A stack pointer is
a. a 16-bit register in the microprocessor that indicate the beginning of the stack  memory.
b. a register that decodes and executes 16-bit arithmetic expression. c. The first memory location where a subroutine address is stored.
d. a register in which flag bits are stored

1 Answer

Answer :

a. a 16-bit register in the microprocessor that indicate the beginning of the stack  memory.

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Last Answer : c. two data bytes stored in the top two locations of the stack are transferred to the program counter

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Last Answer : The microprocessor can read/write 16 bit data from or to memory 

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Last Answer : Ans: Program Counter

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Last Answer : In 8086 microprocessor, the address bus is 20 bit

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Last Answer : d. Program counter

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Last Answer : c. Instruction registers

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Last Answer : d. Program counter

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Last Answer : c. Instruction register

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Last Answer : b) 8, 60 bit, LILO.

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Last Answer : Answer : A

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Last Answer : a) Memory Data Register

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Last Answer : 1) Memory data register

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Last Answer : c) all x86 processors

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Last Answer : a. 1 bit

Description : The _stack can be 4-word memory addressed by 2 bits from an up/down counter known as the stack pointer: a. FIFO b. PIPO c. SISO d. LIFO

Last Answer : d. LIFO

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Last Answer : c. 64K

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Last Answer : Stack pointer (SP) and Program counter (PC).

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Last Answer : d. All of these

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Last Answer : a. 4 bit

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Last Answer : a. 4 bit

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Last Answer : b. 8-bit

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Last Answer : c. 16 bit

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Last Answer : Algorithm for 16 bit numbers subtraction with borrow: 1. Load 0000H into CX register (for borrow) 2. Load the first number into AX(accumulator) 3. Load the second number into BX register 4. Subtract ... . Move data from AX(accumulator) to memory 8. Move data from CX register to memory 9. Stop

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Last Answer : The intel 8086 microprocessor is a 16 bit processor 

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Last Answer :  In a 16-bit microprocessor, a single word is 16 bit data

Description : SP stand for: a. Stack pointer b. Stack pop c. Stack push d. None of these

Last Answer : a. Stack pointer