Most popular vary

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Answer :

 Ans. Ganesh and Dholka

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Description : Do you think COVID will become like the flu with new strains each year and new vaccines that vary in their effectiveness?

Last Answer : That seems to be the prediction I’ve been reading.

Description : What are the regulations regarding PAs (physician assistants) and writing prescriptions? Are these Federal regulations or vary by State?

Last Answer : They are allowed to prescribe medications. Limitations of what they can and can't prescribe varies by state in the US although it seems that the limitations are primarily concerned with controlled drugs (i.e ... state but as far as I can see that wouldn't mean they have to review every prescription.

Description : Why does my literacy ability vary according to time?

Last Answer : You ask about literacy and say that you’re educated, then you mention your eyeglasses. Could you give us a clarification? Are you asking about your ability to comprehend what you read, or are you asking about physical impediments to focusing on and reading the words?

Description : Does silence vary in its "depths"?

Last Answer : answer:People say that the majority of those who go into an anechoic chamber go batty within a few minutes. Even there, there is not such thing as total silence, since someone with normal ... or concert. It seems culturally ingrained for most people to want the distraction of noise and movement.

Description : Just recently I'm noticing that the alcohol content of beers can vary by a lot. Do you prefer lower or higher alcohol content?

Last Answer : I have never been able to tolerate the smell or taste of beer. But if I was forced to drink it and I had a choice of alcohol content it world have 0% alcohol.

Description : Does photosynthesis activity vary based on the amount of available CO2?

Last Answer : It would be an asymptotic curve leveling off as the atmosphere approaches the levels plants have evolved to expect here on Earth. A pure CO2 atmosphere, even if it were possible to eliminate the ... that would generate, would be no better for plants than the atmosphere the have thrived in.

Description : With accents, do perceptions vary by gender?

Last Answer : Sometimes, yes. I’m from the south and I consider some southern accents to actually be very hicky as opposed to a sweet southern lilt. I don’t think it matters much with the gender. Hick is hick, no mater the gender.

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Last Answer : Perhaps there was a lack of standardization regarding the DVI ports unlike, say, MIDI.

Description : Do people vary in depth?

Last Answer : Of course people vary in depth. Some people think about deep' stuff, although I wouldn't call it deep, I would call it thinking. To some, deep is discussing child labor at work, and for ... which gives them a better sense of reality. Both are beneficial, but a balance is preferred of course.

Description : How does the Earth's magnetic field vary by altitude?

Last Answer : answer:That's a great question. While I don't have an answer for certain, I would guess that based on the shape of magnetic flux lines forming a sort of figure-eightish, elliptical pattern, that ... . Sorry to not have a real answer and just offer conjecture. I hope someone answers this accurately.

Description : Can the population of insects/bugs vary each season in a specific place?

Last Answer : Absolutely. And weather plays a great part in it. For example, in San Diego, two years ago we had a huge infestation of alfalfa looper moths due to abundant winter rains.

Description : From your experience, do dentists vary in performing painless procedures?

Last Answer : The dentist that I now use is very good. He hires dental assistants for cleaning who are very professional, and the work he does directly is mostly pain free. However, his fees are above the so-called customary for our area so our insurance doesn’t pay in full, but it’s well worth the extra.

Description : How does internet "friendliness" vary by age?

Last Answer : answer:I never use friend as a verb. On sites like Facebook I only add people as friends that I know, or am related to, even if I don't know them. On other sites I don't make friends. I'll chat ... forth with whatever the mechanism is to do that, but that's as far as it goes. I'm 41 and cranky.

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Last Answer : Define precisely what you mean by “mental stimulants.” That could vary from “uppers” to a lecture by S Hawking.

Description : Which one of the following is not the law of dry friction? a.If friction is neglected, the reactions are always normal to the surfaces on contact b.Friction always acts to oppose the relative motion of ... its maximum value d.The force of friction is always normal to the surface e.All of the above

Last Answer : d. The force of friction is always normal to the surface

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Last Answer : Three major reasons are:Physical environment, i.e., relief, soil and climate.Technological know-how.Socio-cultural practices.

Description : My numbers may vary, thin as a sheet, take one away, and we're just not complete. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : A Book.

Description : I get fiercely hot. I vary in sizes. Without me, the moon is all we'll see. It's impossible to walk into a room without at least one of me in them. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : A lightbulb.

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Last Answer : The exact balance of power between the central and the state government depends mainly on the historical context in which the federation was formed. There, are two kinds of routes through which federations have been formed : (i) Coming Together Federations (ii) Holding Together Federations

Description : why does net sown area vary from region to region -SST 10th

Last Answer : This answer was deleted by our moderators...

Description : Why does the exact balance of power between the central and the state governments vary from one federation to another ? -SST 10th

Last Answer : The exact balance of power between the central and the state governments varies from one federation to another. There are two kinds or two ways in which federations have been formed : ( ... different constituted units of the federation have unequal powers. Some units may be granted special powers.

Description : Why does the pattern of net sown area vary from one state to another? -SST 10th

Last Answer : The pattern of net sown area varies greatly from one state to another. It is over 80 percent of the total area in Punjab and Haryana. Geographical conditions like climate and soil here, are ... to region accounting for the variation in the pattern of net sown area from one state to another.

Description : At the time of short circuit, the current in the circuit reduces substantially. does not change. increases heavily. vary continuously. -Physics-10

Last Answer : increases heavily When two naked wires in the circuit come in contact with each other, the amount of current flowing in the circuit increase abruptly resulting in short circuit.

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Last Answer : (a) The vertical columns in the periodic table are called groups'. The horizontal rows in the periodic table are called periods'. (b) M' and N' belong to same period but group I ... oxides. Valency goes on increasing first and then decreases. MCI, NCI2 are molecular formulae of their chlorides.

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Last Answer : size and shape

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Last Answer : playwrights

Description : I have a lot of recipes for dumplings, I even finally managed to cook sourdough bread dumplings, but I don't know anyone who would make Karlovy Vary dumplings at home and I don't like the one bought. Do you have?

Last Answer : I have, but I don't know if you will like it ... I can't make a "donkey" out of it, my dough comes out too thin, so I cook the dumpling in a "plate" on steam. : o I cut about 10 rolls ... good, pretty fluffy - I just don't cut round slices out of it, the cooked dumpling has the shape of a disc.

Description : We want to go on a trip with the family and taste a few springs, more of an interest. Is it better to go to Var? Or to Marianske?

Last Answer : Karlovy Vary - All springs used for drinking cures can be found on the five Karlovy Vary colonnades. Mariánské lázně 6 main ... Marianske Lazne has beautiful surroundings, forests, they are on the plain. Miroslav Horníček loved them.

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Last Answer : Languages are developed while some die and become exinct. People in a certain area may develop a certain word for a certain thing. As they frequently use it, it becomes to be known that way. ... English. In Kenya we have English words like Shamba, chapati, ugali and others not listed in English.

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Last Answer : Mechanism fo breathing vary among different groups of animals depending mainly on _____ and _____.

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Last Answer : Assertion :- Yeast can progress through the cell cycle in only about 90 minutes. Reason :- Duration of ... . D. If both Assertion & Reason are false.

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Last Answer : How does valency of an element vary across a period?

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Last Answer : Copper and carbon wires are connected in series and the combined resistor is kept at `0^(@)C`. Assuming the combined ... C)` A. 4 B. 8 C. 6 D. 2

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Last Answer : How the atomic size vary in a group and across a period? Explain with suitable example.

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What describes how the values in a data set vary with a single number?

Last Answer : It could be the standard deviation.

Description : If the radius of rotation and the mass being kept constant how does centripetal force vary with the speed of rotation body?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : Do stars vary greatly in size and color only.?

Last Answer : No. Stars vary in lots of aspects, including:* Diameter* Mass* Color (and the related surface temperature)* Chemical composition* Density (related to mass and diameter)* Brightness

Description : What can cause different fonts with the same point size to vary in width?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer