Flowers are zygomorphic in
(a) mustard (b) gulmohor
(c) tomato (d) Datura.

1 Answer

Answer :

(b) gulmohor

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Last Answer : (c) actinomorphic, hypogynous with twisted aestivation

Description : What is zygomorphic? -Biology

Last Answer : Zygomorphic flower - A flower capable of being divided into only two equal parts (mirror images) by a line passing through the middle of a flower, i.e., other lines passing the ... actinomorphic, monosymmetric, radially symmetrical, and regular flowers. Eg: snapdragon, orchid, and sweet pea.

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Last Answer : DESCRIPTION: These annual and tender, shrubby, perennial flowering plants are natives of tropical America, Europe and Mexico. The most familiar kind is Datura (Brugmansia) arborea, which produces large, white, fragrant ... D. cornigera. The annual kinds - D. Metel; D. Metel rubra; D. meteloides.

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Last Answer : Mustard flowers cause insect adaptation.

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Last Answer : (b) Seven

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Last Answer : (b) Four

Description : my friend takes the flowers off of her tomato and veggie plants saying you get larger veggies. Is this true?

Last Answer : yes but you wont have as many tomatoes because each bud produces a tomato. if you do this make sure you leave enough buds to give you enough of a supply.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : we have ours on stakes and we took off the suckers....only leave the tomatoe on...we use old cotton sheets to tie them up loosely.

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Last Answer : A lack of potash. Feed fertilizer will a large middle number.


Last Answer : PH for tomato is 5.5 to 7.5 rotate your crops for 2014

Description : (tomato plant flowers then stem behind flower dries up and falls off)

Last Answer : No pollination is the answer. Are the tomato plants staked? shake the stake every morning. That shakes pollin from one bud to another and you should get fruit.

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Last Answer : Mulch your tomatoe's. Soil born virus can splash up on the plant from heavy rains and transmit diseases. Mulch keeps the dirt off the plant.

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Last Answer : (c) treating the plants with low concentrations of gibberellic acid and auxins

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Last Answer : (d) Michelia.

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Last Answer : A. Several conditions can cause tomatoes to not set fruit. Too much nitrogen fertilizer, nighttime temperatures over 75 degrees F, low temperatures below 50 degrees F, irregular watering, insects such as thrips or planting the wrong cultivar may result in poor fruit set.

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Last Answer : A. During unfavorable weather (night temperatures lower than 55 degrees F or above 72 degrees F and day temperatures above 95 degrees F with dry, hot winds), tomatoes do not set fruit and the flowers drop. The problem usually disappears as the weather improves.

Description : 68. The gynoecium consists of many free pistils in flowers of (1) Michelia (2) Aloe (3) Tomato (4) Papaver

Last Answer : Michelia

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Last Answer : No, that is the kind of folk etymology that arises from people seeing similarities as connections.

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Last Answer : I would go to extremes to avoid mustard. . But I would be glad to talk about it otherwise.

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Last Answer : If it were me, I’d go with mustard. That’s my vote.

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Last Answer : There is only one brand of mustard that I eat, and it is Bautz’ner. None else will do.

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Last Answer : All mustard species should be safe (assuming your yard is not contaminated by chemicals), but just for good measure and fun you should look up the specific species. I find the comparison to horseradish to be highly exaggerated, though. I stick to the greens and flower.

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Last Answer : Yuck. Why ruin perfectly good mac & cheese?

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Last Answer : Home improvement projects. If you ca hang wallpaper or lay tile together and not kill each other, you’re good.

Description : What do you put on a sandwich? Mustard or Mayo? Tomatoes and Lettuce? Are you ever surprised when you travel what condiments are automatically put on your sandwich in different places?

Last Answer : A perfect sandwich for me would be… 2 slices of whole wheat bread perfectly made chicken salad Swiss cheese melted into the chicken salad Sweet Baby Ray’s BBQ sauce on top. I just came thinking about it…

Description : Where can I find wasabi mustard?

Last Answer : Whole foods I'm pretty sure carries it.

Description : How is mustard made?

Last Answer : ground up mustard seed to start

Description : How do I make the Honey Mustard I buy in the store taste more like what I get in a restaurant?

Last Answer : I’d buy a good quality mustard at the store, and then a great, fresh honey and mix them to taste. That way you can make it how you like it best!

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Last Answer : answer:I guess it’s a east coast/regional thing. I’ve never heard of it. But it sounds like something I definitely want to try. If you’re that desperate, you can order it directly from Plochman’s online:

Description : What's so special about ketchup and mustard?

Last Answer : I know what you did here.. Well played,

Description : What is in brown mustard that isn't in yellowmustard?

Last Answer : brown mustard.

Description : What is it about Chinese "Hot Mustard" that gives you that "gasolene vapor" effect that makes your eyes water and sinuses clear up?

Last Answer : answer:It’s a horseradish based heat (as opposed to capsaicin). It’s what gives wasabi it’s kick. (That rush makes my scalp crawl.)

Description : What's so special about mustard and ketchup?

Last Answer : answer:And mayo for that matter. I rarely use catsup, and I detest mayo and mustard. As condiments go, I prefer salsa, guacamole, and soy sauce. This probably says more about the kind of food I typically eat than about condiments in general.


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