What is John Muir's mom's name?

1 Answer

Answer :

Rebeca Muir

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : I second that emotion!

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Last Answer : As a parent, I would do what I could to encourage my child to take advantage of the opportunity. To make it real world, a child that talented would be able to secure scholarships and grants. Money isn't the ... but the aunt isn't a reason to stay. The father has stepped up, so that isn't an issue.

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Last Answer : Funny four hours since asked and nothing. Guess that says it all!

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Last Answer : Yes. And when she was tired, hungry, uncomfortable. And yes, I can tell what other babies are crying from, too. And nothing pisses me off more than a kid wailing in the store because he or she is ... way you can tell the difference between an adult crying out of fear, or out of sadness, you know?

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Last Answer : How much do you want to spend?

Description : May I wish all the Jelly moms a Happy Mother's Day?

Last Answer : Happy Mother’s Day to you too! Though I’m not a mom :p I’ve just come back from a trip outside with my parents. It was great for the most part.

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Last Answer : answer:An adult (my mom, or dad or relative) was always with us when we were in the neighborhood play ground till we were about 12 or at least with a older sibling. I had to have one of my ... something. Not so cool when you had the runs or nausea. Whatever she gave me just came right back up.

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Last Answer : Twenty one.

Description : Why are moms naming their daughters "boys names" now?

Last Answer : answer:I've never really seen the name Jordan as specifically male. I've always seen it as a unisex name. I completely disagree that it creates problems. I think it inspires more gender equality to be ... . Who is to really say what constitutes a boys name or a girls name? They are just names.

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Last Answer : Call AT&T. The problem sounds like it’s their problem.

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Last Answer : answer:If you had said child I would have thought of a teenager raising her result of a wild night. But you said children , so I think of either a divorced mother or a woman having ... them properly despite being looked down on by the whole society. They both deserve more than what they have.

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Last Answer : Maybe suggest ways for her to meet people and make new friendships.

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Last Answer : My son was 3 weeks early. I had some slight discomfort so I went to see my Dr. I was in labor and I didn't even know it. I went to the hospital, they broke my water, gave me an epideral and ... It wasn't a bad experience, other than my epideral took forever to wear off and I couldn't walk for hours.

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Last Answer : Mom has to do it. The registration requires her signature.

Description : How strong is my Mexican heritage if my Abuelita(my mom's mom) is from Mexico?

Last Answer : I'm a bit confused about what your asking? How do you quantify strength of heritage? Your maternal grandmother is Mexican. That IS your heritage from this side of your family. You have a heritage ... well. I guess the strength of your heritage would depend on how strongly YOU identify with it.

Description : Did my Mom's smoking affect my endurance as an adult?

Last Answer : answer:I think it’s more likely that secondhand smoke exposure throughout your life has had some influence on your breathing… but your own smoking certainly doesn’t help your lung tissue heal. I suggest you talk to your primary care physician and request a referral to a pulmonologist.

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Last Answer : answer:A full night’s sleep, someone else to do the dishes, and no one nagging me for shit. Seriously. That’s holiday-special enough for me.

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Last Answer : I'm very sorry for the loss of your mother. It seems to me to be the hardest death to get over. I've lost both of my parents and loved them both, but losing my mother has hurt the most. Try ... bad thoughts start coming through. If you think a therapist will help, then you should see one. {{{hugs}}}

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Last Answer : answer:I know a couple of Mr. Moms and they did a good job of it. He lost his job and while she worked he did the cooking and after school childcare. Actually, she had always run everything ... men are sometimes better at care giving than the women in the relationship. It's an equal opportunity job.

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Last Answer : Absoulutely, Happy Father's Day to all you great Fathers out there. Thank you @jca, I always felt like I shoulf get that halloo, having been both mom and dad. (Not so great fathers, and you know who you ... of it and pitch in now. They grow up and have long memories. You won't get another chance.)

Description : Blogs in USA by working moms who are also going to college!

Last Answer : My wife is a working mom who is going to (nursing) school. I think you might have a difficult time with this one because in order to write (or read) a blog it takes time – something working moms who are going to school don’t have much or any of.

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Last Answer : Could it be that the person wearing the shirt is insinuating that the person reading the shirt waffles. I was thinking of the “to flip flop on decisions” definition.

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Last Answer : answer:It's too bad what is happening to your mother, but she has to realize that her business has to be run in a businesslike way. She may consider herself a healing artist , but ... . Of course, emigration is also a possibility. Brazil surely needs doctors, and they speak Portuguese there.

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Last Answer : answer:Small local businesses cater to their local customers, hire local people, and the profits and wages are invested into the local economy. Corporate businesses take profits away from the local ... carry a morality factor.) Hiring more people is usually considered better for the economy overall.

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Last Answer : Hire a professional web developer.

Description : Moms: Did you get a "push present" after delivering? Everyone else, have you even HEARD of this before?

Last Answer : answer:I think it's something newly made up. I don't remember hearing about these when I had my son back in 2002, but I've heard a lot about them recently. I didn't get one back in 2002 and I ... it. I hadn't even heard of push presents until a few months into my pregnancy (so earlier this year).

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Last Answer : Have a professional picture made of the two of you together. That will be something that when you are older, you both will be happy you have.

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Last Answer : It can be a very melancholy time when your loved ones are not there.My mom's and dad's death get to me around that time too because it is usually the time of year one would get together with ... .It is one reason why I don't like to celebrate holidays very much anymore .and generally think they blow

Description : Why isn't my mom's new charger working?

Last Answer : I have problems with my Macbook charger as well. I have to wiggle it back and forth until the light comes on and then wait a second until it starts charging. After my first charger went out, I had to buy a whole new battery. Make sure it’s really the charger and not the battery.

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Last Answer : Every year I tell my kids not to buy me anything. The gift I want is for them to come over and watch a movie with me.

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Last Answer : answer:Please read up on your mother's condition at the Mayo Clinic site. Among other things, it says Males are slightly more likely to develop Hodgkin's lymphoma. SLIGHTLY. That means that women can ... on the disease and tell your cousin that she is wrong. Suggest she read up on the disease.

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Last Answer : Depends: a lot of a’s, some b’s. Really depends – but most of the time she was spot on and it was common sensical. She’s a smart, classy mom.

Description : You're tired? Quit whining - the farmers who milk at 3 a.m., single mom's of five kids and two jobs, firemen, underwater demolition experts - they don't whine as much.

Last Answer : answer:Those who have to suck the waste out of the Port-o-johns(janes). I was tutoring a student over the summer. We were at a park, sitting at a picnic table and a port-o-john was not all that far ... was enough to knock you over. We were about a good 30 feet away and we could smell it. Dirty job.

Description : Why do moms want to wear our clothes?

Last Answer : It depends on how she looks.

Description : Are you closer to your mom's side of the family or dad's?

Last Answer : Closer with my dad’s side. He passed away but I still keep in touch with my grandma, his mother, we get along damn fine. :)

Description : If Obama passes health care tomorrow my mom's gonna lose her job, what do I do?

Last Answer : This is the single most selfish reason I’ve ever seen for being against health care reform. I think you should be nominated for some sort of award.

Description : What are some good ideas for mom's on valentine's day?

Last Answer : Make a photo collage of the family with her in the center of it all

Description : Attention: Mom's and Dad's. How would you anticipate you would reacte (or how did you) if you found out about your son or daughter being a victim of sexual abuse?

Last Answer : I would go to the authorities in either situation… but get the hell away from there first!!! The person must be stopped

Description : Stay at home mom's: Do you ever feel like your days are a complete waste?

Last Answer : Before I met my husband, I often felt like dates were a waste of shaving.

Description : My mom's fiance had two bi-lateral stroke's, both occured within 30 minutes, he is now in the CCU now. What could happen next?

Last Answer : Depends on the cause of the strokes, so it is hard to say. Sounds like they still need to figure out why he had these strokes. Probably will get an MRI/MRA including his neck (to look for neck ... is little that can be done acutely for strokes, so it might be a waiting game. Hope things work out.

Description : My mom's fiance is having seizures and Headaches, could anybody give me any information on the two?

Last Answer : I know someone with partial complex frontal lobe seizures. There is a migraine-like headache prior to the seizures, and excessive sleeping and disorientation after the seizures. Only a neurologist could diagnose this.

Description : Where can I find moms and dads from Canada to fill out my survey for school?

Last Answer : i am a canadian mom.

Description : My mom's PC is typing the wrong symbols and letters...

Last Answer : you mean shift 2 results in ”? don’t worry, that is the way it is supposed to be.

Description : I need help buying diapers! Experienced moms- please help?

Last Answer : Save the planet from plastic pollution, don’t buy disposable diapers! They’re worse than plastic bags and bottles combined.

Description : Am I insured on a vehicle that is in my Mom's name or not? California?

Last Answer : It varies with different insurance companies, but when I was trying to insure my Grandson so he could drive any car owned by me, his Uncle, or his mother, they all told me that the car, not ... along with a family member, I would not be driving their car, to avoid adding any potential issues.

Description : Moms, when you were pregnant, what did you had before the Baby's arrival?

Last Answer : I bought everything before because I didn’t want to be rushing around when she got here. I bought her the long sleeve gerber onsies, bottles, pajamas, soap, pretty much everything before I had her. I just wanted to be prepared

Description : Moms: Anyone know how to help soothe a tummy ache?

Last Answer : Saltines. Or so I’ve been told.

Description : How did my moms hair become wavy?

Last Answer : The reason her hair is wavy now that's it does not necessarily have to do with hormones, her hair was too heavy and pulled itself straight, my hair is the same way. The shorter the cut the tighter the ... her hair behave that way. Over time, hair texture can change, no matter your age. Hers did. :)

Description : Moms w/ kids close in age (current or in the past)....Or kids close in age?

Last Answer : Ahh I love the holidays. My brother and I never fought over toys because we really didn't have overlapping interests. I was really into nature and animals, and my brother was really into tech and ... I'm sure the other jellies will swoop in with a miraculous solution. Any kid whisperers in here?