What are some vitamins to take to prevent hair loss?

1 Answer

Answer :

There are several vitamins that may help with hair loss. Visit http://www.livestrong.com/article/22935-vitamins-prevent-hair-loss/ for information and a list vitamins to prevent hair loss.

Related questions

Description : What are vitamins to prevent hair loss?

Last Answer : There are vitamins that can help with hair loss. The most important of these is vitamin B; especially B6, biotin and inositol. Also helpful are folic acid, zinc and vitamin C. Taking a multivitamin daily would be of benefit.

Description : Where can I find vitamins for hair loss in women online?

Last Answer : This is a good website to help with your hair loss; www.livestrong.com/vitamins-hair-loss-women/. It has tips on the subject of the matter too(if you are interested)

Description : What are the vitamins for women hair loss?

Last Answer : There is no evidence to suggest that any vitamin will make a woman lose her hair or grow more hair. Stress, medications, loss of hormones may all cause a woman to lose hair. See a dermatologist if you have a problem with hair loss.

Description : Are there vitamins that will decrease my hair loss problem?

Last Answer : If you are having hair loss due to a vitamin or protein deficiency then there are some Vitamins and Supplements you can take to change it. www.holisticonline.com/Remedies/���Hair/���hair_���loss-nutrition.htm

Description : What are the most effective hair loss vitamins?

Last Answer : The family of B vitamins is very important in having healthy hair. Biotin is extremely good for hair growth and will help maintain healthy hair.

Description : Where can I find vitamins and supplements that help with hair loss?

Last Answer : They do not make supplements to regain your hair. However, there is an alternitive. You could look into some hair loss restoration. This will help you to grow your hair back.

Description : What types of hair loss vitamins can I get online?

Last Answer : There are not any hair loss vitamins that you would be able to get. However, I would recommend using hair restoration techniques that will help you to grow your hair back.

Description : What are some proven products that help prevent hair loss?

Last Answer : Rogaine is a time tested over the counter product that not only helps to prevent hair loss but in some cases will actually regrow hair. It is available for men or for women.

Description : What are some of the best ways to prevent hair loss?

Last Answer : Answers is the place to go to get the answers you need and to ask the questions you want

Description : How do I solve/prevent feline hair loss?

Last Answer : My hampster suffered something like this also. He had mange. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mange You may want to take her/him to a vet and get it checked out.

Description : What should be done to prevent hair loss ? How to get rid of gray hair ?

Last Answer : Hair loss can be prevented by sitting at home with some tips that are readily available. 1. Use light hot oil. Lightly heat any natural oil such as olive , coconut oil , canola oil (made ... The main cause of hair loss is stress and anxiety. Yoga can alleviate this and maintain hormonal balance.

Description : What is the way to prevent hair loss in boys ?

Last Answer : There is a normal scale of hair loss. If it is normal to wear 100 hairs daily because after these falls , new hair grows again . You can take the treatment. If you want to do it at home, you can paste together fenugreek, amalki juice, tokadai , egg , banana and give it twice a week . l

Description : Is there any reliable treatment to prevent premature hair loss , what to do to prevent premature hair maturation ?

Last Answer : Both amalki and lemon are grown in our country and are readily available. The nutritional value of these two fruits is very high. These two fruits do not go hand in hand in supplying essential vitamins for ... day , then wash it with shampoo. Then you will see that the hair has decreased a lot.

Description : What kind of shampoo or oil should I use to prevent hair loss ?? Want the right advice ?

Last Answer : : You can use Hamdard's Amla oil. You can also try Dancel Shampoo . However , it would be best to consult an experienced dermatologist.

Description : What is the way to prevent hair loss ?

Last Answer : After combing your hair every day, when you look at the comb, your chest often trembles , right ? There are many people who are suffering from hair loss who are not able to reduce hair loss even after ... , take down the oil, cool it and massage it on the head. After 20 minutes, wash with shampoo

Description : Want to know the use of onion juice to prevent hair loss ?

Last Answer : : Cut a large onion into four pieces, crush it, separate the rostuku and mix it with rose water as required and apply it on the hair roots. Use it twice a week for best results.

Description : What is the permanent solution to prevent hair loss ?

Last Answer : In most cases doctors consider hair transplantation to be the best treatment for endogenous baldness which is a very expensive procedure , but if you do not want to see baldness for a few years then there ... ) And as a mineral, blue and green algae are very useful for hair or hair traces. Collected

Last Answer : There is no substitute for oil for hair nutrition. Many people do not want to put oil on their hair to make it sticky. This causes the biggest damage to the hair. The oil nourishes the hair from ... from falling out , will help new hair to grow. It will even make your lifeless hair look healthy.

Last Answer : There are many people around us whose hair has started to ripen at a young age. Lack of adequate vitamins and minerals in the scalp can lead to hair loss. And getting a haircut at a young age ... , eat plenty of nutritious vegetables , try to get enough sleep and of course drink plenty of water.

Last Answer : Castor oil The most effective solution for hair loss is castor oil. If you can use this castor oil in hair care in different ways, you can completely cure the problem of hair loss. Not only this, with the help of ... time, try to use 3-4 days a week. If you like the article, don't forget to share.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : What type of diet should one be on to prevent hair loss?

Last Answer : Eating a well balanced diet that is rich with Omega 3's will contribute to healthy hair. Also, a diet that provides a lot of protein will help with hair loss.

Description : How do I prevent hair loss with gastric bypass?

Last Answer : The biggest reason for loss of hair after gastric bypass is lost of nutrients getting to the hair follicles. Make sure you are getting enough protein, it is recommended you get 60 grams of protein or more a day.

Description : What are the causes of hair loss and how to prevent it?

Last Answer : Answers is the place to go to get the answers you need and to ask the questions you want

Description : What vitamins or meds do you take for thinning hair?

Last Answer : Hi, R. I saw there were no answers so I thought I’d at least stop by and check in. Are you asking for a man or woman? might narrow it down.

Description : Can you take vitamins to make your hair grow?

Last Answer : Yes, there are some vitamins you can take to make your hair and nails grow faster. I know for a fact if you take prenatal vitamins, your hair will grow really fast.

Description : What vitamins does one take for weight loss?

Last Answer : Vitamin B12 is the most essential vitamin when you are talking about what effects it can have on weight loss. These vitamins are generally found in non-vegetarian food items, therefore most vegetarians are ... protein into the diet, having a good amount of sleep, eating only healthy fats, etc.

Description : Is it true the Omega vitamins do nothing to help prevent heart problems?

Last Answer : answer:Omega-3 are not vitamins, but are essential fatty acids. Whether or not the dietary supplements are beneficial is controversial. It is important to note that dietary supplements and vitamins ... In general, the best way to get nutrition is through natural, minimally processed food sources.

Description : Does grapefruit prevent the absorption of vitamins when taken at the same time? Vitamins, not medicines!

Last Answer : Acid generally helps absorb vitamins and minerals. So grapefruit juice and other acidic juices like orange juice should improve absorption. The danger with medicine is you can get dosed too much ... should be taken with orange juice for better absorption because iron absorbs better with vitamin C.

Description : Does grapefruit prevent the absorption of medicines or vitamins?

Last Answer : That must be the case with Zocor (Simvastatin) which I take for high cholesterol. The instructions that come with this medication states that you should not take this medicine while eating grapefruit.

Description : What vitamins are needed to prevent scurvy ?

Last Answer : To prevent scurvy, you need to eat foods rich in vitamin-C.

Description : What kinds of vitamins prevent arthritis?

Last Answer : Vitamin D is a good vitamin to take. Vitamin D has shown to improve Arthritis symptoms and may help prevent arthirtis. More information can be found from WebMD at: http://www.webmd.com/rheumatoid-arthritis/news/20040109/vitamin-d-may-prevent-arthritis

Description : Antioxidants help a person maintain good health because they (a) prevent the vitamins deficiency. (b) prevent excessive oxidation of glucose and other carbohydrates. (c) neutralise the free radicals ... metabolism. (d) activate certain genes in the body cells which help delay the ageing process.

Last Answer : Ans:(c)

Description : Do hair vitamins make your hair thicker?

Last Answer : Not necessarily. Not only are these "hair vitamins" horrendously expensive, which, only celebrities can afford, but are chemically-processed poison in the label , "Vitamins". I have no proof of that. ... on your scalp and hair (leave overnight) is safe, inexpensive and great. Thank you for asking.

Description : What is the best vitamins to grow your hair?

Last Answer : Prenatal vitamins. My hair (and nails) grew out of control when I was on them!

Description : Is there a supplement that only has hair vitamins?

Last Answer : It is not really well established which Vitamins and Supplements enhance hair growth and appearance. Vitamin E has been shown to help hair growth and is available in a wide variety of forms.

Description : What vitamins help with hair growth?

Last Answer : The main vitamins that can result with faster hair growth is B complex vitamins. B complex vitamins are vitamins such as folic acid and insositol. Also, something good to think about when wanting to promote faster hair growth is to remove stress from your life.

Description : Are prenatal vitamins going to help me grow hair, even though I am not pregnant?

Last Answer : Yes, they are going to help your hair grow but keep in mind you can just take a biotin supplement which is know to help skin, nail, and hair health. Plus some even say it makes their hair thicker.

Description : Does GNC sell vitamins for hair growth?

Last Answer : GNC does sell vitamins for hair growth. GNC is a vitamin store so they actually have all kinds of different vitamins that are available. You may also want to check a walgreens or CVS as well

Description : What does hair vitamins have to offer to give my hair faster growth?

Last Answer : One of the best vitamins to use to promote hair growth is any of the B vitamins. You can use products that contain the vitamin or take the vitamins in pill form. http://www.iwantthathair.com/hair-vitamins-s/59.htm

Description : Where can i buy some weight loss vitamins?

Last Answer : There are many places to purchase Vitamins and Supplements that can help you with weight loss. The first place I would go is a pharmacy to see what they carry. You could also try your grocery ... are also stores that specialize in health and organic foods that often carry a wide variety of vitamins!

Description : Are weight loss vitamins good for slight weight loss and bodybuilding?

Last Answer : They can be good for weight loss and bodybuilding, but just like medicines, they can come with some adverse side effects. In other words, be careful using vitamins and be sure you are ready to take vitamins.

Description : What vitamins are effective for weight loss?

Last Answer : This is the best solution for you clic on the link below with bold caracters : With OVER ONE MILLION bottles sold to date, SKALD is the first & only performance fat-burning supplement to ... high-intensity & endurance fitness communities, especially Crossfit All Details HERE === **cutt.ly/XjTry39**

Description : Which vitamins aid in weight loss?

Last Answer : This is the best solution for you read thi and clic below on the bold phrase: With OVER ONE MILLION bottles sold to date, SKALD is the first & only performance fat-burning supplement ... various high-intensity & endurance fitness communities, especially Crossfit All Details HERE === cutt.ly/XjTry39

Description : Taking Vitamins for Weight Loss?

Last Answer : Restricting or limiting your food intake while trying to lose weight can sometimes lead to nutritional deficiencies. Taking vitamins or supplements can help balance these effects. Check with your doctor ... multivitamin may be all you need to ensure your nutritional needs are being adequately met.

Description : Do vitamins help or hinder weight loss?

Last Answer : Multivitamins can aid your body in losing weight, since it will be getting the nutrients necessary to work property. Other vitamins can hinder weight loss while others can help. It all depends on which vitamins are being used.

Description : Do multi vitamins assist in weight loss?

Last Answer : Not only do vitamins help you benefit from healthy nutrients, but they also help increase your metabolism, which can help spur weight loss if combined with healthy eating and exercise. http://www.wikihow.com/Lose-Weight-with-Vitamins

Description : In bio fortification technique plant breeders use breeding to overcome (1) Loss due to insect pests (2) Decrease in food production (3) Deficiencies of micronutrients and vitamins (4) Loss due to plant diseases

Last Answer : (3) Deficiencies of rnicronutrients and vitamins Explanation: Biofortification refers to the breeding of crops to increase their nutritional value. The crops produced through biofortification method are always rich ... . This rice is rich in beta-carotene and provides vitamin A to the children.

Description : In bio fortification technique plant breeders use breeding to overcome – (1) Loss due to insect pests (2) Decrease in food production (3) Deficiencies of micronutrients and vitamins (4) Loss due to plant diseases

Last Answer : (3) Deficiencies of micronutrients and vitamins Explanation: Biofortification refers to the breeding of crops to increase their nutritional value. The crops produced through biofortification method are always rich in nutrients like iron, zinc and Vitamin A.

Description : Dehydration in human body is caused due to the loss of: (1) vitamins (2) salts (3) hormones (4) water

Last Answer : (4) water Explanation: Dehydration is the condition where there is acute shortage of water in our body. This occurs when the amount of water leaving our body is greater than the ... three types of dehydration: hypotonic or hyponatremic (primarily a loss of electrolytes, sodium in particular).