Which is better for treating facial pimple scars Ayurveda or Allopathy?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Allopathy just means “normal” mainstream medicine. This means following your doctors advice and if medicines are in order they would most likely be synthetic chemical medicines. Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of medicine. Most remedies are changes in diet, or lifestyle, or herbal remedies. If you are looking into herbal remedies, I recommend looking into multiple herbal traditions, and not just one. This page may help you out with with ayurvedic acne solutions. Remember that ALL substances, even natural ones are chemicals. Herbal medicines have side effects and interactions as well as synthetic drugs.

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Last Answer : I don’t know about removing the scars, but different oils can lighten scarring to make it nearly invisible. Shea butter, if I remember correctly, works well, as well as coco butter.

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Last Answer : Massage the area daily, this reduces the buildup of tissue. Apply vitamin E topically and take it as supplements internally. Scrub and moisturize the area too.

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Last Answer : there are dozens of pimple and acne treatments that can be purchased without seeing a doctor, and many of them can be bought online. i dont know which ones you'll find, but go ahead and look.

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Last Answer : How to Reduce Pimple Redness As you wake up one day, you are horrified to find a monstrous zit sitting on your face. You can apply ointments and creams to help it clear up, but what disturbs you the ... go away. In the meantime, try these tactics to lessen the redness, so it won't be so obvious.

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Description : Do you have any scars that people ask you what happened?

Last Answer : No. All my scars are internal.

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Last Answer : answer:They’ll go away. Scars are permanent only if the skin is torn, and the body needs to stitch it back together. And when you’re young, even those fade over time. Where is the dog now?

Description : Acne scars?

Last Answer : nope, but they give you character. As you age scars become something that says, “I have been there and done that” good especially if you’re a guy.

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Last Answer : I’ve done both and everything in between. I don’t always regret the scars, I don’t always cherish the magic. I don’t relish the pain, or the magic, but sometimes both are necessary.