What's an octopus phobia called?

1 Answer

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Last Answer : Somniphobia link

Description : What is the phobia Of eyebrows called?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : How do you (or, 'how does one') overcome the severe effects of a panic attack or phobia?

Last Answer : I'm confused. You mention panic attacks and phobias in the question, but sharp pain and nausea in the description. I realize you don't want to go into the details of your situation, but I ... . Regardless, I wish you well and hope you can find a solution to your ongoing medical conditions.

Description : Do you have any fears, even a phobia, that you can trace back to a traumatic childhood event?

Last Answer : I lopped off a fingertip at age 1 in a bad fall. I suspect it might be the reason that medical settings, or even reading gruesome medical accounts can make me pass out. It doesn't happen much ... blood drawn. Though I wouldn't call it a phobia. I walk into those situations anticipating the best.

Description : Have you ever gotten over a phobia?

Last Answer : No, my Peladophobia is here to stay.

Description : Can a phobia be learned? And can it be quickly unlearned?

Last Answer : answer:If I’m not mistaken, a phobia is an unfounded or illogical fear, but I’m guessing trauma, big or small, may “create” a phobia. I’m not sure how close “being freaked out by something” and a “phobia” have to be before it can be labeled a legit phobia though. Ain’t no expert up in this she-dog.

Description : Have you ever overcome a phobia?

Last Answer : I successfully overcame my fear of dentists. In the past going to the dentist's was a real nightmare to me. I would cry loudly and try to run away when taken to the dentists, despite being repeatedly told that ... my fear got numbed when I had to face it repeatedly. It's just like I got used to it.

Description : What is the phobia over eating the black parts of the Banana?

Last Answer : Safe but it just looks unappetizing. Nothing wrong with it but if you are sensitive, cut that bit off.

Description : Does anyone else have a real phobia about being photographed? Is it related to the image you have of yourself?

Last Answer : Not me but I know another jelly who does. :-)

Description : Should I seek help for this phobia?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, get some help. Anything that is debilitating or not condusive to a full and happy life needs addressed. I have a fear of heights and being under deep water, but I force myself to do both at times as a ... I don't do either on a regular basis, so it's not that big of a deal. Good luck!!

Description : What is the name of phobia for being scared to use hand sanitizer?

Last Answer : I think you're nuts. lol I fear NOT using it when in public places like the grocery store, bank, and I am completely disgusted by using others phones and computers. There are no good germs ... is filthy. haha The only good bacteria that is killed is intestinal flora when taking an antibiotic.

Description : Has anyone ever suffered from a Social Phobia or Social Anxiety Disorder?

Last Answer : I have trouble being in crowds. I cannot go to large parties. Shopping on Black Friday scares the hell out of me. I began to panic while in Costco last weekend, because it was simply too crowded. I haven’t done any kind of therapy for this.

Description : Is it possible I have an actual phobia of cockroaches and other insects?

Last Answer : Just picture your ex wife as the insect.

Description : Has anyone else got a phobia of medications?

Last Answer : I would talk it over with your dentist or consider sedation dentistry.

Description : Does it offend you that the word 'Phobia' is defined as an irrational or an unreasonable fear?

Last Answer : answer:Irrational simply means there is no rational reason for it. Do you feel you have a rational reason for being, not just leery of spiders, but terrified beyond reason? My sister has a phobia about ... has a phobia about birds. I take their fears seriously, even though I don't understand it.

Description : Why would someone have a flower phobia?

Last Answer : Assuming it isn’t because of a traumatic event, it’s really just because. There’s no real rationale to phobias, they are, by definition, irrational.

Description : Would it be inappropriate to mention to the person conducting my road test that I have been working through an extreme phobia of driving?

Last Answer : answer:It's not that it would be inappropriate , it just wouldn't (and shouldn't) matter. Driving examiners are used to first-time drivers being nervous about passing. That's part of what they deal ... is a very patient and good driver - and have that person play the part of the examiner with you.

Description : Have you had an experience that caused a phobia?

Last Answer : answer:I have always had arachnophobia. It did not stem from any incident that I recall. Your father (and, by extension, brother) sound very mean. I wish for them that someone causes them an equal fear someday.

Description : Have you ever developed a "late in life" phobia?

Last Answer : I never used to be afraid of heights or “wild” rides at parks. Over the last 10 years, those have both crept up on me.

Description : I have a bad phobia of wide open spaces and flat horizons but don't want to depend on prescribed drugs to control this. Is there anything I can do to reduce this anxiety when in such open places?

Last Answer : answer:Have you tried Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) or Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)? CBT is more focused on changing your thinking, and DBT is more focused on changing your reactions to your thinking. ... kind of person you are. DBT works for me. CBT doesn't. It's different for others.

Description : Do you believe in gender-based phobia?

Last Answer : answer:In general, I think we come with some instinctive fears hardwired into us, but also I agree that people are also taught at some level what to think and how to react to ... (which includes a test) an interesting exploration of male and female human brains possibly being wired differently.

Description : Do you have a particular phobia? How has it affected your life? How do you deal with it?

Last Answer : Hey there, my phoia is for snakes im hate snakes!!! i like watching then like on animal planet and stuff but i dont like them in person. Now i live in iceland and im from Zambia, here I always ... and there were ful of snakes:( im kinda getting scared of going to Zambia now. Hope its a good answerxD

Description : What is your phobia?

Last Answer : I’m scared of needles but specificly in my mouth, so I dread dentist…I get so scared it’s like I supress the anasthesia.

Description : Does anyone else have a phobia of waterfalls?

Last Answer : It doesn’t have to have been named to be recognized as a real phobia.It’s a classic phobia. Phobias are curable; if this one is causing you distress, PM me and I will give you my opinion as to what you can do to be free of it.

Description : Have you ever had a phobia develop or strengthen for no reason?

Last Answer : Well, I also have a fear of water. I can’t say that something as harmless as a bathtub would affect me, though I haven’t been in a full bathtub recently enough to know for sure.

Description : Why is it that people who are labeled as being homophobic are derided and abused when any other phobia elicits understanding and support?

Last Answer : I have often wondered about the term homophobia. it does not seem like a fear of any kind to me. more like hate. i guess if tight spaces where alive and claustrophobic people mostly hated them ... of distaste for them. personally, the moajority of the time i think its just a learned behaviour.

Description : Where does one go when one wants to cure a phobia? a psychologist or a psychiatrist?

Last Answer : The difference between the two can be compared to a general practicioner, the psychologist, and a specialist, the psychiatrist. You usually start with the generalist, and if necessary, move on to the specialist. The psychologist can help you make that choice.

Description : Do you have a phobia?

Last Answer : I’m not afraid of nuthin’. Well, maybe fear.

Description : Do you have a phobia? How has it impacted your life?

Last Answer : My phobia is needles. I refuse to take a flu shot or any other kind. Now a dentist can shoot me all day & it doesn’t bother me, or they can draw blood. But a regular shot…. it ain’t gonna happen!

Description : Do you have a Wacky phobia?

Last Answer : Moths and butterflies

Description : Do you have a weird phobia?

Last Answer : whispering. well… its not so much a phobia as it just makes me gag. like, actually gag. i nearly throw up.

Description : What natural cures are available for Social Anxiety Disorder or Social Phobia?

Last Answer : SAD isn't going to go away through medication (natural or otherwise)-you're going to have to put in real work in a therapeutic setting. Cognative Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has been very ... the cognitions that lead to the behaviors. Wherever you are, there should be trained practitioners of CBT.

Description : Do any of you men get pee-phobia?

Last Answer : Are you insecure about something?

Description : Do you have an odd phobia?

Last Answer : A phobia of being scared of having a phobia is a phobia right? Because i’m scared of being to paranoid and uptight.

Description : What is your favorite phobia?

Last Answer : Phobias stopped being funny for me when I realized that it’s just to combine the latin word for something with -phobia. These aren’t real conditions, but if they were it would be hilarious. So ‘biblophobia’ is nothing funnier to me than ‘fear of books’.

Description : I have always had a big build in my lower body. Because of fat phobia I had lipo and am now left with very thin legs and not a toned tush. What is the best way to build up both areas?

Last Answer : After liposuction, shouldn’t you ask your surgeon about suitable exercise? We probably aren’t the best forum.

Description : Is there an official "phobia" or term that's used to describe "Obsessed with work"?

Last Answer : workaholic ?

Description : What are some web sites that might help address a phobia of general anesthesia?

Last Answer : if you’re going for surgery, they give you the IV and before you know it you’re waking up. bam that’s it. are you having surgery?

Description : what is the phobia of being followed?

Last Answer : corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), which is sent to the anterior pituitary. Here the pituitary releases adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which ultimately stimulates the release of cortisol. In relation to ... high amounts of cortisol may be present, or alternatively, there may be low levels

Description : I've recently noticed on my own that I hate calling strangers when it comes to administration. If I do manage to persuade myself, my body will start to cruel. If I have to meet a stranger, this is also the case. Is this social phobia?

Last Answer : I don't know, I thought I was one.

Description : Hello, is there any person in the counseling center who suffers from social phobia and could advise me if he is going to be treated or is it forever? It is quite uncomfortable to live with this disease and I would like to get rid of it. Thank you for your answers

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Hello, please fill in the questionnaire for the seminar work. The questionnaire is on the subject of social phobia and is completely anonymous. It only takes a moment and it will help me a lot. http://www.survio.com/survey/d/C5D4H2U1O9Y4W9O5A Thank you, Denisa

Last Answer : You have it there

Description : Hello, I am going to do a seminar work at the Social Science Seminar and I am most attracted to the topic of social phobia. So I would like to ask you for your opinion if you have met ... with this type of phobia, whether personal or from acquaintances. I will be very grateful for any opinion.

Last Answer : I don't like walking among people, that's probably the phobia, when I have to go somewhere, it's time before I even decide to leave the apartment, and when I go shopping, I have a piece of paper to buy ... much .. I don't like to obey all the dormitories, it seems strange to everyone, but not me ..

Description : Hello everyone. I have suffered from social phobias for many years. Don't know how to get rid of this disease? I don't want to take antidepressants anymore, they help me. What will help social phobia?

Last Answer : I recommend registering here http://www.pcp.lf3.cuni.cz/pcpout/proklienty_neurozy_stacionare.htm for the day hospital 2. The treatment is fully covered by the insurance company and it is currently the best ... will see that after treatment you will hardly know that you have something like that. (y)

Description : What phobia do you have and how can you overcome it?

Last Answer : My phobia is addressing a crowd of people because I tend to tense a lot even someone can notice. How I overcome it is by closing my eyes and taking a very deep breath and assume that no one is in front of me. I focus a lot of what am talking about so that I can finish and have my seat.

Description : Do you have phobia for any animal?

Last Answer : Nope! I don't see animal on earth I am having fear for. Maybe in the past when I was much younger but not now anymore. I remembered I used to have phobia for snake, which happens to be only ... dominion over all the animals on earth. And so, having phobia for any of them does not speak my faith.

Description : How to know what phobia you have?

Last Answer : I think most phobias are obvious, e.g. a fear of heights, spiders, open spaces, confined spaces and there is a name for every one of them if you google it. I suppose it's possible to feel anxious ... It can make you light headed and you will be looking for a way to escape whatever you are afraid of.

Description : What is the meaning the suffix phobia?

Last Answer : Excellent question, but, more social or sociological thangrammatical. Poor education has led to reluctance to use correctEnglish construction. Social terror and fear of error drives thepoorly ... , the use of correctly structured suffixes becomes actuallydangerous, thus, suffix phobia ensues.

Description : Social phobia?

Last Answer : DefinitionSocial phobia is a persistent and irrational fear of situations that may involve scrutiny or judgment by others, such as parties and other social events.Alternative NamesPhobia ... .SymptomsPeople with social phobia become overwhelmingly anxious and self-conscious in everyday social situa

Description : How can I get over social phobia?

Last Answer : If you are suffering from social phobia and are wanting to help yourself, you should go to a book store, or library and purchase/check-out self help books to help with social phobia disorder.