Did you send your kids to school with lunch money every day?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yes, mid 70’s in DC & I gave her the correct change every day!!!

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Last Answer : answer:The school system sounds like they are trying to embarrass the family and parents to get them to pay. But it is like arresting taxi cab driver because the owner of the company didn't ... Title II cover the feeding in schools, sound like the school system is not complying with Federal laws.

Description : My son is 12 years old, but it seems that he has a hard time adjusting with other kids, at school he seems to stay away from his friends I asked him everytime did you go out to lunch and he ... in class. when his sister bring friends he stays around them but without saying a word. Is it the age?

Last Answer : have you tried sports or any extra curricular activity? Im sure it us tough as a kid to feel part of a group. For me it was sports. It made me feel like I was part of something, and I was, so in return I made alot if friends

Description : Parents, what does the school do when your child runs out of money on their lunch account?

Last Answer : She seems to be keeping record of this, so why can’t she have a website you can go to and check your child’s account? If she doesn’t do this already, ask about the availability of her doing this. Then you can check your/his account daily.

Description : Would you salute a Corporate CEO for making $5 million stealing school children's lunch money?

Last Answer : Now, that is kind of a leading question! But I was already scared of and disgusted with ALEC from what I had heard of them.

Description : What is healthy for lunch for kids?

Last Answer : Chicken taco salads Pitta pockets Peanut hummus with fruits and vegetable sticks Mini spinach and cottage cheese fritattas Chicken carrot and avocado rolls Tuna rica salad Turkey and pepper pittas

Description : Is having tuna, crackers and cheese particularly healthy to have every weekday during lunch?

Last Answer : Sounds good, just not too many crackers and it should be great

Description : Do public school teachers send their own kids to public schools or non-public usually?

Last Answer : I know a lot of teachers with kids in the public school system. I don’t know what the percentages are.

Description : What kind of food did your mom pack in the your school lunch?

Last Answer : I do not remember.

Description : California high school recently served fried chicken, collard greens, and watermelon for lunch to celebrate Black History Month. Is that racist?

Last Answer : Tasty mmm… fried chicken.. I just ordered Pizza Hut. One medium pizza cheese lovers.

Description : For those who are in high school (or have children), what do schools normally serve for lunch these days?

Last Answer : At my kid’s school it’s just as bad, but with smaller portions (and the option for salad… until they run out).

Description : What was your school lunch like?

Last Answer : I forget, because I rarely ate lunch. I packed a lunch when I was in elementary school (actually, my mother packed it.) We did have an amazing salad bar twice a week, though, and I ate lunch on those days.

Description : Does anyone know why the school speed limit is in effect during the lunch hour?

Last Answer : I dont think they “school zone” signs turn on during lunch in my area. Im pretty sure they dont.

Description : What is the worst thing you’ve been served at school lunch?

Last Answer : Basically watered down cheese, with nacho chips.

Description : School starts at 8:30, they do math at that time, they do reading at 9:00, they do music at 9:30, they do P.E. at 10:00, then more math at 10:30, then they have tests at 11:00 then correcting ... party at 2:30 and then they clean up after the party at 3:00, what time do they go home today? -Riddles

Last Answer : 3:30 because each activity is 30 minutes so they clean up for 30 minutes then leave at 3:30!

Description : Getting sick of turkey sandwhiches for lunch at work. Any suggestions for make-at-home lunches to bring to work to save money?

Last Answer : Go to shops and buy one of the millions of items and make a sandwich , or go to a takeout place . You could also go to the canteen if have one , could be cheaper there . I hear fruit is nice cheap and tasty :)—so is the neighbours dog made into doggycicles .

Description : What would your thoughts be if you invited someone to lunch, they accepted,but when they came the next day, they weren't hungry because they had just eaten?

Last Answer : I don’t have kids but to me it feels a bit rude. On the other hand she still came, why is that?

Description : Is eating 1 Maruchan instant lunch a day bad?

Last Answer : As compared to a two hour buffet or not eating?

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Last Answer : Or even Christmas night stories.

Description : I'm sort of a heavy smoker. But with this new job (8 hrs per day,) I made the decision not to smoke except during my one break (30 minutes for lunch.) It isn't really bothering me at all. Anyone have any idea why?

Last Answer : Maybe you’re just over it. In any case, congratulations!

Description : What restaurants in San Francisco are open for lunch on Christmas Day?

Last Answer : For the record, I ended up going to Brandy Ho’s.

Description : Would you prefer an 11-hour workday (with 1 hour for lunch), if it meant that you always had a 3-day weekend?

Last Answer : YES!! Currently I work a flex schedule and have every other Friday off. I would love a four day work week every week.

Description : must employers give a lunch break in an 8 hour work day ?

Last Answer : Yes you are required a 30 minute meal period after 5.5 hours of work.

Description : Which high did you attend in USA? How was your experience, would you send your kids there?

Last Answer : I think it was Indica.

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Last Answer : From what I've read of the pedagogy, I think my 3rd & 4th grade years at what was once Elm Creative Arts School (a Milwaukee public elementary school) in the mid-70s relied on some of those ... kids, but I'd let the teachers know that religious / spiritual education is in my hands, not theirs.

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Last Answer : Mount Waialeale, Kauai in the Hawaiian Islands is the wettest place on Earth. Waialeale means overflowing water in Hawaiian. It's altitude of more than 5000 feet is one reason why the place gets ... 's side. It rains almost everyday at Mount Waialeale, with only about fifty clear days a year.

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Last Answer : Screw that. I don’t want to give access to my phone to Lying, cheating, repulsive Don.

Description : Can a business send a bill to collections even if you've been paying on it every month?

Last Answer : A debtor can assign your debt to anyone they want to. It sucks. It is also stupid of them, because they have to give 30-50% to the collection agency now. It's bad business, but it IS legal. You will ... bureaus. Ask them to put it in writing. You may end up with an extra payment or 2 for interest.

Description : Is there a way you can set birthday reminders on Gmail and have them every year send you a reminder?

Last Answer : I don't know how to do that on gmail, but Google has a calendar that will do that easily. It will send you email, or even a text message to your phone. It's easy to set ... or individual events. I use it for all my appointments, anniversaries birthdays, classes, dentist and Doctor visits, etc.

Description : There are two cliffs. They are each attached by a suspension bridge that takes 5 minutes to walk across, and is the only way to get to the other side. No one is allowed to cross the bridge unless ... the bridge, he'll wake up exactly when you reach the other side, and send you back)? -Riddles

Last Answer : You can't go as he is awake, he'll see you, but go when he doesn't see you. Then, turn back as he is waking up, pretending to go to the side you came from. Then, he'll figure you are unauthorized to set foot on the bridge, and send you to the side you want to get to.

Description : 16th of the every month_____ will be send void MO list to ______in form MO 19(b) a) SO, HO, b) SO, Circle Account office c) SO, Postal Account Office d) HO , Postal account office

Last Answer : d) HO , Postal account office

Description : If I send money through pay pal can the person receive it within the same day?

Last Answer : If your payment is via credit card I believe it takes one day to be accessible. If you pay from a bank account it takes a few days. Read the Paypal website; it gives you all of this information. ... a few days to verify your account if you want to use your bank account to fund your Paypal payment.

Description : Some students send a greeting card to you on teacher’s day. What will you do? You will Options: A) do nothing B) say thanks to them C) ask them to not to waste money D) reciprocate the good wishes to the

Last Answer : B) say thanks to them 

Description : Does eating high-calorie dinners contribute to more weight gain than high-calorie breakfasts and lunch?

Last Answer : I seem to do best when I have quite a light dinner in terms of weight.

Description : Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you don't know whether to eat breakfast or lunch, or even dinner?

Last Answer : Nope I broke with convention years ago. I eat what I’m hungry for. The rest of the country started catching up with me when fast food started advertising breakfast all day.

Description : If you were out on the lake in a boat, and, for lunch, your buddy offers fried chicken to those on the boat, do you toss the bones and scrap over the side?

Last Answer : Don’t you have littering laws?

Description : Have you ever asked a former teacher to grab lunch or coffee?

Last Answer : I offered my grade 6 teacher sugar cookies that I made in grade 9. She declined.

Description : If Melania Trump and Stormy Daniels met for lunch (or tea) one afternoon, what would they talk about?

Last Answer : They’d talk about their kids, their kids are pretty close in age.

Description : Anyone been to dinner or lunch where the table next to you destroyed the ambiance?

Last Answer : Men speaking in really loud voices usually it seems to me like they're talking about their work, although annoying outspoken manspeak tends to be the hardest for me to ignore, at any volume. Hyper- ... - the last time I was out to dinner, there were at least three of those at different tables.

Description : If you volunteered to grab lunch for yourself and 4 coworkers at a fast food restaurant, how would you coordinate it?

Last Answer : I would announce I was going out for ONE, specific, lunch item, like tacos, or burritos and if anyone wanted something to toss some cash my way. Then I would get the same items for everyone. 4 burritos, 4 tacos, done. I am not a masochist. LOL

Description : What are some healthy portable lunch ideas?

Last Answer : I just finished up cutting up a watermelon in bite size pieces to put in a little container to take to lunch.

Description : What's something out of the ordinary you can do at lunch?

Last Answer : Egg roll and Orange Juice.

Description : Could you recommend some healthy lunch and snack ideas?

Last Answer : answer:Eating fresh fruit and veg is the best way to lose weight. Don't eat anything processed. Cook everything from scratch. I've been eating a lot more fresh food for about 18 months now, and if I eat ... snacks. A few potato chips occasionally is not a bad thing, but I don't keep them on hand.

Description : Do you eat your lunch at your desk?

Last Answer : answer:I hated eating at my desk and almost never did. My husband used to do it all the time. I tried to convince him not to. I think it's best to take a real break during the day. Different wall ... desk. I could go to the employee lounge for lunch, but almost never did. I left the store to eat.

Description : Do many people take their lunch to work any more?

Last Answer : I took my lunch 3 times a week, and ate fast food the other days. We worked in the field, and we tracked which locations were food friendly.

Description : When you're out and about by yourself, running errands, having lunch, whatever, do you look at your phone often? Infrequently? When you're with friends and/or family, doing whatever you do, do you look at your phone a lot or infrequently?

Last Answer : I'm one of the last to not carry a cell phone so when I am out and about I chat up others or just go about my business or, if I am in a cafe or coffee place I might take some reading ... my local bakery/cafe and ask-public while enjoying a goodie once in awhile but I haven't done that forever now.

Description : Guess what I'm going to have for lunch today?

Last Answer : No clues? Something with pasta in it.

Description : Work culture to work through lunch break?

Last Answer : The answer (as you know) depends on how much you value the job. It certainly would appear that you and your co-workers aren’t valued at all.

Description : Do you prefer to make your own lunch/meals or eat out?

Last Answer : I usually pack a sandwich because I only get a half hour break and mainly because it is cheaper and less fattening than eating out.