Build On Dirt?

1 Answer

Answer :

When you build a deck that is on ground level, you need to build up the ground with dirt so that it has a space for water to drain. You don't want to make a deck flat on the ground or the air won't circulate through the boards of the deck and you may stay warm in the summer while you are sitting on your deck.

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Last Answer : Or I’ll create an entire email address, sign up for this website, and not get a single answer…. thanks fluther!

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Last Answer :

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : I think that they not like hot soapy water.............mix 2 tablespoons dawn & 1 qt hot water and pour over not get on grass.

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Last Answer : That is not good for the tree, it has to breathe......plants do not do well under trees...Happy summer.

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Description : i have a peace lily and in the dirt there are little white things that look like i keep the plant

Last Answer : You could try getting rid of the dirt outside in the trash can and gently rinse off the roots and bulb....pat it dry and replant it. Sounds like something laid eggs, it happens. I just though of ... be vermiculite in the soil. Can you ask where you bought it or show t to them. Just a thought!

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : How do I prevent the dirt outside the walls of my house from getting so soggy?

Last Answer : A french drain would work well for this problem.but that is expensive....or it could be that the ground itself is lower near the house.........if that is the problem then that area would need to be built up for the water to go the other way.

Description : Can you lay sod on top of dirt that is on top of existing grass?

Last Answer : That is a hard question to answer.....but I would think that the new sod over old grass might work if the old grass is cut super short.............then the new sod has to be kept wet until the new sod takes.

Description : will water lilies grow in dirt in pots on patio or inside house?

Last Answer : You could put them in a 55 gallon container of water and they will bloom. They are strickly for water. They keep the water clean for the fish ponds and keep the water cooler for fish & other ... that would do well in the house as a lot of insects visit the flowers during the sun light hours.

Description : why are my plants having a growth that looks like dirt on every stem?

Last Answer : after the sun goes down, mix 1 tablespoon liquid hand soap & 1 qt water and spray...............if it rains spray again

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : what kind of dirt do aloe plants need?

Last Answer : I live in Florida and have many aloe plants which keep putting out new baies at the base all the time and also flower at least twice a year . the soil here is very sandy with little to no nutrients ... to say if you added 1 part potting soil to sand that would be good enough for them to do well.

Description : do we keep adding dirt when growing cabbage

Last Answer : We never had to do that....the big leaves comes first....seems like a long time before the head starts to form.......maybe they are not in the ground all the way.........and when they form...........we don't take them out until the 1st frost and then they go in the root cellar..............

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Last Answer : yes and it will spread and take over your yard...................I would keep it in a big container to contain it from neighbor had someone dump dirt and it has taken over ... off other ones come up several feet away.................she is not happy....nothing kills it.

Description : What is Tennessee brown dirt ?

Last Answer : Never heard of Tennessee having brown dirt, only red clay dirt. Brown Dirt Farm is a farm in Tennessee growing organic and heirloom vegetables.

Description : How do I prevent blossom end rot this year in my containers (will use new dirt)

Last Answer : clean the pots with a mixture of 1 part bleach to 10 parts water. Scrubb the pots out and rinse very well. If the blight is bacterial that should take3 care of it. If it is viral it may not and ... plant gets bigger. You can cut off the brown part and eat the rest.. Perfectly safe to do so.

Description : My lawn is very ruff. It's like little clumps of dirt pushing up thru the grass,

Last Answer : Depends. Could be moles or voles. If the areas look like something burrowed through and raised the dirt in the process, it is either of the two. There are some solutions if this is your problem. But ... a solution. Doubt that it is too many earth worms? Not likely as there are never too many.

Description : have little perfectly round concave holes in dirt under a porch roof with no grass around it.

Last Answer : It seems that you have a spider problem. The best way to kill them is with vegetable oil. The spider breathes through its skin, the oild will stick to the skin and not allow the to breath, they will die. ... an area of 24" x 24", best to treat it now, rather than allow it to get worse. -Birdy

Description : What is causing small mounds of dirt to be pushed up from underneath in my garden?

Last Answer : could be a squirrel digging.................they don't like pepper................

Description : could i use regular dirt for a rose

Last Answer : Of course it will depend on what the soil in your area is like but most soil is not perfect. There are four important parts to a good rose soil inorganic materials, organic materials, water and ... on the size of your rose bed but it will ensure the proper mixture of organic and inorganic elements.

Description : Half of me builds towers and cities, the other half is squirming in the dirt. When I am whole, I become angry and bitter. Who am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : Wormwood.