The phosphorous used as rat poison ?

1 Answer

Answer :

Zinc Phosphide

Related questions

Description : Which chemical is used for rat poison?

Last Answer : Zinc phosphide

Description : The chemical name of rat poison is - (1) zinc oxide (2) potassium cyanide (3) lead nitrate (4) zinc phosphide

Last Answer : (4) zinc phosphide Explanation: Zinc phosphide is used as a rodenticide. A mixture of food and zinc phosphide is left where the rodents can eat it. The acid in the digestive system of the rodent reacts with the phosphide to generate the toxic phosphine gas.

Description : The chemical name of rat poison is (1) zinc oxide (2) potassium cyanide (3) lead nitrate (4) zinc phosphide

Last Answer : zinc phosphide

Description : Name the animal which can do without water in its entire life? A. Desert lizard B. Camel C. Kangaroo rat (Answer) D. Cuttlefish

Last Answer : C. Kangaroo rat (Answer)

Description : Other than for their designed purpose, have you creative uses for mouse and rat traps?

Last Answer : I could think of some (catapult, other trigger mechanisms), but I do not use them because they seem to me prone to damage someone or something I wouldn’t want to damage, and I don’t have mouse/rat problems (I usually have cats). I think I do have some of those traps, though, not set.

Description : Would you ever willingly eat a meal cooked by a sentient rat?

Last Answer : If Ratatouille were the chef, I would eat the meal.

Description : Rat my colleague out, or not?

Last Answer : I would have to say something, perhaps anonymously. There are two kinds of people I can’t tolerate: One is a liar, one is a thief.

Description : So I was just at Safeway picking up burrito stuff. The woman in front of me in line was sporting a pet rat in her arms. Would this bother you?

Last Answer : Animals in shops are a no-no for me. Except for assistance dogs of course.

Description : Is Mr. Harward an example of shi*s deserting a sinking rat?

Last Answer : Rats deserting a sinking ship works just fine.

Description : Suggestions on removing a RAT or KL?

Last Answer : I did a search for skypehost.exe and found this article about it in Windows 10. It appears to be legit, but wasteful and several methods are suggested to remove it. . Here is another article about it. I can’t answer the RAT or KL question but, no doubt, someone will shortly.

Description : What can you tell me about Rat Terriers?

Last Answer : answer:My little terrier Mona does shed, but if you brush her every night, it's not bad. She is extremely high energy, but after puppy stage will settle down and play with toys, but they are still a ... fun pet, probably loves to play more than any dog I've ever had, which is a considerable amount.

Description : Why is my pet rat afraid to step on its new bedding?

Last Answer : Maybe he is sensitive to something in the new bedding. I would try a different product.

Description : I need some advice on a rat in my cupboard?

Last Answer : answer:Perhaps poison the trap bait (I'm assuming the pets can't reach the trap)? If you know where it's getting in you can stuff the hole with cat litter soaked with cat urine might scare it off. ... might want to grease/oil your trap to make sure it's as sensitive and quick to spring as possible.

Description : How to befriend my new pet rat?

Last Answer : Food, food, and more food! Rats LOVE food and will tame down quickly with food rewards. A bit of peanut butter on a bite of bread or a piece of fruit like watermelon or apple will have ... into the room. Rats are very intelligent and positive rewards always work woth most animals, including us. lol

Description : Is it easier to pull a rabbit out of a hat or a habbit out of a rat?

Last Answer : It is easier to pull an ambit out of a cat.

Description : Stealing money in the workplace - Do you rat out a co-worker/friend?

Last Answer : details?

Description : Advice on caring for a new hairless rat?

Last Answer : answer:No. Rats are highly intelligent creatures, and they need to be able to interact with their environment in order to feel comfortable, confident and settled within it. They interact with their environment by ... be caught. Let your rat explore in a closed and secure room, or in a playpen.

Description : Why do people own rat dogs?

Last Answer : Because they fit in purses. sad

Description : Help!,rat invasion!

Last Answer : I suppose you can always try to beat it to death with a stick…or just shoot it?

Description : Is a rat zapper likely the least painful way to exterminate mice?

Last Answer : You are a mouse lover? Kinky! (And you ask about exterminating them. Did one cheat on you?) Not knowing what a Rat Zapper is makes it hard to answer with any authority, but I am unaware of any ... them using a humane trap and then release them in a remote area. (Often my Mother-in-Law's yard.)

Description : What would you do if you found this rat in your home ?

Last Answer : Start petting it.

Description : How bad is it to smell dead rat all day?

Last Answer : dead anything smells bad if a corpse is left to sit for a period of time. it could be in the vents, which would augment the odor. or hidden somewhere very secluded. or maybe someone sprayed liquid ass prior to your arrival at work. and yes, liquid ass is a real product.

Description : What is the most unique name you've ever had for a pet rat?

Last Answer : Splinter.

Description : Why are rat thumbs atrophied ?

Last Answer : I don’t understand why the moderators permit this sort of vicious rant!

Description : How does someone counter the Rat?

Last Answer : Get a huge piece of inflatable cheese.

Description : Is there a way out of this rat race?

Last Answer : no I dont

Description : A renter brought a "pet" wild rat into my home--in a cage. Do I get rid of the rat only? or the renter as well?

Last Answer : if you can’t tell the difference between the two, I’d get rid of both. Or keep the rat? ;)

Description : Are You a Gym Rat?

Last Answer : Nope. But my father kind of is.

Description : I adopted 2 female dumbo rats a week ago. They are just over 5 weeks old. They are in a three tier wire cage with food bowl, water bottle, house and rat safe toys. One of them was skittish at first ... . I feel bad that she's so scared. Do you have any advice on how to make her more comfortable?

Last Answer : You'll have to be patient. With some pets it takes quite a while to win their trust. Don't make any sudden moves around her. Keep offering her treats, perhaps something you can place on a finger ... she can see you. Each animal has its own personality. With time and patience she should come around.

Description : Can rat snakes eat great plains toads.

Last Answer : Great Plains Toads are highly poisonous, so I would not recommend feeding them to a rat snake. A rat snake's diet in the wild consists of mice, rats, sometimes chipmunks, moles, other small rodents, birds eggs and young birds. They kill their prey by constriction.

Description : Are there personalities different? I'm only getting one. Should I get a male or a femaie?

Last Answer : Male rats called bucks are usually laid back creatures. If males fight they do so to gain position in a pack, but rarely cause injury. They enjoy being held and will cuddle. Females (does) ... a different personality. Sometimes, just looking at them helps you decide, whether they are male or female.

Description : My rat has an upper respiratory infection. He needs antibiotics. I have pills from the vet. How do I give them to hime?

Last Answer : You can crush the pills and add a little water. Place in a syringe and in the rat's mouth. If it tastes good to the rat, he'll take it when you slowly empty the syringe. Or wrap your rat in ... in the rat's mouth. If nothing works, you may have to have the vet help you administer the medication.

Description : I just got a pet rat. He's great, except that he poops in his food bowl. What can I do to get him to stop?

Last Answer : Try changing the type of bedding you're using. Move the food bowl to a high level in the cage. Change the type of bowl you use for food or the litter tray. Or try feeding at specific times ... immediately reward him with a tasty treat. Ignore him when he poops elsewhere. He'll soon get the idea.

Description : My rat never bit before. He's been my pet for six months. Why would he start biting me all of a sudden?

Last Answer : Have you made any changes in his environment? Is something scaring him? When you pick him up, make him feel secure by supporting his back legs. Perhaps spending more time with him will help. ... fix the behavior. If you continue to have problems, you might want to consult an animal behaviorist.

Description : Lately, my rat doesn't seem to want to drink. He's eating fine. Should I be concerned?

Last Answer : Are you absolutely sure your rat is not drinking when you're not observing him? If you think there's a problem, try changing the water often. You can also try a different bowl or water nozzle. If nothing works and your rat's behavior indicates a problem, have him examined by the vet.

Description : My cat is an amazing hunter. I'm not happy or proud about it, but it is what it is. He caught a rat last night. I found him playing with it this morning. I got rid of it as soon as I could. My cat has his shots. Should I be worried for rabies or anything like that?

Last Answer : If you're concerned, it's a good idea to take your cat to the vet for an examination. However there is probably no need for concern. Leptospirosis, a bacterial disease, can be transmitted to humans through a cat' ... that used to bring me "gifts" too. It could be a sign of how much they care for us.

Description : Rats are supposed to be really intellegent. I have a rat and I'd like to ptty train her to only go in her cage. How do I get her to do it? Is it possible?

Last Answer : Um... You can't fully potty train any living thing. You can buy a guinea pig potty and put it in their cage and they will probably get used to using that. But they will still go on the carpet, floor, etc.

Description : I'm thinking about getting a rat as a pet, What kind of cage should I get for it?

Last Answer : C&C cage with lid... google it, it's a really good idea if you can get the supplies... and inexpensive...

Description : I'm having trouble deciding which i should get. What are the pros and cons of each?

Last Answer : For both guinea pig and rat, the initial expense can be high for cage and accessories. They are both interesting to watch and both are gnawers. Both need exercise and handlling out of the cage. They should ... pigs are larger and eat more. They both make good pets - the choice has to be yours.

Description : how do i get rid of rat mites

Last Answer : I think that you should talk with your VET.

Description : If it takes four rat catchers four minutes to kill fourrats, how many rat catchers would be needed to catch 50 rats in 50 minutes? -Riddles

Last Answer : The same number of rat catchers- Four.

Description : What was rat hunt ? How was it contradictory to the civilising mission of the French ? -SST 10th

Last Answer : The rate hunt was started in 1902 in Hanoi to check the spread of plague in the city. Under this workers were asked to catch rats. It was contradictory in the civilising mission because under the ... the Vietnamese but under rat hunt mission they asked locals to enter sewers to catch rat for them.

Description : Explain the reasons for the French Colonisers to scrap the bounty programme for rat hunting in 1902-03. -SST 10th

Last Answer : (1) (i) The modern part of Hanoi was struck by bubonic plague. To fight the plague, French started Rat Hunt programme in 1902. (ii) The people were paid for each rat they hunted. (2) (i ... profit. (v) Defeated by the resistance of the weak, the French were forced to scrap the bounty programme.

Description : What is Rat-hole mining? -SST 10th

Last Answer : Most of the minerals in India are nationalised and they can be extracted with due permission of the government. But in most of the tribal areas of north-east India, minerals are owned by individuals or ... done by family members in the form of a long narrow tunnel, known as Rat-hole Mining'.

Description : “Rats were most common in the modern newly built areas of Hanoi.” How was the rat hunt started in Hanoi? -SST 10th

Last Answer : . To get rid of rats, a Rat Hunt' was started in 1902. . The French hired Vietnamese workers and paid them for each rat they caught. . Rats began to be caught in thousands but still ... French were forced to stop the bounty programme. . Besides this arrangement, the plague swept through the area.

Description : Why was the bounty programme of Rat Hunt scrapped? -SST 10th

Last Answer : Vietnamese, who did this dirty work of entering sewers, found that if they come together they could negotiate a higher bounty. They also discovered innovative ways to profit front this situation. The ... and the number of rats also did not reduce, so they decided to scrap the bounty programme.

Description : Describe the 'Rat Hunt' activity introduced by the French in Vietnam. -SST 10th

Last Answer : The Rat Hunt activity introduced by French: 1. The French built large sewers in their area of Hanoi. The refuse of old city overflowed into the streets during rains and floods. 2. This became the ... . Some even started raising rats. The French removed the bounty-fed up of the people's resistance.

Description : Describe the 'rat hunt scheme' ordered by the French in Hanoi. -SST 10th

Last Answer : 1. In 1903, the modern part of Hanoi was struck by Bubonic Plague. The large sewers in the modern part of the city, a symbol of modernity, were an ideal and protected breeding ground for rats ... could be repeated over and over again. Some people also began raising the rats to earn a bounty.

Description : Explain Rat-Hole mining in the tribal areas. -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) In most of the tribal areas of north-east India, minerals are owned by individuals or communities. (ii) In Meghalaya, there are large deposits of coal, iron-ore, limestone, dolomite etc. (iii) ... is done by family members in the form of a long narrow tunnel known as Rat-Hole Mining'.