When was A Streetcar Named Desire?

1 Answer

Answer :

Tennessee Williams's "A Streetcar Named Desire," was first released as a play on December 3, 1947 at the Shubert Theater in New Jersey. The film version of "A Streetcar Named Desire" was released four years later in 1951. In addition to being released as a film, it was also released as a Ballet in 1952, and an Opera in 1955. Finally, there was a television version of the famous play premiering in 1955.

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Last Answer : A more consistently loving mother.

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Last Answer : Private schools are often much better than public schools, if you can afford the fees. You could always homeschool your kids, if you think you are qualified. No better way to be sure of their education than that.

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Last Answer : answer:I am partial to the Incredible over the Droid X for sure, but I've never actually used the Desire. To put it simply, you're going to be getting a different 3rd party skin for Android on either ... from the entire experience of the Droid X. I also prefer a smaller phone, but that's just me.

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Last Answer : You hope that your desires come true.

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Last Answer : If you can afford to take care of it, and you think your other pets will get along with it, and you know it’ll be loved and cuddled, go for it!

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Last Answer : No, but I must have one of those faces that people want to start talking to me in the grocery store line. It happens everytime I go! It’s usually a little old lady or a little old man. I guess they just need someone to talk to because they are lonely.

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Last Answer : More than half the world subscribes to a religion that acknowledges desire as the fount of all suffering.

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Last Answer : IS your FRIEND someone who SOMETIMES IS VERY ANGRY but the later perfectly okay? Because it MIGHT BE CAPSODYSMIA, a very serious disorder that requires a LOT OF ATTENTION FROM A LOT OF ANNOYED AND EXHAUSTED PEOPLE WHO WOULD RATHER BE doing something else.

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Last Answer : I think men love just as much as women do. We all show it in different ways.

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Last Answer : I think it’s not a very good reason (although there are worse). Babies shouldn’t have a job.

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Last Answer : This answer is going to get you the same answers as your last question: It varies. Men do not come off of an assembly line with everything pre-programmed into our heads. All of our preferences ... a woman who's into geeky TV shows and movies, power metal and industrial music, and computer games.

Description : Is the desire for a return to "the good ol' days" a new phenomenon?

Last Answer : The only new part about this phenomenon is the phrase “good old days”.

Description : When making decisions in life, how do you choose between your desire to live and your values when they contradict each other?

Last Answer : If we all lived like that doctor, we would be driving around in armored tanks. I don't believe his simplification in that example. That said, there is always some compromise, because everyone's ... you move forward balancing as best you can striving to implement your values when and how you can.

Description : Do you have more desire than restraint?

Last Answer : I’ve wavered back and forth. Self control seems to be a lost art.

Description : Is the desire to begin wars an innate part of humans?

Last Answer : can you name a point in time where no humans were fighting? I believe war is in our structure and for many humans it will always be.

Description : Re: wedding & consummation status reports...just how much detail do you desire?

Last Answer : it’s 2009, my man. the age of twitter, facebook, myspace and what not. i mean, we don’t need every detail (that’s for the $19.95 a pop video, right?!) – we want to know the good stuff, though!

Description : Why do we desire to accumulate material possessions?

Last Answer : A Buddhist-inspired response: "Why" isn't really a helpful way to think about it. We'll never know. The fact is, that's the way life is--for people and animals and insects--all beings are ... question will be fruitless. A more fruitful question, according to the Buddha: what should we do about it?

Description : is there a technical deference between addiction, desire, and habit?

Last Answer : sorry this should read, “is there a technical difference between addiction, desire, and habit?”

Description : I would strongly desire to know more about Savannah Georgia.

Last Answer : Savannah is great.. It has a lot of character since its a very old city, there is a great mix of cultures and is very artsy (Savannah College of Art and Design is located in the historic district there)