Where can I find help for my drug addicted son?

1 Answer

Answer :

When it comes to someone who is on drugs, as much as you may want to help them you can only help someone who wants to help themselves and is willing to change for the better. Either way a good place to start is a rehabilitation center or having him attend Narcotics Anonymous meetings.

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Last Answer : answer:Oh yeah. Take my cable TV, take my phone, take my Gmail and Facebook too, but don’t take my Internet!

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Last Answer : films,ministories,surfing the Internet and CHOCOLATE !!!

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Last Answer : I am not addicted to anything. :)

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Last Answer : answer:Different drugs have different addictive qualities. Some, like pot smoking, are probably only habitual. Others, like coffee, involve annoying physical withdrawals. Still others, like alcohol or (way ... -regulated, and are about guaranteed to shorten your life substantially if you don't quit.

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Last Answer : answer:Well, my mother did not smoke when pregnant with me, and I smoke. I remember quite clearly it was a conscious decision i made at age 16, to start smoking cannabis, then about a year later i ... that only happens with nasty crack cocain and what have you. but im no doctor, i could be wrong.

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Last Answer : Did you get bitten by a hippy who sucked your blood and turned you into a hippy?

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Last Answer : answer:Being drunk is a victimless crime. Forget the shattered cars and families along the way. These druggies need transport and money. Where does that come from? Family. Where that sting to the core? Family. Victimless? What S***

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Last Answer : Could just be a nervous tic, boredom or bad habit!

Description : Are there people that are addicted to love?

Last Answer : Trying to find purpose is a life-long process. Since life has no purpose except our genetic programming to survive and pass on our genes, it’s not surprising that our complex, evolved relationships have encountered numerous complications that make it difficult for them to last.

Description : Truthfully, is everyone addicted to something?

Last Answer : Yes, if you are here, then it is Fluther.

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Last Answer : Well I think the internet was created to get information and there is so much information on it that you just never run out of things to look at. I know exactly what you mean though, I can spend hours just ... I don't get bored. But don't look at it so vegetatively, it really is a very useful tool.