What is the best to eat for dinner?

1 Answer

Answer :

It is best to eat regular meals at roughly the same time each day. Try not to eat too many carbs late in the evening as carbs (pasta, rice, breads, potatoes, chips) are an energy source and you will unlikely burn it off after eating an evening meal therefore it will be more susceptible to being stored as fat. A good evening meal would consist of some protein (meat or fish) and vegetables. A small side serving of carbs is ok but make the protein and vegetable content the main focus of the meal. My dinners are varied and consist of a roast dinner (once a week), hotpots and stews in winter, barbecued food in summer, salads, steamed veg, tuna loin steak with ratatouille, chilli con carne, curries and lasagne's. Home made is best none of the ready meals or convenience foods (full of sugars and

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