What are the best biology topics for projects?

1 Answer

Answer :

A review on Tissue Engineering and DNA Fingerprinting

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Description : How do I add topics to my profile?

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Last Answer : answer:The topics don't necessarily get so specific; they are used for funneling questions to you. You probably just would want to list education as one of your topics. When asking a ... being asked daily so you probably can scan for relevant questions fairly easily. Welcome to ask-public!

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Last Answer : I used to have a handful of fun/entertaining ones, but they seem to have vanished.

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Last Answer : If you are reading a question you can hover over the topic if you like it and you should have the ability to click add topic.

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Last Answer : You can write about how the economic downfall in Europe helped fascists rise into power quickly.

Description : How do I add TOPICS to my profile? Am having a real blonde day.

Last Answer : I think one way is to hover your cursor over a topic in an OP, and then click on the option to add it.

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Last Answer : One way to find topics to research is to look up Metamorphosis on Google Scholar (google search: google scholar and it will take you to a new segment of Google- only academic papers). The Metamorphosis ... and another term like society, or allegory or symbolism. Good luck on your paper!

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Last Answer : Why not talk to students from different groups (and not necessarily your friends) and take a survey?