College freshman with 10K. What should I invest in?

1 Answer

Answer :

Gold and/or silver. Not stocks, the actual metal.

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Last Answer : Hurray, @raum! Nice going. Congratulations!

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Last Answer : First, I want to say how great it is, because it shows your peers appreciate you! WTG! Congo rats!

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Description : Do you think lowering of norms of 10k is necessary looking at current condition of Fluther?

Last Answer : You are correct up to some point. Although I am new, I felt like answering this question. According to me, these are just numbers and we are here to help. The traffic on this site might ... whether the moderators lower the benchmark or not. These are just numbers. Don't take them too seriously.

Description : What happens if a deleted jelly hits 10K?

Last Answer : I believe they get listed in “Community Feed” and party is optional. Many years ago like 50 there was a retirement party for a guy in the next department over (500 people on that floor). He flatly told them he would not go, they threw it anyway ! He missed a great party.

Description : Can we just go with the Flo into the 10k mansion?

Last Answer : flo! You made it to the mansion! Congo rats! Burritos for all!

Description : How are airlines going to determine who gets the offer of up to 10k to give up their seat?

Last Answer : United has also came out and said they are stopping their practice of overbooking. So apparently it will be a rare occurrence. But that is a good question. I certainly would take the money, but not if it was only United Airlines bucks.

Description : Companies that invest my money and pay profit?

Last Answer : Apple pays a dividend. BlackBerry you can buy cheap. Tech stocks are good. Big pharmacy companies are high risk high gain from all the mergers.

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Last Answer : answer:You don't say how old you are. While a dollar saved at age 25 is three times as valuable as a dollar saved at age 50, your salary is also generally lower at a younger age. 10% ... your returns. And then enjoy your life knowing you are saving for later but not being overly concerned about it.

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Description : Who's the new 10K in the house?

Last Answer : Hey Jaxk! Congratulations!

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Last Answer : answer:First! Edit: oh, yeah, and congrats and all that.

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Last Answer : answer:Not sure what you're asking. If you're talking about privately-owned utilities that are traded on the open market, you'll have to research the individual companies. But man, what a ... utilities, like roads and stormwater drainage, I'm pretty sure your investment is your property taxes.

Description : What leafy jelly has just reached 10K? Dappled_leaves!

Last Answer : Yay. Congratulations! It’s a happy day!

Description : Who wants to join me in a big round of applause for Adagio for hitting 10K?

Last Answer : answer:If I hadn’t run out of question of today, I would have started this party first ~ Heh! I’ll join. Congrat, Adagio!

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Last Answer : A mixture of mutual funds, tax-free bonds and possibly some in money market funds or laddered CDs – although they have very low interest rates at this point.

Description : Is it worth my time to invest in Bitcoin?

Last Answer : answer:I looked into this recently and decided: no, I missed the boat. The currency is valued pretty highly right now, so you're not likely to make money by waiting for it to gain value. Mining is ... up the guy who bought $27 in bitcoins 4 years ago and realized recently that he is a millionaire).

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Last Answer : Run 5 minuets walk 5 minuets. As it gets easier, run 10 minuets, walk 5 minuets. Keep adding run time until you’re running the whole 10K

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Description : Another Jelly calls the 10K mansion gnome sweet gnome?

Last Answer : answer:10K is proof that you are a appreciated contributor! Welcome and Congo Rats! WTFG! Now, maybe you can help me organize a film festival around the topic of Jelly fish!

Description : Only 247 people have over 10k lurve?

Last Answer : Yeah yeah but there is not need for the jellies to get all big-headed about it now. The last thing we need is overbloated jelly egos!!!!!!!!!