Why do Republicans support big business, tell Americans we have no jobs because of the Democrats, yet most businessman are "conservative" but ship American jobs overseas.

1 Answer

Answer :

Ah, that is the question. Because Republicans are not really interested in jobs; they are interested in profit.

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Last Answer : no

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Last Answer : Using fear and violence for political gain most directlyaffected African Americans.

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Last Answer : no

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Last Answer : Fuck,no.

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Last Answer : If dangerous security jobs are what your after, Danger Zone Jobsmay be what you are looking for. You can learn more here -http://www.dangerzonejobs.com/artman/publish/index.shtml.

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Last Answer : Yes there are companies such as www.nurseimmigrationusa.com that actively seek foreign health care workers. Telephone interviews are conducted for the hiring process.

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Last Answer : Isn’t that always the way???