What medication can I take for morning sickness?

1 Answer

Answer :

Morning sickness results from hormones that elevate during pregnancy. There are a variety of home remedies that are said to help cure morning sickness. However, doctors now also can prescribe drugs similar to those taken by chemo patients in order to help resolve the ill feeling.

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Description : Pregnancy morning sickness?

Last Answer : It's normal to feel this way during the initial stages of pregnancy. She will feel better after 3 months.This is called morning sicknes and most women have symptoms throughout the day. Make sure ... ER. In case she experiences Fever, diarrhea, weakness or severe abdominal pain call the doctor soon.

Description : Morning sickness at 13 weeks?

Last Answer : Yup. Normal. For some it lasts longer than others. Have you discussed your options with your doctor? Have you followed our past recommendations (Cheerios/B6)?

Description : How did you endure 12 weeks of morning sickness?

Last Answer : answer:Yep, they always talk about that pregnant glow. What they fail to tell you is that glow is bright green. It's almost as bad on the spouse, though. Being guys, it is in our nature to believe our ... to make everything OK. Well, at least we can hold your hair back for you while you puke ;)

Description : Morning sickness (without the pregnancy)

Last Answer : Do you have a lot of allergies?

Description : Is there really any remedy for morning (all day) sickness?

Last Answer : Peppermint tea , anything with ginger in helps . Edit hard ginger biscuits and eating root ginger is what helps in this house

Description : When does morning sickness start?

Last Answer : It depends, for me I never got morning sickness, I just get a little nauseous when I eat or smell something that's a little off. But some women get it pretty bad, puking up every day. But one ... crackers, the non salted ones I know they don't taste that great but they actually help with the nausea

Description : Mom's to be, and moms, what did you used to eat in the first three months of your pregnancy? did you had the morning sickness? i have that all day by the way...

Last Answer : I had spontaneous vomiting. As in no warning. It made for an exciting few weeks. Whenever you can, try to eat something that is good for you ...I would try to eat a little bit of peanut butter ... your OB first if you consider this .) Is this your first pregnancy? (Congratulations on the baby, BTW)

Description : How To Understand Morning Sickness?

Last Answer : Most pregnant women will suffer through a bout of morning sickness. Some women will not get it as often while others can have it through many months of their pregnancy. It is the most common ... the pregnancy.Even though it's called morning sickness because it mainly happens after waking up in

Description : What are some home remedies to cure morning sickness?

Last Answer : Eating crackers is one remedy for morning sickness. Eating small meals all day long is another way to keep from getting sick.

Description : Pseudocyesis includes the following features except Options: 1) Distension of abdomen 2) hCG levels double every 72 hours 3) Amenorrhoea 4) Morning Sickness

Last Answer : Correct Answer: 2) hCG levels double every 72 hours

Description : Chlorpromazine is ineffective in vomiting due to: A. Motion sickness B. Morning sickness C. Digoxin therapy D. Gastritis

Last Answer : A. Motion sickness

Description : Morning Sickness

Last Answer : Morning sickness, also called pregnancy sickness, is nausea during pregnancy. It may or may not include vomiting. It occurs not just in the morning but at any time of the day, especially when ... , though, that you MUST consult your doctor before trying any of these and taking any medication.

Description : How to Help Morning Sickness

Last Answer : How to Help Morning Sickness If you ask moms-to-be what they wished they can skip during pregnancy, one answer you'll likely get is morning sickness. This nauseating feeling and vomiting that ... with less trouble than you expect. Follow these tips and have a beautiful and hassle-free pregnancy.

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Last Answer : B. Maintain normal diet

Description : What is the way to get rid of low back pain ? I do a job of marketing. There are about 3 to 4 kilometers of walking every day. My problem is !!! My back hurts. There is pain from ... tablets. খ Medication is a little healing. In the morning I feel completely healthy. The same situation after noon.

Last Answer : In fact, you walk every day which is more likely to cause pain. But yes, it can also be due to physical weakness and lack of calcium. Complete the dose of the medicine that you have been given. Hope you find the solution.

Description : Redditors with motion sickness, what do you do to make your travel time pleasant?

Last Answer : Take Dramamine before traveling

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Last Answer : ADHD

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Last Answer : answer:I just went through this. My sister and her kids and husband came down for Christmas. My mom got the worst of it but she is 65 and has type II diabetes. It took her weeks to ... kids got over in three to four days. Which is actually a pretty accurate representation of our overall health.

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Last Answer : answer:Well, I came down with walking pneumonia a little over a year ago. It had been coming on for several weeks, even months, before it was caught. Long story short, things came to a head on ... had determined that course so it was going to happen, come hell or high water. Talk about brainless.

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Last Answer : There hasn’t been a single confirmed case of this “faith healing”. There is no such thing.

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Last Answer : answer:Well, the great cats would have to cull the herd by killing and eating healthy animals, as one example. The crows and vultures would have far less carrion to feed off. They ... find equivalent food sources. Engineering perfect health would equate to eliminating death. Probably won't happen.

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Last Answer : answer:I'd say it could be something to do with the view-bobbing, or possibly the way the camera works in first person games in general (if those are the main culprits)? I had a friend ... each game that turn off the view bobbing / motion blurring / other things that could cause motion sickness.

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Last Answer : answer:Well, for one thing, I don't think one's sexual identity/orientation is entirely one (genetics) or the other (socialization). It's a combination of the two, the proportions of which are ... way), the legal/moral difference is that one occurs between consenting adults and the other does not.

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Last Answer : Diabetes and MS. I scoff at chicken pox and hangovers! XD

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Last Answer : Anything that makes you unable to leave the bathroom. Its easy to fake, just never leave.

Description : What will help get rid of this sickness?

Last Answer : How far along are you in the pregnancy? Better stick it out and use herbal tea and throat sweets. As for stuffy nose, there are natural ways of unblocking it as is done with babies, I mean natural nasal decongestants. Steer clear of pills if you can. Best you visit your doc.

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Last Answer : Sounds like it could be - usually mold allergies are respiratory in nature - but you could be alergic to a by-product of the mold. Get some liquid bleach and dilute it (like a cup to a gallon) in ... , talk to your landlord about the problem, because it's a health issue and they have to fix it.

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Last Answer : I can imagine somebody’s being low enough to do this, but I honestly can’t imagine someone’s being willing to admit it in a public forum, even anonymously.

Description : What sickness could this be?

Last Answer : Those sound like flu-like symptoms to me. But seeing as this isn’t a medical site, it’s probably not best to expect an accurate answer from fluther. I would make an appointment with your doctor right away.

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Last Answer : Get an old-fashioned CD player and take novels on CDs out of the library. Then listen. And bring plenty of AA batteries.

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Last Answer : The Sioux nation have natural ways to cure most illnesses.

Description : I am the beginning of sorrow, and the end of sickness. You cannot express happiness without me, yet I am in the midst of crosses. I am always in risk, yet never in danger. You may find me in the sun, but I am never out of darkness. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : The letter S.

Description : How to deal with motion sickness ?

Last Answer : Ginger has been used as an effective home remedy for motion sickness by the Chinese.Ginger can be taken as tea,ginger candy or freash root,capsules or tincture to prevent and relieve motion sickness.Ginger taken half an hour before traveling will help prevent motion sickness.

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Last Answer : In India, 50 % of all sickness and 30 % of all deaths occur due to polluted and contaminated A. Soil B. Nitrates C. Carbonates D. Phosphates

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Last Answer : $ Male anopheles acts as the carrier host for malarial parasite ! Sleeping Sickness is caused by Leishmonia. ... wrong D. If both As and R are wrong.

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Last Answer : The growing greed and desire for gold and treasure.

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Last Answer : Every sickness has its own symptoms so we can't give you onelist that is true for any illness.

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Last Answer : millions

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Last Answer : InformationChicken soup, a popular home remedy for the common cold since at least the 12th century, may really help. The steam from chicken soup may open up congested noses and throats. Soup also ... Rakel D, ed. Integrative Medicine. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2007:chap 20.

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Last Answer : DefinitionAcute mountain sickness is an illness that can affect mountain climbers, hikers, skiers, or travelers at high altitude (typically above 8,000 feet or 2,400 meters).Alternative ... extreme shortness of breath. This further reduces how much oxygen enters the bloodstream and reaches

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Last Answer : Altitude sickness occurs when people increase altitude too quickly. What is the cause of altitude sickness? Acute mountain sickness is caused by reduced air pressure and lower oxygen levels at high altitudes. The faster ... : You live at or near sea level and travel to a high altitude. Oct 16, 2017

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Last Answer : To avoid high altitude sickness, drink plenty of water, consider taking an iron supplement prior to your trip, and be careful not to over-exert yourself. Being realistic about your own capabilities is the most important way to protect your health in the high altitude.

Description : What are symptoms of sickness from mold?

Last Answer : Sickness from mold is often quickly onset, though there are a few warnings, such as; various shivers and cold/heat flashes, coughing, and sleepiness or fainting.

Description : Does vitamin C help people recover from sickness?

Last Answer : Possibly, but it probably doesn’t help very much, according to several scientific studies.A 2004 review from Australian National University found that a "routine mega-dose [of vitamin C to prevent disease ... duration of symptoms in adults by an average of 8 percent†but to get the best possible

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Last Answer : Answer : C