Need you guys so bad this time: Essential tips before first date.

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Try to avoid stressing so much. The fact that it’s not a one-on-one, candlelight and violins kind of date works strongly in your favor. You’re meeting the girl – and her friend – in the daylight. The only way you can screw this up is if you put too much pressure on the situation or on yourself. Relax. She wants to meet you in the daylight with her friend to assure herself that you’re not a charming axe murderer. The fact that she’s meeting you at all is indication that she’s interested. All you have to do now is not be an axe murderer. Seriously. Be light, casual, friendly – your normal charming self, in other words. As far as “where to go, and what to do”, ask her what she’d like to do, or what she would do if she were in your town on her own, and then plan accordingly. And don’t be an axe murderer.

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