Is globalization a myth or a reality?

1 Answer

Answer :

It is reality! Look around you: how many things are from another country? How many things are made based on technology from another country? If you live in Asia, you will feel the effects of globalization around you. There's a car in the garage, built with technology from Another Country. There's a computer right in front of you; most likely that (or at least some parts of that) is from Another Country, too.

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Description : Is globalization a myth or a reality?

Last Answer : It is reality! Look around you: how many things are from another country? How many things are made based on technology from another country? If you live in Asia, you will feel the effects of globalization ... of you; most likely that (or at least some parts of that) is from Another Country, too.

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Last Answer : answer:It is OK to take hot baths within limits: Yes, as long as the water temperature isn't over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. If you have to ease your foot into the tub, it's too hot. If you're ... 's developing cells, and though you can cool off by sweating, your baby can't. OB GYN Carol Lynch

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Last Answer : answer:It's a myth. Wildlife rehabilitators (who are often forced to return perfectly healthy animals to perfectly fine situation because humans have decided to interfere) will tell you that handling babies ... may have been given a death sentance by people thinking that they're trying to help.)

Description : A coffee lover's question - or rather, the debunking of a java myth. Proceed with caution.

Last Answer : Thankfully,no.I am a potter and throw stoneware mugs to sell to people who feel exactly as you do.there are alot of you out there :))

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Last Answer : answer:I'm from the Appalachian region of the United States, and my area is literally loaded with all kinds of freaky folklore. Witches, the mothman, cannibals, freaky mountain rituals, snake handling churches in ... not a story per se, one of my favorite things from this region is the death crown.

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Last Answer : This might be it… The Girl Who Was Not Satisfied With Simple Things

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Last Answer : answer:Gamers sit in their basement all day building up their elves, they don't drink, haha. No I'm joking lol, I've never heard of this though. Do you mean a bar where people play games ... you consider dives that still have pinballs and The King of Dragons arcades in them. King of Dragons FTW.

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Last Answer : Both teams have domes.

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Last Answer : It is probably a myth. All russians hold the fork in their left hand? Ridiculous.

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Last Answer : I think that children are resilient. In the face of most normal childhoods with parental mistakes abounding they grow up fine. Even in the face of abuse, they can grow up to be productive ... The saying also comes from children's ability to withstand physical pain and to bounce back from injuries.

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Last Answer : If it was real, I’d be in it, of course. So, no.

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Last Answer : After two decades of serving in the military and cutting / shaving my hair very short on dozens of occasions, I haven’t yet seen it grow back in faster and thicker than any other time. For me individually, it certainly seems there is no truth to that myth.

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Last Answer : Oh yeah, Santa Claus, Toothfairy, That I had green eyes because I ate alot of peas, And someday I was gonna be a Princess.

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Last Answer : Myth. It may help a little, but only time ends it. Plus you will feel lousy while doing it.

Description : A good place online to ask about Arthurian myth?

Last Answer : I don’t know about online resources. I have heard Jonathan Young, of the Center for Story and Symbol, speak very knowledgeably about it in his workshops.

Description : Do you think there's any truth to the Atlantis myth?

Last Answer : I would imagine with today’s radar and sonar technology, we would have seen some inklings of traces of Atlantis. The fact that we have not leads me to believe that it does not exist. However I do recognize that when it comes to the oceans, we haven’t explored them completely.