Do you think there truly is a cure for AIDs?

1 Answer

Answer :

links being difficult with my computer so I’ll just post some thoughts in the mean time. theoretically speaking, there is a cure for everything. Whether it’s a chemical, antibody, or through nano technology or what have you. some of the more “sci-fi” sounded medical advancements include self regenerating organs(teams are looking at 2021), regrowing limbs like certain reptiles, or artificial limbs that fuse directly to bone and operate by brain signals(not far off, maybe in a few years even), so I think eventually, we should have something for many, if not most, of our most feared medical ailments. but in terms of your posted article, I think, like usual, it needs to be researched formally more. The problem is that there are thousands of these traditional healers in africa, who all claim in one way or another to be able to cure AIDS, it’s very difficult to sift through the garbage and discern the usual BS from something that might actually have some legs under it.

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