What is black poop a sign of?

1 Answer

Answer :

One possibility is blood. You need to see a doctor.

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Description : Can I pay someone to pick up my poop (composting toilet question)?

Last Answer : I’ve heard of it being used at a commune but that was an outside toilet. It’s hard to imagine that anyone is going to come up three flights into an apartment to pick up your poop;

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Last Answer : No. They are made to fit the stirrup on a saddle and provide full foot and ankle protection below the chaps.

Description : Which footwear is ideal for tracking in dog poop and spit, etc., into the house?

Last Answer : Wooden shoes, also known as clogs.

Description : How does a seeing eye dog let its owner know when to scoop its poop?

Last Answer : The dog adds a scent to his feces.

Description : Did you hear about the train of NYC poop stranded in Alabama?

Last Answer : Yes, I read about it. Reminds me of the NY garbage barge that traveled from port to port in 1987. Seems much of Alabama feels there shouldn’t be laws restricting waste disposal, until something like this happens.

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Last Answer : Feces turns white most likely due to higher concentrations of calcium in what the animal ate such as bones. Rodent bones in the case of Owls, dog bones in the case of doggie poop in your yard that turn ... are finding white dog poop in your yard is a good indication you need to pick up more often.

Description : Where does the poop go?

Last Answer : answer:If you live in a town/city with a sewage system, through the sewers to the sewage treatment plant. Or, you may have a septic system where it is stored in a septic tank.

Description : Which laxative is the safest when you can't poop?

Last Answer : I rather doubt one brand/type is best for everyone, since we all have different constitutions—and I’m sure current age and physical condition have to be taken into account. I suggest you ask your pharmicist.

Description : Why do dogs eat poop?

Last Answer : I will ask the Dog. As you can see, she is studying the sidewalk intently. She is watching bugs—and then she will eat them.

Description : Why isn't there a remedy/cure for the T gondii parasite that can pass on from cat poop to humans if it is so dangerous?

Last Answer : answer:That's not how it works. That's not how any of this works. Remedies and cures for disease do not just happen because we need them . Someone, probably some corporation - in fact, the kind of ... It's a risky business. You don't get drugs in the pipeline just because it's so badly needed .

Description : How would you handle neighbors that continually leave small dog poop piles on a shared lawn?

Last Answer : Have you talked to your neighbours?

Description : Do equestrians have the same obligations that dog owners do to pick up their animals' poop when riding in a public park?

Last Answer : I’ve never seen an equestrian shoveling up horse poo. This is a very good question.

Description : My cat over the years has developed a worsening habit of depositing small amounts of poop whenever he sits down somewhere, can someone help me?

Last Answer : Oh but when I look at his ass its perfectly clean. I do not get it.

Description : Should they pick up the poop?

Last Answer : They should be forced to eat it.

Description : Gross question: could this lump be poop?

Last Answer : It sounds like a hernia. You need to contact your doctor.

Description : Do probiotics make you poop more? If so, why?

Last Answer : answer:I don't know if you mean you as in me or as in the general you. I don't know what they're supposed to do for people exactly, but I can definitely say they work ass-backward ... . But then my digestive tract is anything but normal. Other people have much nicer results from them, I think.

Description : Baby bearded dragon... We've had him a day and a half and no poop. Is this normal?

Last Answer : answer:Sounds like you looking after your dragon beautifully. How did the bathing turn out? Its true they do take a little while to settle in. I have heard of no pooping for three days at ... -dragon.html Good luck. I hope this helped. They really are beautiful creatures with a lovely nature.

Description : Why is it considered to be so horrible to rub a dog's nose in it when they deliberately poop in the house? Please read details.

Last Answer : answer:It is very cruel. The dog is aware that it pooped in the house. It is not the optimum choice for the dog so one of several things happened: 1. It had not been taken out and given a ... would be much more effective to crate him while you are gone until he learns not to poop in the house.

Description : What to do about my cockatiel who eats her own poop?

Last Answer : What kind of cage is she in that her poop is accessible to her, or is she just eating what catches on the wires?

Description : What is the best method to neutralize the smell of poop in a shared, unisex bathroom at the office?

Last Answer : answer:Lysol Air Neutralizer is the best out there. A little dab’l do ya. It really does work. In the spray can.

Description : What is the origin of the word "poop"?

Last Answer : If you google etymology and poop, it says that it comes from poupen or popen. Meaning something like to fart or to blow. Supposedly its origins are Middle English.

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Last Answer : Is there a lot of bug poop on those herbs?

Description : What does it mean if my cat's puke smells like poop?

Last Answer : answer:Keep a close eye on your cat, and seek veterinary care if the vomiting continues. We see it more often in dogs that cats, but vomitus that smells of fecal matter is sometime seen in intestinal blockages – the animal can actually bring up material that has already passed into the intestines.

Description : How do you poop?

Last Answer : I’m like you – once I’m done, I’m not going to sit around in there (unless I’m having tummy problems). I don’t know about 20 seconds, but I’m rarely in there for more than a couple of minutes.

Description : Hey, do you like pony poop? (see details)

Last Answer : Hahaha, strange thing is, I know exactly what you are talking about. I absolutely love that smell. I used to ride horses and I’d always look forward to that smell.

Description : Does anyone else suffer from Favorite Store Poop Disorder?

Last Answer : Wow! I thought I was the only one besides my mom this happened to everytime I go in certain stores. Wal-Mart & Dollar General are the main ones. You are not alone, I am so glad that noone on here knows me :)

Description : Why do they call it a poop deck?

Last Answer : It comes from a French word ‘Poupe’ which is the aftermost part of the ship.

Description : Would you want to be able to see poop smears?

Last Answer : answer:Nope. There are things I know and just accept and realize that they ain’t done me harm so far – ignorance is bliss. So what if my cell phone and my keyboard are dirtier than a public toilet seat (according to statistics). If I can’t see it, it won’t hurt me. until it does.

Description : Why does my cat's poop have traces of blood?

Last Answer : answer:She may have a common intestinal parasite called Coccidia' thaqt can cause a show of blood and mucus in the stool. A fecal exam is in order. Take a fresh sample in a ziplock bag to your vet for ... humans. I would take in a stool sample and if it checks out then more tests might be in order.

Description : Why is my poop all thin like pasta?

Last Answer : If I were you, I would make an appointment with the doctor. Especially if it lasts more than a week (on and off) and you're feeling sick. Thin stool can be a few things, like bowel obstruction. ... , it just happens and then goes away but because you're feeling sick I'd have to recommend a doctor.

Description : Do flies really poop everytime they land?

Last Answer : I don’t know about the pooping, but if it does i would still eat my food.

Description : Would you rather eat at Bug Buffet or Gourmet Poop?

Last Answer : Bugs are yummy

Description : What's the best way of stopping my Beagle from eating its own poop?

Last Answer : answer:I've known of dogs eating poop - particularly cat poop - but I've never known for it to make them sick. I've read that a little meat tenderizer sprinkled on their dog food will deter them from ... own poop, but I don't know the exact amount. You may be able google for other additives too.

Description : Can the oil be recovered and used for something, just like the poop can be turned into heat?

Last Answer : You could send it up North and people like me with high efficiency reburner type wood burning stoves can burn the absorbent material and oil mix. Heck at 900F I can even burn the dead birds and sea animals.

Description : Which came first, the definition of poop or the definition of a poop deck?

Last Answer : Well, I’ve never heard of a poop deck.

Description : Why are my dogs eating their own poop!

Last Answer : Because they’re dogs?

Description : Why are poop jokes popular?

Last Answer : answer:Well, my first thought is that people are just stupid, but that's not exactly the case. Even Dante Alighieri and Shakespeare were not above cracking a shit joke every now and then. Greek ... there is just this certain part of the human psyche that is satisfied by a good poop joke.

Description : Why is my poop green?

Last Answer : When I was in college our fraternity’s cook made a meatloaf that gave everyone “the green shits” I shit you not.

Description : What do you do with the poop in a boat?

Last Answer : they used to flush into the water now they have to have chemical toilets- it’s handled like poop in an RV there are pumping facitlies at the marina

Description : I found pigeon feathers & poop in my house.. No open windows what does this mean?

Last Answer : I think it was a prank.

Description : My son keeps smearing his poop all over his room and it is driving us crazy. What can we do?

Last Answer : Fecal smearing is no fun for mom and dad, but it is fundamentally normative behavior (Freud even thought that Fine Art was an extension of fecal smearing!) How about back to a onesie for a while, so he can’t get his hands in there? The fascination tends to pass rather quickly.

Description : I'm desperately constipated... what can I do to poop?

Last Answer : Taco Bell. You will poop.

Description : How long does it take you to poop?

Last Answer : I like a quick pit stop myself. The reading thing never really was a catalyst for me to stay longer or enjoy my bowel movement any better. I'm probably in and out of the restroom in about 30 seconds to 1 ... 'm about to go out to dinner with my wife and I need to try and maintain my appetite. :o)

Description : Dog poop is turning into spite, do I dare...

Last Answer : You guys are going to end up like monkeys in a shitfight!

Description : What determines whether a poop will float or sink?

Last Answer : Poop?? Or pop?

Description : If you go poop right before you get in the shower, do you still wipe? If so, why?

Last Answer : Um cause I don’t want poop on my shower poofy thing. That’s like smearing poop all over my body. Gross.

Description : How do you guys teach your dogs to poop in the right places?

Last Answer : I poop there first and stick his nose in it so he knows where to go

Description : Does it mean something serious if you have green poop?

Last Answer : Have you eaten a lot of green vegetables lately? Sometimes green poop is just green from a lot of chlorophyll. OMG, I just googled feces green, and not only did it come up as one of those (I don' ... and your friend is not alone. Try a google search. I'm also nominating this for best question.

Description : What's the name of the disorder when adult people leave poop in public places?

Last Answer : answer:Encopresis? I had no idea there was such a thing… I googled for “disorder feces” and it was the first hit.

Description : Why does deer & goats poop come out in little pellets?

Last Answer : LOL yeah I am at my girlfriend’s house and she has goats. So I figured I’d ask.