Resources for Obesity Help?

1 Answer

Answer :

If you or someone you know is struggling with obesity, there are countless resources available to learn about how you can change your life for the better and achieve your goals of a healthy weight. To get obesity help, first speak to your doctor about options. He or she may be able to recommend a nutritionist, dietician, or personal trainer who can set you up with a healthy food meal plan and an exercise routine. For daily motivation and support, visit a forum online for those also seeking to lose weight in a healthy way. They can be inspiring, and this support is available 24/7, whenever you need it.

Related questions

Description : If a person is overweight, obese, or has severe obesity and it is not due to medication or a medical condition they cannot help, what makes them do nothing about it?

Last Answer : Laziness or lack of mobility,pain etc.. That said, it’s our diet and infrastructure layout. Change that and we’ll start to trend thin and healthy.

Description : Where can I found out about obesity help?

Last Answer : The starting point to find out about how to get help for obesity is to talk to your doctor. Your doctor can provide you with information on the options available.

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Last Answer : answer:Yes, my friend Mike did. He lost a bunch of weight which alleviated the problem. Sadly, he’s gained all the weight back, so I’m not sure how that played out.

Description : What are your thoughts on this article that mentions a lawsuit brought by "children" aganist McDonalds for "obesity related health problems"?

Last Answer : I don’t disagree with you. I do see a bit of their point, though,as McDonalds insidiously advertises to children to the point they become relentless in desiring McDonalds. And once the children are allowed to venture on their own, McDonalds is a siren calling them onto the rocks of obesity.

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Last Answer : answer:It could be any number of things. You should have your doctor check you out. I'm sorry I can't be more helpful than that. Maybe some other people in the collective will have some insight. ... 5lbs (there you go jellies, I saved you some time). What did you weigh before all this started?

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Last Answer : Two words, fat chance.

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Last Answer : Wow! Intriguing. I would be very interested to see if high doses were OK and without side effects.

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Last Answer : It would hurt the optometrist business a lot. I’m poking my eyes out if everyone wears spandex.

Description : Can obesity be a culture?

Last Answer : I think that would work very well. You could talk about the contribution of technology (people don’t walk anywhere any more; kids play video games or are on the computer so they don’t get exercise); the food industry; how plate and portion sizes have increased, etc.

Description : Might bland food be related to obesity?

Last Answer : Actually, there are some diets that recomend spicy more flavorful food to help be more satisfied with smaller portions. My dad was trying this out for a while. I don’t think it works for him though, he just keeps eating.

Description : How is obesity possible?

Last Answer : answer:I think you're looking at it backwards. Historically, there were many periods of hardship and nutritional deficiency, and so our bodies would store fat from the good times to ... self discipline to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle, the effects of evolution are largely mitigated.

Description : Is obesity a disability?

Last Answer : answer:It is when it becomes obesity. When their body is so large that not only their ability to get around is hindered, but also, their health becomes (or is) at risk due to their ... normally would be something you should be capable of doing. There is an issue that needs to be addressed.

Description : Is it a good thing if someone is proud of their size (obesity)?

Last Answer : Feel good in the skin that you’re in.

Description : What is America going to do to deal with its huge obesity problem?

Last Answer : Eat more.

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Last Answer : My dog is pretty fat. Wild animals have to work for their food.

Description : Would finding out that obesity is caused by bacteria or viruses change your perspective on it?

Last Answer : The simple fact of the matter is that only so much can be blamed on something other than the mechanics of fork-to-mouth. You don’t become 300 lbs overweight by catching a bug.

Description : Have you or do you know anyone who had a gastric bypass (or any other surgery for obesity)?

Last Answer : i know several who have had it, some at work, one a friend. some had had the band, some had the total surgery. i can tell you that of like 10 people, half lost a lot and half stayed the same ( ... still have to keep up the work of not eating and excercising. good luck and let us know how you do.

Description : Parents: What are some of the things you do to prevent obesity if your children?

Last Answer : Limit the calories. Lots of fruit, vegetables and salads. Insist on plenty of exercise.

Description : If Americans are overweight, and overweight by greater amounts, than people in most other nations, and many diseases and disorders are tied to obesity, is the incidence of those conditions lower in other countries?

Last Answer : Well, rates are calculated as number of events (say new cases of diabetes) over the average population during a certain period of time such as a month or a year - the average population is ... population but in our country, mostly everyone eats fast food whereas in theirs, almost no one does)

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Last Answer : The worse of all these disorders is the judgement people feel towards those with these afflictions instead of compassion, scorn and help. It accelerates the diseases.

Description : Why don't we take childhood obesity much more seriously as a society?

Last Answer : Do you want to make it illegal to have a fat kid??? Kids used to walk to school or ride a bike, now most are bussed. After school was spent at the playground playing pick up basketball, baseball ... is all organized and don't forget to properly hydrate! Add to that a lot of parents are overweight.

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Last Answer : I think there may be clues in WALL•E

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Last Answer : There have been various discussions and researches on obesity in the medical world . However, the people who bring various problems due to obesity are called patients by the doctors. Obesity is a disease if ... the body mass index is more than 29, then the condition must be identified as a disease.

Description : How is obesity caused ?

Last Answer : The human body is the equivalent of a machine or a car whose engine can never be stopped. The heart will beat , the lungs will contract and expand continuously , the blood will flow ... increase the obesity of our body and if it continues then the accumulated excess fat will cause obesity.

Description : What are the complications of obesity ?

Last Answer : If you gain too much weight, you may suffer from heart disease , stroke , gall bladder stone , diabetes , cancer and arthritis. In this case, with the increase in weight, your physical ... increases to meet its deficiency. Thus pressure builds up in the arteries and high blood pressure occurs.

Description : What is the medicine for obesity ?

Last Answer : Don't forget to take these medicines. They are very harmful for the body. If you want to be fat, eat more protein foods like fish , meat , eggs and pulses. Increase the amount of food. Take it. Eat more nuts , dark chocolate and butter. Exercise regularly. Inshallah you will get fat.

Description : Can Herbal Medicine Be Eaten For Obesity ?

Last Answer : Brother, it is better not to take herbal medicine to get fat. Because all these herbs are harmful for health. You take Hamdard medicine. It has no side effects.

Description : What does obesity mean ?

Last Answer : Obesity means obesity.

Last Answer : If you do some regular work, you will be able to reduce stomach cramps very easily . (2) Eating 3 cloves of garlic every morning on an empty stomach will reduce the fat very quickly. These 2 tips are the most effective to reduce madh.

Last Answer : In fact, there is no cure for obesity. And the ones that are there only increase the appetite of those who eat more than they need to get fat or become healthy for a limited time but later on they ... for the weakness and lack of vitamins in the body. There is no problem with the doctor's advice.

Description : What food do I get to gain weight?

Last Answer : Any fatty food, chips, cakes. Eat some heavy food and go well before going to bed, and will you be sure to gain weight?

Description : How does fat cause obesity?

Last Answer : Fat causes obesity by the lack of the individual burning off the high levels of energy as it is being consumed resulting in the access energy to be stored as fat. As the fat continues to build, obesity soon manifests.

Description : How does sleep deficit cause obesity?

Last Answer : Several scientific studies show that there is a direct relationship between sleep deprivation (insomnia) and weight gain and obesity. There are many reasons for this and there are a number of other ... many hours each individual needs sleep per day, as there are several variables of human organisms.

Description : Can a high fiber diet reduce the risk of obesity?

Last Answer : Yes.Don't overdo it. Get your fiber from ideal sources such as vegetables. There should be no need to purchase fiber-specific products if your diet contains enough vegetables, whole-grain ... be insufficient. If one keeps gaining weight despite eating healthily, professional advice may be needed.

Description : What Environmental factors that can contribute to our epidemic of obesity include all of the following except?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What is One way to measure obesity is by measuring?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Can a high fiber diet reduce the risk of obesity?

Last Answer : Yes.Don't overdo it. Get your fiber from ideal sources such as vegetables. There should be no need to purchase fiber-specific products if your diet contains enough vegetables, whole-grain ... be insufficient. If one keeps gaining weight despite eating healthily, professional advice may be needed.

Description : Which statement is true Eating disorders and obesity have declined significantly over the past 20 years. Eating disorders have risen but obesity has declined over the past 20 years. Eating disorders a?

Last Answer : Eating disorders and obesity have risen over the past 20 years.***Other informationHow to lose weight in a healthy manner?Doctors and dieticians recommend losing weight gradually, allowing a ... insufficient. If one keeps gaining weight despite eating healthily, professional advice may be needed.

Description : How to Prevent Childhood Obesity?

Last Answer : As our lifestyles become more and more sedentary, it isdifficult to prevent and control childhood obesity. However, thereare several things that parents and caretakers can do to helpprevent childhood weight ... will develop good habits thatwill help them later on down the road. It will also help

Description : How to Understand the Parent's Role in Childhood Obesity Epidemic?

Last Answer : Childhood obesity is a preventable disease that parents can take action against. Childhood obesity increases a child's risk of developing Diabetes and numerous other health problems. Children today are not as ... . Parents can teach their children what foods are best for them.Parents can also do t

Description : What is the obesity guideline to qualify for weight loss surgery?

Last Answer : There are a number of things that you need to take into consideration before being qualified for this surgery. You can start here by looking at this website: ... You should consult a doctor for more information on this surgery and if it is right for you.

Description : What do experts believe contributes more to childhood obesity--lack of exercise, or poor eating habits?

Last Answer : Both a lack of exercise and poor eating habits contribute almost equally to childhood obesity. The easiest to fix though is the eating habits but most parents have a problem with getting their kids moving.

Description : What are some possible triggers of childhood obesity?

Last Answer : The most common causes of childhood obesity are genetic factors, lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating habits or a combination of 2 or more of these triggers. Occasionally there will be a medical ... triggers or causes. Even more rare are the triggers of a trauma or other psychological cause.

Description : Where could I find statistics on childhood obesity by country and state?

Last Answer : actually has all of the statistics for childhood obesity as well as adult obesity. These are categorized by country and state. Just click on the country and it will pull up the different states within that country.

Description : Where can I find accurate information and statistics on child obesity?

Last Answer : The best way to find accurate information on child obesity is the medical book, the Dr. OZ show, the Doctors, and you can also visit the medical website.

Description : Defining overweight and obesity - children?

Last Answer : IntroductionObesity means having too much body fat. It is not the same as overweight, which means weighing too much. Obesity is becoming much more common in childhood. Most often, it begins between the ages of 5 ... Medicine. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, A.D.A.M., Inc.

Description : Causes and risks for obesity - children?

Last Answer : IntroductionWhen children eat more than they need, their bodies store the extra calories in fat cells to use for energy later. If this pattern continues over time, and their bodies do not need this stored energy, ... Medicine. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, A.D.A.M., Inc.

Description : Obesity in children?

Last Answer : DefinitionObesity means having too much body fat. It is not the same as overweight, which means weighing too much. A person may be overweight from extra muscle, bone, or water, as well ... K. Kaneshiro, MD, MHA, Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of Washington School of Medicine.

Description : What can cause high blood pressure besides obesity?

Last Answer : Most high blood pressure is idiopathic meaning it has no known cause. That being said, there are some common themes among people with high blood pressure besides being overweight. These common themes ... and fat as well as a sedentary lifestyle and a family history of high blood pressure.

Description : What can cause high triglycerides besides obesity?

Last Answer : Food high in sugar can cause elevated levels of triglycerides. Additionally, medical conditions such as Diabetes can cause high levels of triglycerides because they body has a hard time controlling ... sugar. Drinking too much caffeine or alcohol can also contribute to high levels of triglycerides.