What are the best meditation techniques?

1 Answer

Answer :

Gaia subscribers are able to Stream yoga, meditation, and mind-expanding programs that provide a true alternative to mainstream media. Gaia offers a holistic approach to help fuel the daily pursuit of a conscious life. more info here :cutt.ly/OjSSRoE

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Last Answer : answer:Hatha Yoga, postures and breathing exercises, and meditation, are each one of the eight limbs of Raja Yoga (Royal Yoga) practice. Yoga is a philosophical system with the goal of ... meditation, and there are groups that focus heavily on meditation without any of the physical practice.

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Last Answer : Well, I’ve been meditating for 26 years and I’ve never seen a blue (or any other color) flash. I would be wary of anyone who told me to expect any kind of “special effects” in meditation. The expectation alone sets you on the wrong path.

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Last Answer : Finding Your Inner Peace & Peace Of Mind – Spiritual Teachers – Teaching…: http://youtu.be/CpiZXdZgbE0

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Last Answer : answer:I've been meditating for something like 23 years now. How much has varied from a few minutes per day (when life gets crazy) to many hours per day (when I'm able to set other ... the whole different me project. That in itself is transformative. The changes will take care of themselves.

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Last Answer : answer: Dharma has a range of meanings. At its most basic level, it refers to the teachings of the Buddha. So the body of words spilled during his 40 year teaching career, as recorded in the ... referred to as dharmas . This usage is not very common, though, because it muddles the picture.

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Last Answer : answer:Great question. I will follow. My oldest son (6) will often ask to meditate with me (I meditate daily). Most of the time, I just do simple guided meditation that concentrates on ... only somewhat-related my kids really enjoy the Zen Shorts books. It often sparks some thoughtful discussion.

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Last Answer : I meditate simply use the cool down techniques you do in Shavasana in your yoga classes. Sitting in Lotus is not required sit on a pillow close your eyes, relax and focus on your breathing. You ... what works for you. Find a quiet peaceful area free from distractions .and turn off the phone. Enjoy

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Last Answer : Here is a link to intentional communities in California You may find what you’re looking for there.

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Last Answer : Amazon has fast shipping. And if you don’t have a zabuton, they have those too.

Description : How can I improve my meditation?

Last Answer : answer:Insight meditation (Vipassana). Search for Gunaratana’s “Mindfulness in Plain English” (free as PDF), but worth the purchase. Also, Gil Frondal at Audiodharma.org has great podasts and intro classes. on iphone so i feel I can’t explain it now.

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Last Answer : answer:Prayer is communication with one's religious dieties, and I would think is generally used for spiritual benefits. Meditation is communication with one's body, and I would think is generally used for ... ; it's purely intellectual. I would not deign to list drawbacks to any of the three.

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Last Answer : I like to use a circular breathing pattern meditating on words.

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Last Answer : I guess I wonder why you feel the need to do it with no drugs. Unless you suffer from side effects from the medication.

Description : A good intro to meditation?

Last Answer : I don't know about on-line sites. but I would recommend going to the used bookstores and looking there. That's where I got all my books. Doesn't sound like you're too much of a beginner. Here is a ... you go there you are. And remember : Don't just sit there, do nothing. :D Welcome to ask-public

Description : Mind drifts to nothingness during meditation, just draw a blank; good sign?

Last Answer : that seems really relaxing and i actually thought a blank mind was the point of true meditation. if you’ve obtained that, think of what you can do with your body! if your mind is in that state.

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Last Answer : I’ve tried meditation techniques to help with my darn, unexplainable fear of public speaking.. it works ok I guess. Mostly it just makes me sleepy.

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Last Answer : I've always wanted to meditate on a regular basis and to specifically get into this type of meditation but never had the discipline really. Are you having classes? Or doing it on your own? Do you ... that get me excited about it and therefore it's never really captured my heart and soul as yet

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Last Answer : Link One Link Two Enjoy.

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Last Answer : answer:I've been to Green Gulch up in Marin. I don't know about affordable, but it's really pretty and nice up there and the food is vegetarian, yummy and good for you. It's ... experience that I definitely recommend. I think they have various workshops and things to break up the silence.

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Last Answer : Don't get mad if your mind wanders. Just bring it back to the breath.

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Last Answer : The purpose of the mantra during meditation is - It allows you to concentrate on one peaceful sound.

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Description : where to learn meditation for beginers?

Last Answer : mantras

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Last Answer : You Deserve a Better LifeThe fastest Meditation To Manifest everything in your life, whether financially or socially...Click to see proofc_utt.ly/UxwX5v_x(remove underscores)

Description : How to start meditation at an early stage ?

Last Answer : The first thing you need to do for meditation is a secluded and quiet place. Where you can safely devote yourself to meditation. Now look at the clothes you are wearing while meditating. Make sure your clothes are ... your mental stability , now it's up to you to decide how long you want to do it.

Last Answer : Meditation means deep thinking.

Description : I want to meditate. How to meditate in the perfect way. How to focus on meditation. What are the benefits of meditating ?? And how do I know if my meditation is perfect ??

Last Answer : While meditating, pay full attention to your breathing. Meditation will help increase your concentration and relieve anxiety , keeping the body disease free. See the means to do it in the right way

Description : Is this normal?

Last Answer : Yes! One side of that is because of the high energies. Another thing is to pay attention to your breathing. Don't force anything! Try for less time.

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Last Answer : Yes it does, meditation is more like a prayer, a process of connecting with your soul with a higher energy, it helps you examine yourself especially your weaknesses and strengths, and the ... , cooking, travelling, because meditation involves the mind, soul, while activities involves the brain.

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Last Answer : There is an ancient yogic lore about Shiva being the first guruof yoga. This dates way back to 15'000 years ago!

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : Is true about meditation in Buddhism?

Last Answer : Part of the "right concentration"Most important work on the path to enlightenment

Description : Why do I smile automatically during meditation?

Last Answer : Maybe it helps you relax a little and feel better, so you are automatically in a better mood.

Description : How deep can meditation go?

Last Answer : How deep you can make it go. Some people are different. They can probably go up to an hour or more.

Description : which of the following is true about buddist meditation?

Last Answer : you can think about concepts while meditatingit can mean visualizing certain thingsit can involve concentrating on your breathing

Description : Which of the following is true of meditation in Buddhism?

Last Answer : Scientific studies have indicated that mostly everything reported as being beneficial about meditation is true. In fact there are quite a number of articles attesting to this, including a large article in the ... have to sit still!focus on concepts like love.Focus on breathing.and something else...

Description : The following does not represent a market situation 1. A bank run dispensary in its staff quarters 2. A fund rising Charity Show for the members of an NGO 3. A meditation Camp of a religious ... conducted for its members 4. A stall distributing Tirumala prasadam in a mandir 5. None of these

Last Answer : A stall distributing Tirumala prasadam in a mandir

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Description : What is the aim of meditation?

Last Answer : Aim at finding your centre, it is with you.

Description : What is meditation?

Last Answer : Another name of meditation is dhyana. It is sustained concentration or deep reflection on a particular object of thought. Asanas still the body whereas meditation stills the mind. It is a complete concentration ... , a person is able to integrate his body, breath, senses, mind, reason and ego.