I dont know if he likes me or not?

1 Answer

Answer :

if jh stands for Junior High then you dont even need to be worrying about Zack!

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Last Answer : answer:Brigham’s (Boston) mocha almond with jimmies. I’ll settle for strawberry. The good humor man and his truck made his evening visits at dusk in the summers on our street. All the kids congretated. I loved the coconut bars; they tasted just like soap.

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Last Answer : From what you have described I'd say she may have had a change of heart and wants to be your friend, and not romantically involved. It appears she is sending you mixed messages, so, back off for a ... t contact you it sounds as if she is not ready for a relationship right now. Good luck to you.

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Last Answer : Can you elucidate? Likes/dislikes seems like a fairly shallow level of knowing to me. Things like how they communicate, what they feel, what they believe in, where they find humor are much more indicative of intimacy to me.

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Last Answer : answer:Interesting question. I haven't posted on facebook in forever. Log in check for messages from family and few friends, and look at funny and interesting things. Personally I give likes to ... people in school still? Just a different means to get that attention. Same thing different way.