Why Alisa Miller reports that the number of Americans who closely follow overseas news?

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Last Answer : a) A story giving later development of a story one printed earlier. It is a second day story also a subsidiary story following a big lead or similar subject

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Last Answer : You should have thought about that before you bought into the company.

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Last Answer : answer:I would not. Check the coverage you have already. Most people's health insurance already coveres health emergencies overseas. Most credit cards cover fraud and loss. Most homeowners liability and property insurance ... stuff. Do carry a credit card with a chip, and you'll have a great time.

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Last Answer : I don’t understand this beef about the notice. Wasn’t this deal in the works for, like, years? Didn’t everyone know this was going to happen eventually?

Description : Going to college overseas?

Last Answer : Also, would any financial aid (such as grants, scholarships) apply overseas? I’ve read conflicting answers on that. My parents, being the pessimists they are, say no.

Description : Online Sellers: Best advice you can offer someone shipping goods over 50$ overseas to Europe and Australia?

Last Answer : I have never ever shipped stuff without tracking it's not that much more. You send them the tracking number afrer you've mailed the item. I've never had any problems. Oh and make sure you work ... , make overseas buyers ask you for a quote. People don't like nasty surprises with the shipping cost.

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Last Answer : Dizzy!!! I get dizzy all the time. Sometimes when the food is good, I get distracted and I guess I don’t feel anything. But it might just be me.

Description : When did a majority of companies in the USA ship jobs overseas?

Last Answer : The 80’s I believe. The Regan years.

Description : Is it true that the IRS gives business tax breaks when they move overseas?

Last Answer : answer:It is a standard business deduction for the move of the job. So, if you moved a job from California to Florida, you can take a business deduction. Nobody cares, or has ever really cared, as ... fired in the US is now on unemployment and the person in another country is not paying US taxes.

Description : I am moving overseas, and I have no idea where to start?

Last Answer : answer:I would suggest some kind of durable storage container system such as PackRat where you can pack items securely and in a weather-proof locking container. Then find a local service or person to entrust ... in the US, but I've never tried to move my domicile overseas. That does sound daunting.

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Last Answer : I would not send an unaccompanied 16 year old female to Guatemala.

Description : Will you share your experiences with Overseas Humanitarian Work?

Last Answer : My teacher told me about it, he said when he came back to the U.S. from Mongolia he realized then how much advantage we take and how ungrateful some students are in the U.S.A. On the ... my student friend went somewhere for humanitarian work. I think he came back and just continued to do beer pong.

Description : Did your teenager ever want to go overseas for a year?

Last Answer : My eldest is only 7 at the moment, but he’s definitely going to live in Scotland when he’s 14.

Description : Would a tax exemption on cash earned by US corporations from overseas operations create US jobs, or just richer corporate jet setters?

Last Answer : If you read the whole article, the last time such funds were allowed to be brought into the US under a tax holiday, it had really no effect on the economy. It did not create jobs.

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Last Answer : I think you need to get to the bottom of why the S/O dragging their feet fist. IMO, ultimatums won’t help you solve that problem.

Description : Why do people on eBay not ship overseas?

Last Answer : answer:I would imagine that aside from cost (which can be considerable in international shipping) there's also the matter of customs declarations and potential duty to be paid. I would imagine that ... varying shipping terms, including who has custody of the item , and when does that occur?