Do I need Ad-Aware if I use AVG9?

1 Answer

Answer :

I use both. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

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Last Answer : C)allows the seller to change prices without having to issue new price sheets.

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Last Answer : Hey, that’s nice.

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Last Answer : Can you cite a reference to its removal? I'm going to search now. . CBS News indeed reports it was removed. I'm on a mobile device and can't link. The Country Music authority that ... did not have enough elements to qualify as a country song. The decision is tainted with racism and homophobia.

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Last Answer : Oh wow, I love it! I’m so disappointed Missouri won’t get the Brood X this year though. Thanks for sharing. (Also the t-shirt is amazing, may have to get one!)

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Last Answer : Differential Equations and four semesters of College and Graduate School Statistics.

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Last Answer : Yes.

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Last Answer : I hate apple pie

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Last Answer : Since I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, I always check the carbs number.

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Last Answer : My apologies.. It should be “ransomware”. Most hit are Europe,Russia and some Asian countries. America was saved partly because stop switch found by a blogger accidentally as given in the link which gave some extra time for patching the systems.

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Last Answer : Not while I’ve been contributing here. People have spoken of changes that took place before I became a member of this site.

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Last Answer : Not surprised at all.

Description : Are US citizens aware of all these actions?

Last Answer : “To access Tenplay, you must reside within Australia.”

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Last Answer : Calling Sneki95!

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Last Answer : Nevermind, flagged.

Description : Are you aware of latest IRS scam?

Last Answer : answer:I know two people who received those calls. One guy called me to ask if it sounded like a scam.They wanted payment within hours or the said the police would be knocking on the door at any moment. It was weird that he thought for a moment it might be legit.

Description : If the Secret Service were aware of (or observed) Trump using cocaine, could they / would they arrest him?

Last Answer : answer:Interesting question. Could they? I think they could or at least hold him until local law enforcement was notified and arrived. Would they? Probably not, executive privilege and all that.

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Last Answer : Why will it be successful this time?

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Last Answer : answer:I try to see those in the entertainment industry as artists and therefore judge them by their work. If I enjoy their stuff, I'll partake. If not, I won't. I will not, however, follow ... his wife. John Bonham payed drums like nobody's business despite being an alcoholic. And on, and on.

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Last Answer : We are not regarded as the most powerful nation in the world for no good reason.

Description : ask-public Cat Lovers, are you aware that free cat images are available today only?

Last Answer : Nice sharing but I have the real thing sitting 10 inches away from me next to my computer grooming herself right now. My little pussy Mia , a tortie point siamese and look at my avatar, that is ... with the horse clippers 2 weeks ago. I have enough cat hair there to make another entire cat. haha

Description : How often are you truly aware that you are doing something for the last time?

Last Answer : Great question. My brother died unexpectedly last week and I had talked to him on the phone a few days before. For the last time. With no way of knowing. I know we talked of a lot of things, but all I remember was laughing with him about our dogs.

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Last Answer : Haven’t you asked this question before?

Description : Are you aware of a chart that compares pain relievers and their average time to peak potency?

Last Answer : answer:Every body is different. Be your own guinea pig. Try each dosage and observe what happens. Keep a journal. One of my docs. feels that if you take two Advil (400 mg), you should get some idea of the efficacy after 30 minutes.

Description : Are you guys aware of the latest phishing scam going around, with a guy claiming to be from the IRS and you're going to jail tomorrow?

Last Answer : answer:I was getting calls on my cell phone with voicemails saying This is the US Census. Please call us back at _______. Of course I didn't answer the phone and didn't call back. After about ... . We were speculating that they were probably going to see if she was gullible and ask for bail money.

Description : When were Americans made aware of the nuclear bombs droped in Japan?

Last Answer : According to this, and another source, they were informed about the first bomb no later than August 7, 1945.

Description : Were you aware that many call center calls were handled by prisoners?

Last Answer : answer:no personal information is displayed to the prisoners, who don't have access to computers, officials said. So, they're not taking over-the-phone payments. It appears, from what I've read, ... , when there are non-prisoners who would be willing to take those jobs for a reasonable pay rate.

Description : Do you practice self-deception or are you self-aware and completely honest?

Last Answer : I'm quite self aware and also know myself well, but, I also do not share everything with others if I don't feel like it. I am quite savvy at picking up deceptive behaviors from others, ... denial at times but never in a self deceptive manner. I KNOW when I am avoiding addressing something. haha

Description : Are you aware your E-Z Pass, i-Pass, i-Zoom, etc. transponders are being scanned in more places than just toll booths?

Last Answer : Hell yes! when i get one

Description : Our universe is a bit older - How many people are already aware of this?

Last Answer : I don’t get any of this. Who cares? What difference does this sort of thing mean to us? How on earth do they know? Will it all change again just when we get used to it?

Description : Are any of my fellow-Flutherites aware of the pending TPP Trade Agreement?

Last Answer : Oh yeah, another example of Bush Admin’s initial legwork being approved & followed up by the Obama Administration, much like the tax cuts and Patriot Act. Scary stuff.