Do you consider yourself a flirt?

1 Answer

Answer :

No,but I am a friendly person. ;)

Related questions

Description : What is the best way to flirt on fluther?

Last Answer : Ask @FutureMemory.

Description : Do you flirt when you're in a relationship?

Last Answer : I think so, not cool

Description : So I like this guy, but he's uber shy and doesn't pick up on my subtle flirting. What's something I can say to bring him out of his shell to flirt?

Last Answer : “A little flirt never hurt ya know.”

Description : What does it mean when a guy sends you a song?

Last Answer : answer:Sounds like he wants to hook up. Maybe he’s regretting blowing you off back in the day? Maybe he’s not getting girls like he used to back in the day? A lot of guys were cool in high school and much less so after. If you don’t like him, just be direct and honest. It’s better for both of you.

Description : Is my boss flirting with me?

Last Answer : Yep, he is flirting. Please don’t trade one married man for another. Put your foot down and tell him that his behavior is making you uncomfortable.

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Last Answer : To @Ashleigh: You- are -sooo beautiful… meeeee….can’t you seeiieeeeee…....

Description : What is your best pickup line?

Last Answer : If I was an enzyme, I’d be a DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes. ;) Gotta add the creepy wink in there. You won’t get the desired effect if you don’t!

Description : What's a witty, sarcastic comeback for "How about doing me instead?"?

Last Answer : “You look done already.”

Description : What is your definition of flirting?

Last Answer : It’s a lot like yours.

Description : What does it mean when a co-worker winks at you?

Last Answer : Your hot.

Description : What does it mean when a guy stares right into your eyes?

Last Answer : I think it means he’s listening and actually cares about what you’re saying.

Description : What is considered unacceptable flirting in a relationship?

Last Answer : If it makes your boyfriend unhappy, why would you choose to do it? And there is fun flirting, let’s go to bed flirting and then ordinary conversation. No one should tell you not to talk with men, though, they are not just for plumbing.

Description : How do you know if you are being checked out?

Last Answer : Maybe if you hear one of these.

Description : What’s the most bizarre way to flirt with someone ?

Last Answer : By pretending to be someone else online

Description : Do you know any older men who add any pretty face on Facebook, then flirt with all of these women?

Last Answer : Apparently a great many of we men are wired to remain fools about women right to the end.

Description : I just got an injection from a back up nurse is it OK for me to flirt with her?

Last Answer : No. Not unless she shows some interest. If she isn’t interested you’ll just come off looking like a cad.

Description : Is it alright to flirt with guys?

Last Answer : Yes, it is alright to flirt with guys. But flirting is not to choose a mate, nor is it to tease guys into wanting you and then denying them. Flirting is a form of play, nothing more, nothing less.

Description : Where is an appropriate place to flirt with a woman other than a bar?

Last Answer : Supermarket produce section. Or the meat counter. Or the deli.

Description : When you are really trying to flirt, what do you do?

Last Answer : answer:Lots of eye-contact, ask lots of questions, drop compliments in as often as possible. Works on boys and girls.

Description : I have a neighbor who continues to flirt and invite me over even though he knows that I'm gay and in a relationship. How do I deal with him?

Last Answer : answer:@Jude: I was wearing a robe and nothing underneath (sitting on my back steps with my legs open. I'm such a lady!). That's just cruel. Seriously, though. Other than the robe ... even if he didn't mean anything by it - that you might not get any more uncomfortable drinking invitations.

Description : How do I flirt with a guy who is a grade above me ?

Last Answer : answer:Smile at him or make comments when you pass in the hallway. Make a point of stopping by his locker when he is there to talk to him.

Description : Why do some women flirt with every man they see?

Last Answer : Will go with Occam’s Razor on this one. Some woman flirt with every man they see because they like to and they can.

Description : Is it ok to flirt at work?

Last Answer : answer:You can be friendly, but not “flirt-friendly”. there is a difference. This is not a good idea. eventually, the flirting situation will arrive back to your s/o and the end results is never good. Either love your s/o or leave her. flirting can have severe consequences.

Description : Come on Ladies, give it up! How do you flirt with a Man?

Last Answer : I don’t ;)

Description : Why do some guys talk/flirt with a girl a lot and then suddenly, with no explanation stop talking to them?

Last Answer : boredom.

Description : How can I learn to "flirt"? Can someone give me pointers"? Not trashy just, nice & simple?

Last Answer : Read this book.

Description : If you flirt with other girls, does that mean you maybe bisexual?

Last Answer : my theory. All girls are bisexual. Even if its just a little bit.

Description : How do you flirt (and meet people)?

Last Answer : Just be nice, and nature will take its course.

Description : Do men flirt with girls they only find attractive or they flirt with everyone they do it just to do it?

Last Answer : we flirt with everybody

Description : What do you do to tempt fate, flirt with danger, and spit in the eye of superstition?

Last Answer : I point out the imperfections of others.

Description : How do you flirt online without being too obvious?

Last Answer : be interested! say something to start a conversation…

Description : Would you be able to work at the same company with your parent/child? If so, could you bear to watch people flirt and make passes at them?

Last Answer : I used to work with my first wife in different sections of a company. I rather enjoyed seeing customers trying to hit on her while I came into the room before she noticed me. It did a bit for my ego, plus I got to see her shoot them down.

Description : I received a flirt from a guy on Facebook. Is he gay or just wants to be friends with me?

Last Answer : answer:“not pretty sure”? you can look on his profile and see if he’s indicated his orientation. But really, if you’re this worried about maybe possibly leading on someone who you are not pretty sure is gay (not that there’s anything wrong with that), maybe you should ask him before you friend him.

Description : How can I flirt with women to the extreme?

Last Answer : just be confident, when you walk into a room act like you own the place. But don’t be arrogant, women respond to confidence not arrogance. Make them laugh, but don’t make an ass of yourself.

Description : I'm so confused. I talk to this guy almost everyday [we only text each other]. I really like him so much. He confessed that I'm special yo him and he can't talk to me like he used to talk or flirt with other girls What does that mean Does he like me too?

Last Answer : It sounds like he likes you. Maybe you should be bold and just ask him. Don't waste your time waiting around for him to make a move and don't let him play games with your mind!

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Last Answer : Aye.

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Last Answer : I don't consider myself an empath. I do have a lot of empathy and sympathy for people, and when it comes to certain people or situations, I really will think hard about what their lives or their ... by his appearance, his demeanor and his behavior. Is it possible he was not a bad person? Yes.

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Last Answer : Depends on whether I have to work for the income or not. I used to think that $50,000 per year income would be more than enough, and I wished I had that coming in and didn't have to work ... for sudden expenses such as medical costs). That has always seemed challenging to even get in the black.

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Last Answer : Yes, and yes, and a mix of all those three…

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Last Answer : My life is quite well supplied with material comforts so I would not work if my wealth gave me an income similar to what my husband and I earn as teacher and librarian.

Description : When did you consider yourself an adult?

Last Answer : When I got my apartment, and was paying my bills. I loved paying the bills, because it made me feel self-sufficient.

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Last Answer : I think the term “classy” is so 1960’s.

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Last Answer : I get angry when I can't explain my dejavu. Psychological doctors should have at least 1 class in the paranormal. After all parapsychologists would like the fun part of psychology of the mind. I'm ... for those who claim to want to study the mind chooses not to be interested by the psychic world.

Description : Do you consider yourself to be patriotic?

Last Answer : Yes and very. I love my country and for most of what it stands for. The US is far from perfect but when you look back over the past couple centuries and what we have accomplished and most of ... very fond memories of. I proudly fly my flag that was flown at the White House every national holiday.

Description : Do you consider yourself attractive?

Last Answer : answer:1–10? I would say 6. When I was younger an 8.

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Last Answer : You might make the final images, but you take pictures of real people who have rights to their own image or real places.

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Last Answer : Ain’t no one serving me nothing. I love cooking and think it is an important skill to have.

Description : In life in general do you consider yourself a leader or a follower ?

Last Answer : answer:I seem to be seen as a leader, as I'm continuously placed in leadership roles. I have a strong personality with lots of reasoned opinions. Additionally, I'm pretty organized and efficient. ... and offer leadership opportunities to everyone on the team. I have no interest in being a follower.

Description : Do you consider yourself to be a kind person?

Last Answer : I’m warm and kind yes, but, I have zero tolerance for stupid and childish people. lol