The most abundant rare gas in the at-
mosphere is?

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Description : The most abundant element in the at- mosphere?

Last Answer : Nitrogen

Description : The most abundant rare gas in the atmosphere is (a) He (b) Nc (c) Ar (d) Xe

Last Answer : Ans:(c)

Description : I will be describing a chemical element. Try to identify it with the fewest number of clues. This chemical element is the most abundant of the rare-earth group. The element is a silver-gray metal ... factor in color television tubes. The atomic number of this element is 58. What is this element?

Last Answer : ANSWER: CERIUM (Ce)

Description : The whitest compound in the earth’s at- mosphere is?

Last Answer : Titanium dioxide

Description : The percentage of Carbon dioxide in at- mosphere?

Last Answer : 0.03%

Description : Largest single constituent of earth's at- mosphere?

Last Answer : Nitrogen compound

Description : How do you perfectly cook a 1" top sirloin on a Gas Grill to medium rare every time?

Last Answer : I don't know about all the hood up and down and blah blah blah, but here's how you can tell how done your steak is First, find the big mushy muscle at the base of your thumb. (The ... well done. Ring finger = medium well Middle finger = medium Index finger = medium rare Touching no fingers = rare

Description : An element with an atomic number of 17 is - (1) an alkali metal (2) a rare gas (3) a halogen gas (4) a transition metal

Last Answer : (3) a halogen gas Explanation: Chlorine has atomic number of 17. It is a halogen gas along with fluorine (F), bromine (Br), iodine (I), and astatine (At).

Description : Most abundant gas in atmosphere?

Last Answer : Nitrogen

Description : Abundant gas?

Last Answer : Nitrogen is by far the most abundant gas in the Earth's atmosphere, accounting for around 78% of the mass of dry air. The second most abundant gas is Oxygen, which makes up 20 to 21% of the atmosphere and that leaves Carbon-dioxide with the least abundant gas in the atmosphere.

Description : The least abundant inert gas in the atmosphere is by volume

Last Answer : The least abundant inert gas in the atmosphere is by volume A. Ne B. He C. Ar D. Xe

Description : The most abundant noble gas in the atmosphere is

Last Answer : The most abundant noble gas in the atmosphere is A. Argon B. Neon C. Helium D. Krypton

Description : What is the most abundant greenhouse gas?

Last Answer : Water vapor is the most abundant greenhouse gas in theatmosphere, accounting for somewhere between 1/2 and 2/3 of thetotal effect. CO2 is the next most abundant.

Description : What is the most abundant gas in our atmosphere oxygen hydrogen nitrogen water?

Last Answer : It is nitrogen, followed by oxygen.

Description : Which is of the following is the most abundant gas in our atmosphere?

Last Answer : nitrogen

Description : which is the most abundant gas in the universe

Last Answer : Hydrogen

Description : Which gas is abundant in the atmosphere?

Last Answer : Nitrogen

Description : (2) it is lighter than air Explanation: Helium is the second lightest element and is the second most abundant element in the observable universe, being present at about 24% of the total elemental mass ... elements combined. A well-known but minor use is as a lifting gas in balloons and airships

Last Answer : Ammonial is a mixture of – (1) aluminium powder and ammonium nitrate (2) aluminium powder and ammonium chloride (3) aluminium powder and ammonium sulphate (4) aluminium powder and potassium nitrate

Description : Which is abundant in Gobar gas? (1) Carbon dioxide (2) Methane (3) Oxygen (4) Hydrogen

Last Answer : (2) Methane Explanation: Bio gas is a clean unpolluted and cheap source of energy in rural areas. It consists of 55-70% methane which is inflammable. Bio gas is produced from cattle dung in ... called digestion. It helps in reducing the deforestation as it arrests for cutting of trees for firewood.

Description : Which is the most abundant gas in air?

Last Answer : Nitrogen

Description : Helium gas is used in gas balloons instead of hydrogen gas because it is (1) lighter than hydrogen (2) more abundant than hydrogen (3) non-combustible (4) more stable 

Last Answer : non-combustible

Description : The most abundant inert gas in the atmosphere is (1) Helium (2) Neon (3) Argon (4) Krypton

Last Answer : Argon

Description : Which is abundant in Gobar gas? (1) Carbon dioxide (2) Methane (3) Oxygen (4) Hydrogen

Last Answer : Methane

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Last Answer : answer:It’s apparently not all that rare. I would listen to your professor.

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Last Answer : Ans:(d)

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Last Answer : Beach front properties

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Last Answer : Sure, if you can demonstate it is unique and not replicable (i.e., “non-fungible”). Selling it is another matter. Whay would anyone want to buy it?

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Last Answer : First, let’s remember the story of Tithonus in Greek mythology: According to the Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite, when Eos asked Zeus to grant Tithonus eternal life, the god consented. But Eos forgot to ask also for eternal youth, so her husband grew old and withered.

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Last Answer : I always mistype when I have to use an ö.

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Last Answer : Keeping characters alive in detailed simulation / strategy games despite fairly merciless odds. My favorite way to play Illwinter's Dominions series (a game which is supposed to be a strategy game about ... mortal humans can survive, or even try to keep all the magic and monsters under control.

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Last Answer : I can see it on a thick tuna steak or similar cut. But for fillets it seems weird.

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Last Answer : If money is no object then it only depends on how much I really want said piece.

Description : Have you ever been to a restaurant where they don’t cook meat medium rare for safety reasons?

Last Answer : I’ve heard of them not cooking rare for health reasons, yes.

Description : How would you reheat a medium-rare porterhouse steak?

Last Answer : Yeah just nuke it. Should come out fine.

Description : From rare to well done, which would be the best way to cook a piece of dog meat?

Last Answer : Smoked, it’s the best way to prepare meat.

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Last Answer : Are you talking about virtual guns and knives earned within the game or are you talking about real life weapons?

Description : Ever heard of a dog or cat with fertility problems? Must be very rare.

Last Answer : It happens as it does with humans, it's just not often noticed unless the animals are being deliberately bred. As a teenager I was involved in the whole dog show thing, and there were some serious ... . It was kept fairly quiet, as that was considered a flaw, but it was really quite prevalent.

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Last Answer : answer:That's perfectly normal behavior for a domesticated pet. Obviously, that cat has a strong bond with his people. Plus he knows which side his bread is buttered on. He's no ... that they also enjoyed the prerogatives that accompanied being worshipped as deities. And the pattern continued.

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Last Answer : I still have the following: 8 track tape player and tapes Reel to reel tape player and tapes Cassete tape player and cassettes Record player and vinyl records

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Last Answer : answer:Well .I'm a female, blonde, and not super car savvy, haha but, I would imagine it would depend on the rarity yes, but also the degree of restoration. Partial or full blown tricked ... bargaining most of the time, especially if it is a distress sale. Try this site.

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Last Answer : I believe it will be rare since only 10% of the Irish population are still able to use Irish fluently.

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Last Answer : Congrats!

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Last Answer : Periodic table.

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Last Answer : Well, you could search for them on Ebay and see how much people are bidding on them.

Description : Asked for burger medium rare, meant medium well. Should I have sent it back after seeing that it wasn't what I wanted?

Last Answer : I probably would have eaten it, and just tried to remember that next time I want it medium well. If you have concerns about eating meat that is not cooked enough, then I think it would be fine ... for another minute or two? I think most places would accommodate that without thinking you're a PITA.

Description : How rare is "ice chandaliering"? (See link)

Last Answer : I don’t know, but the title on that page should say “phenomenon,” rather than “phenomena…” Cool video, I’ve never heard of that happening. But Earth is a strange place…

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Last Answer : Ever noticed Michael played a lot of minutes and did well at the end of the game? I always had to get warmed up and loose and into the flow of the game before I was at my best. I couldn’t come off the bench and get into the flow immediately. Peeps that can do that amaze me.

Description : How would you describe the taste of steak cooked medium rare?

Last Answer : answer:Not nearly as delicious as a finely prepared rare steak. =0) I've described it to my stepdad before as the huge difference between ice cream and dirt. The less done it is, the more tender, ... pull it off the grill too soon. He thought that was hilarious and quietly did as I asked!

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Last Answer : Probably not. The polar bear's skin is actually black, as evidenced in the patch on the nose where no hair covers it. With translucent fur, they would be at a distinct disadvantage in hunting, as pink ... . Doing an image search on Google, all I could find were fakes and albino black or brown bears.

Description : Is there a way I can find out the value of a possibly "rare" book?

Last Answer : It is available on Amazon as a paperback for $20, but for a real price contact a local rare and old book store. They will want to look and touch the book.