Anyone experience any positive health benefits with Stevia?

1 Answer

Answer :

Not a direct experience answer, but here’s info from The Thyroid Diet. “There is one type of nutritive sweetner—stevia—that has no calories, and because it is not a carbohydrate, it does not influence blood sugar. It comes from a plant native to Paraguay. With a glycemic index of zero and no calories, stevia reduces cravings for sweets. Hundreds of studies show that stevia lowers blood pressure, helps prevent oral bacteria, and can even help regulate blood sugar. With no chemicals, it doesn’t pose some of the concerns that aspartame and the other artificial sweeteners present. Stevia is approximately 300 times sweeter than sugar…”

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Last Answer : To date, stevia or Stevia Rebaudiana is viewed as one of the best alternatives to sugar. However, the truth of the matter is that there have been conflicting results of studies ... potentially interact with anti-fungals, anti-inflammatory, anti-virals, fertility agents, and other medications.

Description : Propagating a stevia plant -- possible? Desirable?

Last Answer : answer:@SmashTheState New plants from old are clones of the original plant. Therefore I would anticipate the new plants will have the full sweetness as your original plant. I don't know if you know this ... have ONCE the root system(s) is/are well-established. Let us know how you go. Andreas.

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Last Answer : I am not sure how to make a delicious stevia recipe, but i am certain that you can find the correct recipe in a cooking book in your nearest local library.

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Last Answer : stevia is a good option if you are a diabetic, or someone who is just trying to control their sugar intake; either that or Splenda is a good choice too.

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