What is a smokers outpost and how is it used?

1 Answer

Answer :

A smoker's outpost is basically just an ash tray that is located outside. It's usually much bigger than a standard ash tray and put up on a pedestal so that it's about waist high and people can dispose of the ashes and cigarette butts. http://www.smokersoutpost.com/

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Last Answer : fort

Description : reddit smokers,why do you smoke?

Last Answer : I don't smoke anymore but the answer to this is simple. It works. It's immediate stress relief that is powerful and reliable.

Description : It's been said that cigarette smokers usually need to smoke one right after smoking weed because they feel like they smoked without getting the nicotine they "needed". Cigarette smokers of Reddit, how accurate is this?

Last Answer : The reasoning is dumb but the action is true. We are just addicted to smoking.

Description : Ex-smokers, how did you manage to quit smoking?

Last Answer : My wife gave me a blowjob for every day I didn’t smoke for two months. I liked smoking, but I like blowjobs more.

Description : Why are smokers singled out?

Last Answer : Because smoking causes many, many more health issues than any other habit, stressor, or factor you could come up with. There are the obvious diseases of lung cancer, COPD, throat cancer, emphazemia, ... on. All of these diseases and cancers are long term and costs billions of dollars in treatment.

Description : Should smoking in your vehicle be banned because a few smokers continue to throw their lit butts out the window?

Last Answer : Naw. Ban the cars that the butts are thrown out of. Makes as much sense.

Description : Why can't smokers use an ash tray inside the vehicle?

Last Answer : I do a lot of my driving at night and still see these idiots tossing their butts out the window, why are these people so stupid?

Description : What causes those deep, vertical impressions between the eyes in non-smokers?

Last Answer : Err, i’ve seen more lines & wrinkles on smokers, way more.

Description : How do you deal with smokers at your home?

Last Answer : I do not allow them to smoke. They know where the door is.

Description : Ex-Smokers, in what ways did you benefit from quitting smoking cigarettes?

Last Answer : answer:I quit many many times before I finally actually quit. Benefits, hmmmm. Food tastes better. I don't smell like an ash tray (clothes, house, furniture, carpets, drapes and the car) and when I ... keep from putting a cig in your mouth for about three weeks you have a chance to quit for good.

Description : Smokers ONLY, lavish indulgence or joyless addiction?

Last Answer : answer:Lavish indulgence for me. I quit all the time, then eventually get stressed and start again. I drink very rarely and don’t indulge in any other crutches, except some chocolate on occasion.

Description : What are reasons that prevent smokers from switching to e-cigarettes?

Last Answer : answer:Isn’t the fundamental question this: Knowing that cigarette are dangerous and ultimately will kill the smoker, why do people smoke in the first place? E-cigarettes and tobacco cigarettes are just subsets of the same irrational habit.

Description : Why shouldn't smokers take a decongestant/expectorant?

Last Answer : I always thought it meant the product should not be used for a cough caused by smoking. The expectorant I have at home says not to use for “a persistent cough caused by smoking, emphysema…”

Description : Smokers- do you notice that one type of cigarette stains your fingers more than another kind?

Last Answer : My fingers stained somewhat when I smoked Camel Wides, but not at all since going to American Spirit rollies.

Description : I've been in a house with smokers for the past 5 days, could that be the reason for my nosebleeds?

Last Answer : Absolutely. It dries out the nose.

Description : Smokers: Have you ever used e-cigarettes?

Last Answer : I’ve never tried them but I would like to. I’m trying to quit though.

Description : Pot Smokers: Do you smoke at regular times?

Last Answer : answer:Not a weed smoker, but I did do it for a while in my teens. It was pretty random though, although usually in the evening or night. That's just how it ended up, nothing was really planned beyond after ... . Maybe that's where I got it from, although for me it was to trip out, not relax. Lol.

Description : Smokers: do you smoke more or less? (see inside).

Last Answer : I smoke the same amount (which is a lot) no matter how many cigarettes I have handy. I will go out in the middle of the damn night to get more, if I have to. :(

Description : For smokers: What types of conversations happen in the "smoking area"?

Last Answer : Non smoker here. I don’t think smoking is a social thing. It’s an addiction that needs to be satisfied even if they are by themselves.

Description : Non-smokers: What is something smokers do that annoy you?

Last Answer : I’m annoyed when they take breaks from work to smoke, when we non-smokers don’t take breaks.

Description : Why do smokers treat the Earth as if it is their ashtray?

Last Answer : Probably for the same reasons that drinkers treat the world like their bar and drug users treat the world like their street corner. Sometimes, people just do things that other people don’t like.

Description : How can I connect with smokers or HR directors on the internet?

Last Answer : answer:you have to go to steve jobbs and say every body listens to you . i know you are very intelligent can you use your intelligence to judge whether my stuff works or not .......... ... confident about it if you are not confident that it will pass this test then keep working on your product.

Description : Will a pregnant smokers baby be born addicted to nicotine?

Last Answer : answer:Well, my mother did not smoke when pregnant with me, and I smoke. I remember quite clearly it was a conscious decision i made at age 16, to start smoking cannabis, then about a year later i ... that only happens with nasty crack cocain and what have you. but im no doctor, i could be wrong.

Description : What are best practices for occasional pot smokers when confronted with corporate drug tests?

Last Answer : answer:I’ve been sure a couple times that the pre-hiring drug tests would disqualify me, but it seemed that in neither case were they testing for marijuana. If I were disqualified for THC showing up in my pee cup, I wouldn’t want to work at the place anyway.

Description : Should smokers' breaks be deducted from their lunch hours?

Last Answer : Seems fair to me. You can take time to smoke, but you don’t get more total time “off” than a non-smoker. Otherwise, the non-smoker is essentially subsidizing the smoker (which they also do with respect to health insurance).

Description : If we legalize marijuana, will smokers be allowed to ignore the "no smoking" signs?

Last Answer : Bull. If they are gonna let marijuana users smoke anywhere they want, they better not bust me for smoking my cigars anywhere a pothead it smoking his weed.

Description : Is Smoke-Free Campus Unfair Law for Smokers?

Last Answer : Law is not absolutely fair. Law represents interest of majority but not all people.

Description : Cigar smokers: can you really, but really tell the difference between a one dollar and a 10 dollar cigar?

Last Answer : I can absolutely tell the difference, just as I can tell the difference between a $5 and a $25 bottle of wine.

Description : Pipe smokers: Is a real calabash worth the price?

Last Answer : SmashTheState Once smoked a pipe..but, I also went the cheap route. Don’t have any experience with real calabash, but looking forward to the answer to this question. i’m not much help!

Description : Do you hate smokers?,can you tolerate them?

Last Answer : I don't hate anyone - just their words or actions. I have been a smoker and a non-smoker. The only time I hate people for smoking is when they are smoking right into their children's faces or ... a horrid thing. And, yes I am aware of smoking's impact, I work for the American Cancer Society.

Description : Do you know any smokers who abuse The Patch in order to not have to smoke outside?

Last Answer : I know some smokers who use nicotine gum to get through the day, but not the patch.

Description : Smokers why did you start smoking?

Last Answer : Galloping stupidity in my case. I gave it up while still in my twenties – haven’t smoked since.

Description : Why does everyone vilify smokers?

Last Answer : I don’t villify smokers. I avoid them. Beyond that, people can do whatever they want with their lungs, IMO.

Description : Smokers: at what age did it become acceptable to smoke in front of your parents?

Last Answer : I'm 28. I smoke in front of my mom on occasion, as she is also a smoker. I still get grief from her about it though. My health-nut dad knows I smoke, and is very vocal about how terrible it is ... of respect in that situation. I know it really bothers him, why would I do it right in front of him?

Description : Could the open air testing of A- and H-bombs in the 40's and 50's be connected to the rash of lung cancers in non-smokers who were 15 years and under during that time?

Last Answer : Interesting. I would imagine that the dose and proximity to the location of the tests would be key. In addition, one likely culprit in the development of lung cancers in non-smokers is second hand smoke. ... would venture to say that second-hand smoke is as likely (if not more so), than radiation.

Description : Why do smokers 'pack' their cigarettes?

Last Answer : I don’t notice a difference between doing it and not doing it. (I don’t smoke anymore so please don’t hound me about smoking!)

Description : Tobacco Smokers: Why still smoke ?

Last Answer : Because smoking is cool.

Description : Any ex-smokers out there with any tips on how to quit?

Last Answer : The only thing that worked for me was to stop buying them and just avoid anyone who smoked for a few weeks or so. Eventually I noticed that I didn’t even want one when other people were smoking. Good luck!

Description : Is it possible to come up positive on a drug test for marijuana without having smoked it- just being in the room with pot smokers?

Last Answer : Yes, it’s possible. She did inhale the smoke, same as anyone who actually put the joint to their lips. Whether she’s telling the truth or not, I have no way of knowing.

Description : Where you work, do non smokers get upset at the frequent cigarette breaks taken by smokers?

Last Answer : This is a pet peeve of mine. Non smokers don’t even get a break where I work. Smokers take about 4 to six breaks a day.

Description : Can you think of any other "smokers ettiquette"?

Last Answer : I think people have different smokers etiquette. My friends and I always seemed to follow: Never take a man’s or woman’s last cigarette.

Description : Any marijuana smokers?

Last Answer : pot sucks.

Description : Why do smokers "tap" their cigarettes?

Last Answer : Packing the tobacco so it doesnt fall out of the ends and burns slower.

Description : Are chronic pot smokers emotionally underdeveloped?

Last Answer : answer:No. Why would they be?

Description : Any of you ex-smokers experience this?

Last Answer : answer:I did not experience what is happening to you, when I quit in 1979. I’m sorry you are having that problem, but it sounds like your body is adjusting to a sudden influx of good health, perhaps.

Description : For all you pot-smokers here on Ask-public, I've got a question.

Last Answer : Um…okay. Sorry?

Description : Smokers/vapers - how does it feel to get a nicotine hit after you’ve been “craving” it for a while?

Last Answer : I get a feeling of relief

Description : The two are closely related.

Last Answer : I don't smoke, I just make coffee, but it's really a common habit to light it while drinking coffee. And this is supposed to be careful because the caffeine in coffee and smoking together are ... direct effect on our blood pressure and, in addition, contribute to the development of a heart attack. 

Description : .

Last Answer : As a quit smoker, I can smoke for 5 years, so I sure wanted to. The habit is there too, but the addiction can be quite strong.

Description : Hello, is it worthwhile to try with the owners of a neighboring apartment in a block of flats because of the smell of cigarettes? I have a son (10 years old) with asthma, they brought us to the ... have breakfast, we have lunch, tasks are written, we have dinner, we fall asleep, you stink ....

Last Answer : Judging is of course possible, it just depends on your decision. I probably wouldn't go into it personally. What are they doing wrong? they smoke in their apartment and sometimes they ... have to be made to see if the stench from their windows exceeded the permitted pollutant concentrations.