What is this clicking noise?

1 Answer

Answer :

Probably the tappets on the rocker arms. Normally not serious. The important thing is… how is the car performing? If it’s running well, not stalling, starting okay, then I’d be inclined to let that go.

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Last Answer : answer:Is it a live video? Comments are on for live videos. If it's finished recording, I think comments are turned off.

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Last Answer : Well snap, I saw the question on the page and thought ‘Ah, there’s a free rice site thing somewhere’ so I googled it while allowing your question to load. Came here and you already know about it…that’s all I wanted to say, sorry I don’t know of any sites :(

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Last Answer : answer:Touching, tapping or pushing are the ones I hear most often. I think Apple use tapping over other verbs of that nature, but definitely not clicking (there's no clicky noise except when you ... feel like you have done something very, seriously wrong and you must be punished with angry noises.

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Last Answer : Budgies normally click their beaks, usually a sign that they are relaxed. While the clicking sound is often loud, it's not cause for alarm. If the day was that hot, make sure your budgies are not in the ... a tub of water in the cage (not too cold). Some budgies enjoy a gentle spray of water too.

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Description : An application can be opened through shortcut on the desktop by (a) Double clicking on its shortcut (b) Selecting the icon and pressing Enter -Technology

Last Answer : (d) An application can be opened through the shortcut made on desktop by double clicking on its shortcut icon, pressing Enter or Right clicking and choosing Open button.

Description : Clicking on this button reduces the window on the taskbar (a) Restore (b) Maximize (c) Minimize (d) Close -Technology

Last Answer : (c) Minimize button reduces the window on the taskbar.

Description : Clicking on this button enlarges the window to its original size (a) Restore (b) Maximize (c) Minimize (d) Close -Technology

Last Answer : (b) Maximize button enlarges the application window to fill the whole screen or enlarges the window to its original size.

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Last Answer : There can be many causes. He wants to look at it. Visit a mechanic or service and see.

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Last Answer : They are as they are. I don't mind like that.

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Last Answer : It can be, for example, bruxism - let the partner try to contact the dentist (he will recognize the symptoms on the teeth) and talk to him. It is also possible to sleep with a "long" inserted between my teeth - but honestly, I can't imagine that much. : D

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Last Answer : To turn off computer without clicking shutdown botton Click Alt+F4 then click on power off botton then system will be automatically shutting down

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Last Answer : Highlight the URL and click ENTER

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : You click the Pictures button.