Has anyone tried (or is planning to try) some new springtime recipes this year?

1 Answer

Answer :

“Dino ribs” made with beef ribs (untrimmed short ribs) cooked for about 5 hours over lump charcoal at 225* F.

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Last Answer : answer: * Milk and milk products are excellent food options in the low purine diet for gout. Ensure that low fat dairy products are incorporated in the regular diet plan. * Plain yogurt and sweetened yogurt ... Anti-Gout Diet So I would say a stir fry with tofu and vegetables would be very good.

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Last Answer : answer:I like to grill the polenta then put black-beans and avocado on it. Sometimes a bit of sour cream. (TJ's cuban black beans are good if you don't want to make your own.) Making your own ... ? edit: Some people like to fry their polenta in a bit of butter and eat it with warm maple syrup.

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Last Answer : answer:Grab some frozen peas. Put them in a pan, cover with vegetable broth. Bring to a boil and take off the heat as soon as the peas are soft enough to eat. Then, mash them up with a food ... results, call it monster slime or something similar. Welcome to ask-public, hope you're here to stay!

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Last Answer : answer:There is the initial outlay of supplies and equipment, so it depends on your tenacity. The procedures are pretty straightforward. Here's a typical page of instructions. Read the list of equipment you need ... (from 2009 but you can add the cost-of-living increases) to give you a general idea.

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Last Answer : Nacho Cheese Doritos and Cream Cheese. I want to get pregnant just to have a excuse to eat it.

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Last Answer : answer:Blueberry Grape-Nut Pudding This simple, homey baked custard (it's like a bread pudding) has the malty flavor of Grape-Nuts and the sweet-tart accent of blueberries. It can be served for ... 1 cup blueberries 1 teaspoon raw or maple sugar (optional) Whipped cream, for serving (optional) Photo

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Last Answer : theres a great website called allrecipes.com and it has tons of recipes. You can choose what kind of recipes to choose from like low-fat, and healthy.

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Last Answer : answer:amaranth is a good one. like quinoa, it is a whole protein. i like to make it in the morning as a breakfast porridge. its so small that the cooking time is very fast which is a ... and cook like other grains. also available in pasta form (soba noodles) they are rich is protein and yummy

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Last Answer : answer:http://www.helium.com/tm/549831/turkish-lamachunsome-people-others Don’t know how good it is though because I’ve never tried making it. Good luck.

Description : Can you help me discover some new salad recipes?

Last Answer : answer:I love Spring Mix greens with apple slices, walnuts, and Newman's lite Rasberry Walnut dressing. I serve it with ham and cheese panini. Another is romaine with kalamata olives, tomatoes, and vinaigrette ... for you if you are interested in it. This one goes well with fish and cous cous.

Description : Do you have any good (especially new) recipes for preparing cauliflower?

Last Answer : I’m no cook but I’ve been seeing a lot of menu items using creamed cauliflower as a low cal replacement for potatoes. It’s pretty good but sometimes a bit bitter. I think it would probably be good with half potato and half cauliflower.

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Last Answer : IPAs make my tongue happy. Lagers, do, but not as much. Sierra Nevada makes one of my favorite IPAs along with Bells.

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Last Answer : answer:You are in college and can't figure out which sandwich you want to eat?? Do you have any homework I can work on for you too while I am at it? Ham and Swiss works for me! Make ... Swiss, 2 leaves of fresh bib lettuce with a light coating of cracked mustard on thick sliced Multi Grain please!

Description : If your child showed an interest, would you let them try new foods that you didn't like?

Last Answer : I would be more than supportive. As long as something isn't too bad for you, you should try as much as possible. Discouraging exploration, in almost any form, is oppressive. Curiosity is a sign of ... intimidated by the appearance. Now, I could eat a thousand in a sitting. Extra,extra spicy please!

Description : If you heard about a new diet, what would get you to try it?

Last Answer : I would try most Lifestyles that promote good health.

Description : How do you get stubborn friends to try new foods?

Last Answer : There is no disputing taste. I don’t see what you can do. It’s like trying to make a kid try something they don’t want to try. He knows where you’re going. He can choose to absent himself if he wants. You can’t do anything other than to encourage him to try something new.

Description : What are some good products/food that you tried?

Last Answer : I like powdered peanut butter. Lots of flavor. I don’ miss the fat that was removed.