Is it really impossible to "snap out of" a truly depressed state?

1 Answer

Answer :

You never snap out of an abyss, it just can’t happen.

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Last Answer : I would make all bad people disappear.

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Last Answer : Here’s the Snapfit by BASF. It is not an intuitive process.

Description : What are some good recipes using sugar snap peas?

Last Answer : Just rinsed, raw and chilled with a good dressing, sesame or ginger or whatever you like, experiment. Mmmm good. They are also great lightly sauteed with water chestnuts, almonds and a little soy sauce..

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Last Answer : answer:You can get a wired keyboard for $10 or less these days. If the plastic connector beneath the key is damaged I suppose you could look for replacement parts.. but.. all said and done.. it would probably be cheapest and easiest to just get another keyboard.

Description : What are they snapping when they "snap peas"?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, I have snapped peas. Fresh pea pods are crunchy and they snap when you flex them to free the peas. FREE THE PEAS!!

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Last Answer : answer:I am a novice in this arena but apparently rate of change of acceleration derivatives are more loosely used, less serious derivatives is snap (symbol s), crackle (symbol c) and pop (symbol p) for the 4th, ... Derivative is the jolt.. The 4th is (snap) The 5th is (crackle) The 6th is (pop)

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Last Answer : answer:The sound track. Programmed into each of those little rice thingies. Did you really mean this to be a general question? How unfortunate! I wonder if it would be legal to copy a question in ... in the cereal and then they expand and break with those sounds. Now wasn't that exceedingly boring?

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Last Answer : answer:It is supersonic Traditional simple means of generating shock waves are examined by high-speed imaging. A leather belt is folded upon itself at mid-length and the ends are grasped ... be generated by muscle power alone. Several other related examples are also mentioned. courtesy of NASA

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Last Answer : Maybe you got up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and stubbed it or hit it on something or stepped on it weird, and don’t remember it today.

Description : Google Chrome: Aw Snap Error?

Last Answer : Do you insist on having Google Chrome? Use Firefox. It’s a great browser. If GC is causing you problems, don’t use it. It’s not worth fighting it. Use something that works.

Description : How would you handle losing a promotion because of an exec's snap judgment?

Last Answer : Sorry you are having to deal with this. How frustrating! I believe you are rightly upset and I would be as well. I think you took the first correct step. You discussed it with your Director. I would then ... this in stride, and that you do have the skills so they won't pass you up next go-around.

Description : Snap crackle POP? Drink more water?

Last Answer : answer:I think that just happens sometimes. My sister once broke her toe (her PE teacher rolled a trampoline over it!) and it clicks all the time. I've injured my ankles (sprains from sport) and even ... On the off chance you're not American... check it out.

Description : What makes the snapping sound when you snap your fingers?

Last Answer : The sound is made from the percussive strike of your fingertip against the base of your thumb.

Description : How much soil do I need in a container to plant sugar snap peas.

Last Answer : The plant requires at least 6" of soil to fully mature, with a 9" pot leave 2" from the top free of soil, and you will do fine.

Description : can you plant snap peas in june

Last Answer : They are usually a cool weather plant....maybe plant again after the summer heat.

Description : How early can I plant pole beans and snap peas in Central Ohio, Zone 6

Last Answer : peas should in already..they like it cool, plant beans when the last possible chance of frost has passed.

Description : Is there something that I can do to grow snap peas from seed to help them be healthy

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : How do you freeze sugar snap peas?

Last Answer : Right after harvest, it is best to clean the snap peas, then when partially dry (not fully dry but not dripping with water either), place them is a paper bag then into the freezer. The paper ... peas a little room to expand and breath during the process, this will ensure a tasty meal when thawed.

Description : Do you cut back snap dragons to get them to re-bloom

Last Answer : I cut them back to ground level any come back with new spikes of flowers.

Description : Can I freeze snow peas and snap peas?

Last Answer : Yes, but you will need to usew paper and not plastic.

Description : why is the bottom of my snap peas all dead and dried?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : the cold snap made all my azealas turn light brown are they dead and what do i do to remody the problem

Last Answer : nothing that you can do they only bloom once a year.....they should come back next spring. Next year when they bloom and they say frost.............cover them and remove the cover after the sun comes up.

Description : Will sugar snap Pea plants cling to and climb a trellis on their own?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Why did Snap, Crackle and Pop get scared? -Riddles

Last Answer : They heard there was a cereal killer on the loose.

Description : Morgan's father has three sons : Snap, Crackle and who? -Riddles

Last Answer : Did you say Pop? Try Morgan.

Description : David's father has three sons: Snap, Crackle, and _____? -Riddles

Last Answer : David.

Description : Kate’s mother has three children: Snap, Crackle and ___? -Riddles

Last Answer : kate is the answer

Description : David’s parents have three sons: Snap, Crackle and…? -Riddles

Last Answer : answer: