Is there a reason homeless people exist? Why?

1 Answer

Answer :

Bad situations can leave people without homes. Drugs or gambling are also a factor. Another is mental health. There’s a variety of different reasons

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Description : How come homeless shelters do not have Corona testing sites to admit homeless people who are Corona free?

Last Answer : My state has multiple sites for FREE testing! Where are you ?

Description : "Without landlords/rental properties, more people would be homeless." True or false?

Last Answer : Not true. There is no one way it would actually play out . The person you were talking to was acting like there was only one valid way to think about housing (and about the ... pervasive scarcity and homelessness. But to support that would require an economic revolution of one sort or another.

Description : Are homeless people subject to curfews?

Last Answer : Well in many places the police will drive them out of places the rich people don't want them to be at night, destroy their camps and makeshift homes and stuff, it that's what you mean, even when ... vary from curfew to curfew. There is no one answer to a question about the details of ALL curfews.

Description : Can homeless people get student loans?

Last Answer : It may depend on their credit rating. When I got a federally insured student loan, it was for schooling only and the school received it all. After I had been out of school for six months I had to start ... about $60 a month, the last six months about $110 a month. (Didn't have to pay that back.)

Description : Where do homeless people go during winter?

Last Answer : answer:South. As I understand it, there are a large number of homeless that go to Miami (and other warmer climes) for the winter, and then catch a cheap bus in the spring and head back to Cleveland, ... time in a shelter (literacy stuff) and more than one of them told me that they made a circuit.

Description : Why do homeless people want to live on the riverbanks in cold weather climates?

Last Answer : answer:Why wouldn’t the homeless want to go live where there are no people, no facilities, no parks, no restaurants with leftovers, no stores with food and beverages, no street corners to busk on, no jobs to apply for, etc.? I can’t imagine.

Description : Do you see homeless people everyday?

Last Answer : answer:I work in San Francisco, so they are all around me as I walk the two blocks from the train to my office. We used to call them hobos . And I often saw them down near the ... 10th of 1% controlling more than the bottom 50%, lack of Congressional support for the VA and housing for veterans.

Description : Does anyone here believe they've ever heard a suitable explanation for the abrupt appearance of armies of homeless people on the nation's streets in the mid 80s?

Last Answer : I would like to hear your theory.

Description : Do you give to homeless people who advertise they are homeless, or to those obviously homeless but don’t?

Last Answer : I work through agencies who know a lot more than I do about the homeless and poverty in my community. They also know who is advertizing and not poor.

Description : Do you give homeless people money?

Last Answer : I’ve never met a homeless person.

Description : What do you believe causes some people not to view the homeless as people?

Last Answer : Loitering around where you need to go and aggressive panhandling. I was homeless for a week and I still didn’t go to the free meals, because I was bullied as a small child and I stay away from certain groups, especially adult men. I can’t go even now and I am still scared of being confronted.

Description : The holidays are upon us, how many homeless, and or poor needy people are you going to feed that you DON’T know?

Last Answer : None that I know of really. We have to go to a food pantry ourselves. Although I am lucky enough to have family that will serve a great meal on Christmas. Any food from the pantry we can't ... always give a little to the bell ringers. But as for personally feeding someone an entire meal well none.

Description : Homeless people as wi-fi hotspots: what are your thoughts?

Last Answer : Sounds like a good idea to me. It’s no more exploitation than any other flavor of unskilled labor. Though $40+ is more in keeping with my state’s minimum wage requirements.

Description : Do you tip the homeless people begging for money off exits on the freeway?

Last Answer : If I can safely stop and I have a few extra dollars in my pocket, then I gladly give it to them. I don't really care what they spend it on. They're homeless and I'm not. If they can buy ... comfort when they are cold and hungry, I'm certainly not going to wag my finger and tell them they can't.

Description : Homeless people arrested for selling newspapers. What gives?

Last Answer : If they want the homeless to go away, they shouldn’t buy the newspapers. Somebody has made an ass of themselves, that’s for sure.

Description : Are there a lot more people in homeless shelters since the economy went bad?

Last Answer : Even when the economy was good people were still turned away from shelters due to a lack of capacity. If anything there is less people living in shelters since funding has dried up. Now people just sleep on the street or under a bridge.

Description : Should I give homeless people money?

Last Answer : I’ve never given them money. When my kids were young and we went grocery shopping, we always bought a bag full of fruit and dropped off under a bridge where homeless people live. It was a good lesson for them, as well as the actual purpose.

Description : Do you give money to homeless people?

Last Answer : If I have a dollar or change on me I will, but I’m not gambling my money like that. What I should start doing is buying food and giving it to homeless in NYC or something.

Description : Why do the homeless make some people feel so uncomfortable?

Last Answer : Maybe something like “survivor’s guilt,” only in regards to prosperity? They have so much, he has so little, and they could help but choose not to. Or do, but can never do enough. Either that, or a kind of classism. “OMG, we’re so much better than him! How dare he sit where we sit!”

Description : Which city/country has the best support system for homeless people?

Last Answer : starbux, This is your 5th question regarding homelessness. Are you homeless? Is this a question for some sort of project for school, an organization, or other?

Description : Why do people commit suicide who have a home and homeless people dont commit suicide?

Last Answer : I’m not sure I understand what one has to do with the other. Are you implying that in general people commit suicide due to their housing situation? That would be a very misguided assumption and a terribly shallow view of mental issues plaguing those who are suicidal in nature.

Description : People on the streets: Are homeless people just shiftless and lazy, or do they deserve our help?

Last Answer : Troll

Description : What's the backstory you create for crazy or homeless people?

Last Answer : I never really thought about it but mine is like yours.

Description : Are there disguised CIA homeless people in Washington, D.C.?

Last Answer : I mean it wouldn't shock me, but it seems a bit of a massive waste of resources for such little gain. I could see doing that if you knew someone you wanted to watch was in that area . but ... of money/man hours (and highly trained/limited man hours too) to just flood the streets of DC with people.

Description : What's a good San Francisco charity for poor or homeless people?

Last Answer : The Coalition on Homelessness does a lot of good work.

Description : What country has the lowest percentage of homeless people?

Last Answer : answer:I believe it is either Switzerland or Sweden one of which have basically no poverty. At this stage of world development I don’t think that stats like that are very helpful, as they usually just mean that the poverty is gathered in some other country.

Description : What is the appropriate response to homeless people who ask you for change?

Last Answer : answer:In the cases that there's a food place around, I normally go buy them something to eat and give that to them instead of cash. For the homeless who panhandle at intersections I always have protein bars ... ll usually go and get them a hot coffee or something. It seems like a nice thing to do.)

Last Answer : In 2009, more than one million people became homeless due to Ayla.

Last Answer : 1 million people become homeless every year.

Description : What Towns of shacks and tents built by homeless people during the depression called?

Last Answer : Such make-shift 'towns' are known as shanty towns. Though it can also be known as a squatter area.

Description : What are the Towns of shacks and tents built by homeless people during the depression?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : What is the term used to describe makeshift shantytowns set up by homeless people during the Great Depression?

Last Answer : Hoovervilles

Description : How much is spent on homeless people a year?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : How many people are homeless in the world 2018?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What is the term used to describe makeshift shantytowns set up by homeless people during the Great Depression?

Last Answer : Hoovervilles

Description : I am about to become homeless in a few days. I just got a job at CitiFields and I need to find a place to stay. I would like to know of places that are looking for people that can pay a min($300-$400)a month, or even $100-$120-a week. ?

Last Answer : You may want to check out local motels that rent rooms furnished for about $120 a week.

Description : How many people per hour become homeless?

Last Answer : Five Families

Description : How do homeless people survive?

Last Answer : mainly buy begging people aking for money food clothes they take shower at gash station sometimes

Description : Anyone who is homeless, what is your story?

Last Answer : I've just been feeling really down about not having a home and I want to know if there is anybody else going through the same thing as me

Description : Why don't they have homeless shelters across the planet for Muslims?

Last Answer : Do you know that they don’t? Since there are Muslims in many countries, I would think there might be different provisions in different countries. Do you have any sources to cite to back up your assertions?

Description : What are the penalties for giving out money or food to the homeless in your city?

Last Answer : There are none that I’m aware of. I hand out spare cash to homeless people at times. Not much but all I can do. Why the heck would people be penalized for that? Has society sunk that far down into the dregs?

Description : What will happen to the crime rate when the homeless realize they are guaranteed a better standard of living in jail than out on the streets?

Last Answer : Getting three meals a day in jail is not a new thing. Jail has a lot of downsides.

Description : How can cities like San Francisco solve their homeless problem?

Last Answer : Affordable housing and mental health facilities would probably take care of the lion’s share.