Why does my body feel physically sleepy and tired, but I can't go to sleep?

1 Answer

Answer :

Try to force your mind to think of neutral things. My ex used to fall asleep quickly. He said he just thought of fog.

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Last Answer : …stress pumps me up big time, but the farting out of control balloon effect is usually not far behind (no pun intended)...a dead sleep is almost certain to follow that…

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Last Answer : The horse's name was Friday.

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Last Answer : You are a dreamer that is great as you are tuned into things other than the day to day grind that most people fall victim to and surrender to those demands. Continue to dream but find the courage to ... school as you have said that is the key to making your dreams a reality! Hang tough and smile!

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Last Answer : Try reading a book, that usually makes my eyes slam shut at this time of the morning. (I just woke up- farmers hours).

Description : I'm sure that I slept like bambina last night, but, this morning I feel tired (it's so bad.. that it's a struggle to get my body moving). What gives?

Last Answer : If you literally can’t move, it might be sleep apnea, but I’m guessing not since it sounds like a one off event.

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Last Answer : Generally. If I’m supposed to be conscious before a certain time, I’ll put myself to bed about six hours previous.

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Last Answer : When you seep for 10–12 every few weeks that’s a sign you have sleep debt. You’re probably just not used to getting full night. Try it faithfully for a month, and see how much more productive you’ll become. It’s much better for you.

Description : I am physically, and mentally exhausted, and I can't sleep. Can somebody please help me with some ideas to help me?

Last Answer : I can never sleep when my head is too busy. Sometimes I get the loop tape going in there and sleep just can't happen. So I listen to books or pod casts on my iPod. Just immerse yourself in the words ... prefer, and in no time your head will forget the tape and you will be asleep. Trust me, it works.

Description : Why do I always feel tired?

Last Answer : answer:Do you exercise? Exercise is one of thee greatest way to release the feel good natural chemicals in the body. Oh and this insomnia you speak of, I'm like 95% sure you're using that ... sleep until 3-4am is not insomnia. This dude currently this week from Tuesday until Friday has not slept

Description : I have just had a huge shock and feel really tired - normal?

Last Answer : It’s normal to feel a bit tired after a that excitement. You just had a huge adreneline rush and a major amount of stress go grab your pillow and get some zzzz’s. First put your daughter to bed though! :-)

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Last Answer : Surprisingly, I think it is now. I have some recurrent aches and pains but I walk a lot and do aquacise ⅔ times a week. I could stand to lose about 15 pounds but my weight is relatively consistent ... that due to the exercise my heart and stamina are pretty good and I am rarely sick for some reason.

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Last Answer : Take some paracetomol, make yourself a hot chocolate and ride it out. A warm pack on your stomach might help. :)

Description : Why do I feel sleepy after a crying?

Last Answer : answer:Crying, a really good, solid cry wears me out. Do you want to know the biology of it? Why crying makes you tired or sleepy? I don't know if I have the answer for that. Intense ... the physiology of it is exactly the answer you wanted then I probably shouldn't have responded, but I did.

Description : Can contraceptive pills make you feel sleepy?

Last Answer : You should ask your doctor. There are so many things that could be causing your sleepiness that may have nothing to do with the pill.

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Last Answer : Have you had it checked for a carbon monoxide leak?

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Last Answer : I am sure you have to dress a certain way, but do so comfortably, don’t sacrifice comfort for fashion.

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Last Answer : answer:Not me. *this message typed will petting my bacon and frying my cat.

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Last Answer : No. In all my 45 years, I have never had a job that allowed me to do what I want while being paid to work.

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Last Answer : I’m a night owl…recently, have started to nap…like lasagna.

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Last Answer : Sleep. I’ve tried the same thing many times, and if you can’t be focused enough on the test from lack of sleep, then it does not matter how much you crammed in at the last second. Sleep now. Good luck!

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Last Answer : answer:“Hit yourself on the head with a hammer. You will be out in nano-seconds.” If you are going to insult me, use proper spelling, then you appear to have some intelligence. I might just might be offended as an award.

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Last Answer : he lived in a light house

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Last Answer : Two hours. Wind-up clocks can't be set more than 12 hours in advance.

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Last Answer : In the sentence 'I want to sleep when I'm tired,' the words 'to sleep' is an infinitive phrase.

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Last Answer : You have not mentioned whether you are male or female. If you are female then there are chances that you shall need hormonal supplement even past age 73.

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Last Answer : Since the recent changes in the mortgage industry a lot of subprime lenders have gone out of business, but there is still hope for you. If you find a house you love you can talk to the owner and see ... like that.inform me if there is an easier way to buy a house without credit, being such an option

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Last Answer : I’ve tried both, and I find warm t be most soothing. If you are trying to revive, and be active, I suggest cold, but warm is best for getting to sleep.

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Last Answer : It gives your eyes a rest, do you wear glasses or should you?

Description : I have not slept at all in two days and am not tired. What's wrong with me?

Last Answer : Are you excited about something? Really looking forward to an upcoming event maybe? That’s how I can go about not sleeping, otherwise I’d be dead by now, I love to sleep.

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Last Answer : I take 2 daily multivitamins a week. Any more than that and I don’t feel at my best.

Description : Solutions to tired feet?

Last Answer : From the knee down? Do you have a history of shin splints? Are you wearing good shoes?

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Last Answer : What did the vet tell you to do about it? He/she will know more than random internet strangers.

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Last Answer : I get irritable and pissed off easily. I have to use breathing techniques just so I won’t hurt anyone’s feelings.

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Last Answer : answer:What are you on to manage your asthma? What does your doctor say about a work out plan that goes along with managing your asthma? If he has no suggestions and his only suggestion is you ... taking into consideration how it makes you feel, get a different doctor and get rid of this quack.

Description : Why is my girlfriend always tired?

Last Answer : maybe the quality of sleep she is getting is not so good. does she have alot on her mind, or maybe the mattress is in poor shape. does she take any medications. that too could be a factor. over the counter meds.

Description : Why do bags form under your eyes when you're tired?

Last Answer : It’s a flag to others to tell you to get more sleep.

Description : So tired its painful...sitting at work, what do you do?

Last Answer : If you’re used to getting less sleep you probably just tricked your body into thinking it was time to make up your sleep debt. So now, it’s in coma mode. Drink the Mountain Dew, take a power nap on your break and walk around once an hour. That will keep you up. :)

Description : Is there a certain amount a physically fit person should be able to bike?

Last Answer : No, I mountain bike frequently and am in good physical shape but I have crappy endurance. It's genetic, I'm a sprinter and have different muscle type than people who are good at endurance. I struggle with an ... if I pace myself 15 miles out on the trail is a good ride. It varies for everyone.

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Last Answer : Even when I first started working out I didn’t get lightheaded and weak, maybe ask one of the trainers at the gym?

Description : Can you be physically fit, yet still have big breasts/butt?

Last Answer : I know women who were athletes in college and were built like brick houses. Their husbands, however, married them for their personalities and intellect.

Description : What ways do your emotions physically manifest themselves?

Last Answer : answer:When I feel love for someone, I want to squeeze them. It’s a really strong urge. It’s either that, or I shake. This sounds weird when read, but it’s not that violent in reality. When I’m really angry, I feel like my whole body is on fire. I literally heat up.

Description : What Was the Most Physically Painful Experience You've Had Thus Far?

Last Answer : Getting out of bed the first few days after Caeserean sections.

Description : Do women who are physically fit create more testosterone than women who are only as active as the average person?

Last Answer : answer:When you work out, you do produce more testosterone. It's a fact. There is a saying that, if you want to get built, work out your legs b/c even if you want bigger arms, or chest, or ... than the average person, and it would be safe to say that they produce more testosterone. Guy or girl.

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Last Answer : Perhaps it’s your body telling you that alcohol is really a toxin. As you age, you are more vulnerable to problems since your kidneys and liver become slightly more inefficient every year you continue to breathe.

Description : I am not asking this question from a materialistic point of view, but do you ever feel awful if you have overused your car and "tired it out"?

Last Answer : I don’t give a personality to appliances & machines. I’d just see it gets the maintainance it needs.

Description : i have menstual-type cramps but haven't had a period for 14 yrs. my stools are a little bit mucusy and i feel crampy and tired?

Last Answer : i have menstrual-type cramps but i am post menopausal. i feel a burning sensation in my bladder. my stools are mucusy and i feel cold and tired.. should i get checked out

Description : Does anyone else here get sleepy very easily when they read or watch television or a computer ?

Last Answer : No. It is the opposite for me. Reading a textbook makes me sleepy.