferent, to everyone. My mom also would support me in everything I did. One of my brothers that lives nearby has encouraged me ... he did get on my nerves a couple of times, but I did apologize for biting his head off.

Description : Does having different senses of humor cause problems in your family?

Last Answer : Luckily, our senses of humor are one of the few things my family members have in common. It is something of a bond although other issues divide us.

Description : A family member is in the hospital. What level of involvement does your family show?

Last Answer : I imagine it would depend what I was in the hospital for. If it were for something major, I would hope one of my sons would come but since they each live 3,000 miles away, probably only friends would come if it were something minor.

Description : What are some things your family could have afforded, but didn't have?

Last Answer : Hockey membership. My dad wanted me to have all my teeth.

Description : Do I have the right to call these people my family, too?

Last Answer : answer:Of course you can, and I hope you do. Dear Abby once answered a question from someone who, as I recall, didn't want to include an adopted child or maybe a stepchild in a family photo ... Pedigree is irrelevant. I have an adopted cousin who belongs to another ethnicity. She's still my cousin.

Description : Would you be concerned if Donald Trump appoints his family to key political positions?

Last Answer : answer:I’d be way concerned if he was even in a position to do that. I’d be amused if he tried to do it after losing the election.

Description : Do you think there should be some organized therapy group for the family, friends and children of people who suffer from depression?

Last Answer : answer:Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is not affiliated with Al-Anon, nor did AA start Al-Anon. You have a good idea, Why not start a support group in your community?

Description : Can anyone recommend a website that helps you learn how to label complex family relations?

Last Answer : Here’s a handy chart.

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Last Answer : answer:You have a choice: you can either put up with the granddaughter, or you can set a boundary and risk the friendship. But you cannot expect your friend to change without you setting a boundary and then ... I will leave. I want to spend time with you, not with her. And then honor your word.

Description : Do you think that the recent tragedy in Broken Arrow Oklahoma involving the Bever family might finally give us some insight into the Columbine shootings?

Last Answer : answer:“They also said 3,000 rounds of ammunition were delivered to the home after the murders and the boys planned to use it to kill so many people they would become more famous than the Columbine shooters.” You would think ordering that amount would at least make somebody wonder.

Description : What family topics do you really feel uncomfortable discussing?

Last Answer : Death doesn’t make me feel so uncomfortable, but some family issues do. I just hate it when my aunts and uncles try to reveal each other’s issues (and maybe my family’s). It turns the family into some kind of hateful competitors.

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Last Answer : No. Baby boomers are the worst.

Description : Would you be on creditors’ committee of a bankrupted family member?

Last Answer : answer:Can you afford to lose almost half a million dollars? Is this man your wife’s brother?

Description : If you're from an 'abusive family', do you think you have a sixth sense about other people who were abused?

Last Answer : I'm not very good at picking out other people who were abused, but I think that's partially because I was gaslighted about it for many years. A friend of mine who was abused and who had the resources to ... who around me might have been abused. But like I said, I'm not very good at it yet.

Description : Would you address this issue with your partner's family?

Last Answer : Is “Once a year” accurate, or a typo?

Description : What to say/do when a family member is close to death?

Last Answer : answer:Just try not to mention anything about his health. Talk about all the positive things you can think of. Try to make him comfortable. At least if this is really the last time you see him, you can be sure you have some good time with him.

Description : How important are family relations to you?

Last Answer : answer:Is there some sort of middle ground, where there can be grown-up discussion and clearing of the air? I don't like either the eating crow or being right concepts. If one side is ... still resentful, don't they? Anyone in the family detached and grown-up enough to be a neutral mediator?

Description : What's the longest you and your family have been apart from each other?

Last Answer : Longest I’ve been apart from my wife in twenty-five years is two weeks.

Description : Do any fellow jellies have a difficult time around the holidays with missing family members or loved ones?

Last Answer : This year I am missing my daughter and her family who moved to Scotland. I'm also missing my son and his family who aren't talking to me. :-( I can handle my son and his wife not talking ... an iPod for Christmas. He accidentally facetimed me the other day. It was great to see his little face!

Description : Would you get a separate social network account from family?

Last Answer :

Description : What will you do if you think you have Depression but when you talk to your family, they say you are just making an excuse?

Last Answer : See a therapist.

Description : Have you ever had to choose between spending an anniversary with a significant other or babysitting for family?

Last Answer : answer:What did you tell your brother? Did you already have plans with your boyfriend? These details are critical in helping you decide, in my opinion. Saturday is only one day away, so if you made a ... to either your boyfriend or your brother, it's kind of last minute to bow out at this time.

Description : Can you tell us about a family heirloom you have passed down?

Last Answer : When my dad died, my mom gave me one of his old watches for my son. It wasn’t all that special, but it was from his grandad and he treasures it.

Description : How should I go about searching this situation for my family tree?

Last Answer : answer:Can you sound out the pronunciation of his last name for us? It looks like it should sound like Ellie - but that seems unusual to me. Maybe we could help you guess how it was spelled. Do you ... that might be like Elie . Perhaps you can find his parents, even if he was buried as a Fields.

Description : Toxic family member - what would you do?

Last Answer : answer:I am in a similar position although the person who is toxic is not religious. However, his anger and reactive blame behavior has made me ill. I did try all sorts of things to help him ... in your case) to entertain judgemental people. Who if you forgive me for saying, have a mental illness?

Description : Are aborted or miscarried babies still considered to be part of the family?

Last Answer : answer:Well an aborted baby would never get a birth certificate, and I doubt a miscarried baby would get one either. Burial or whatever would be up to the family I guess. Brings up a question though, where do the abortions/miscarriages go?

Description : May I please request prayers/positive thoughts for my husband and his family?

Last Answer : WillWorkForChocolate I am so so sorry for you and your family. Of course you can have my prayers and my special thoughts. Pull together with everybody and support each other.

Description : Are you the ugly person in your family?

Last Answer : There are no ugly people in my family, we’re all complete stunners, it’s in the genes you know ;-} If a family member really did say that to you then rest assured, it’s they who are the ugly ones.

Description : If you distance yourself from some family members do you begin to feel happy again?

Last Answer : Yes, I have relatives like that. Removing yourself from their lives is all you can do. You should not feel guilty.

Description : About how much do you spend on your family for groceries per month?

Last Answer : Two adults. Probably $400/mo

Description : What is the oldest family heirloom that you have?

Last Answer : answer:Mlo here; Gail, I guess. Pretty old. Gail here; My paternal grandmother’s Edwardian diamond bar pin. I keep it in the vault where it affords no pleasure to anyone. Early 1920’s?

Description : Has anyone in your family died and made you change your attitude on things?

Last Answer : Ouch, that had some teeth in it. I learned that lesson the hard way when I was 12. You take absolutely nothing for granted, cherish your loved ones, cut your loved ones some slack, and I really learned the meaning of love.

Description : Seeking Flutherite opinions -- How would you handle this sad family matter?

Last Answer : I have personal issues with shame around behavior and calling attention to myself in public so I would not be able to go with her to a restaurant. My mother didn’t have that problem but was often very tactless in public and I couldn’t stand it. Are things like picnics a possibility?

Description : Does your family talk around the dinner table?

Last Answer : answer:We eat buffet style. Everyone fills their plate and then goes back to their computer of game chair. On special occasions we all have a sit down at the table meal and talk about various things, but those are only about three or four times a year.

Description : As I reflect on the end of the first big holiday week of the season, I wonder if anyone else had unpleasant experiences with drunken family members?

Last Answer : Oh boy… Yes.

Description : What should never, under any circumstance, be family secrets?

Last Answer : Do you mean secrets from other family members or from friends or from the general public?

Description : Is there someone in your family who is uncommonly funny?

Last Answer : My whole family is. We like to rib each other all the time. My kids are all very quick witted as is my husband.

Description : What are some good practices for preventing family feuds when it comes to dividing up a relative's belongings when they pass away?

Last Answer : This should’ve been taken care of already with paper work. Good luck trying to control that situation, as it’s going to chaos no matter what you do. That is what the legal documents are for: to keep people in check.

Description : I'm interested in having a kräftskiva for my family reunion. Suggestions?

Last Answer : answer:You can't get clearer instructions than this: (from your link). It sounds like fun. Dining is traditionally outdoors, but in practice the party is often driven indoors by bad weather or ... work). It is culturally correct to suck the juice out of the crayfish before shelling it.

Description : How difficult is it for family members to understand social anxiety disorder, if they don't know what it feels like?

Last Answer : answer:I understand. I am bipolar 1 with anxiety disorder and borderline social anxiety disorder. I find the majority of social interaction terrifying. I have no easy answer for you. I'm sorry. If you ... believe they do care, but you are correct. They don't understand never having felt the panic.