I have a constent cough and i am not sick why do i cough so much?

1 Answer

Answer :

Do you smoke? it could be a condition called COPD. or a more healthier way of seeing it could be Allergies or the climate of the air you breathing. Coughing is not a disease in itself, it is only a symptom. If your cough is non-productive, that is you are not coughing up phlegm, your cough could be a smoker's cough, or allergy, or throat irritation, among other possible causes.

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Last Answer : I am a big fan of Mucinex for such things. The main ingredient thins and loosens muchus, helping with chest tightness and preventing it from becoming something like bronchitis. I take the tablets, but ... Tylenol for fever and pain plus some Fisherman's Friends cough drops and a good cup of tea.

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Last Answer : Wow! I've had the same thing since January! It's slowly getting better, but lots of (drinking) fluids seems to help. Slowly, but slowly, it seems to be subsiding. Take your multiple vitamins, aspirin, stay ... I cough up from deep in the lungs helps a lot. Try not to inhale any dust of any kind )

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Last Answer : The cough isn’t the problem. It’s the post-nasal drip that s draining onto the throat and irritating it that is the problem. Deal with the nose, and the cough will stop.

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Last Answer : is the cough illness related or just a dry, maybe allergy induced cough? If it is a viral cough you can take an OTC cold and flu medication like Nyquil. If it is allergy related you can take ... like dust and dust mites. Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated and cough lozenges might help as well.

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Last Answer : answer:Sounds like it could be the flu, although flu usually has a very high fever and it's so exhausting you usually feel like you can't get out of bed. Otherwise, it's some sort of virus or bacterial ... something is very wrong go to the ER. I'm not a doctor, that's just what I would do.

Description : Australians: Can you still get codeine cough syrup otc?

Last Answer : Why not just call a pharmacy? In America it varies by state.

Description : How does a cough syrup effectively work?

Last Answer : answer:Drinking water or soda will have no affect (nor will the salt) on the cough syrup's effectiveness. Here is how the two types work: suppress or expectorate coughs. Cough suppressants prevent coughs ... be given an expectorant to loosen the phlegm in order to expel it from the body. Source

Description : Why cough only at night?

Last Answer : answer:I honest don't know for sure, but could it be a form of asthma? You should definitely check it out with a doctor. I know I suffer from coughs after a work out or when I'm out in very cold weather ... but not when I'm standing up .anyway, you should speak to a doctor to be safe. G'luck. :)

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Last Answer : Go to the doctor and ask them. Better to be safe than sorry. I don’t know about the antibiotics for whooping cough (or whatever ails you). It depends if you have a virus or a bacterial infection. Your doctor can tell you that though. Go and pick up the phone and make an appointment.

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Last Answer : I don’t think you can, but how is your breathing. What happens if you try a deep breath?

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Last Answer : According to this site, mullein is a safe herb to use for cough during pregnancy.

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Last Answer : Awwww, poor baby. Keep her cool to help fight the fever. The Tylenol will surely help. She should probably sleep in an upright position for the congestion, unless you have a steamer you can use. Just hold her as much as you can.

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Last Answer : I’m not a medical professional, but I have never heard of cancer being the root cause of a persistent cough.

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Last Answer : Welcome to fluther You can have your sister gargle with warm salt water.

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Last Answer : Only one dog of mine has ever had kennel cough, once, and it came from the kennel. All of my vets (I've lived in a number of places) have been so aware of the problems that they are very careful. ... , but as a rule I think the vet's office is probably OK. That's all just from personal experiance.

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Last Answer : I would put a shotgun to my face if they had never made NyQuil. If you can get some you will be a happy camper.

Description : What is the most effective cough medicine or remedy you have come across?

Last Answer : Whiskey

Description : Why do those freezer popsicles make you cough?

Last Answer : I live off of freezepops in the summer.. and I’ve never had that problem..

Description : Can I expect to cough more if I've recently quit smoking?

Last Answer : you will feel great!!!! No you will not cough

Description : Can a humidifier irritate a cough?

Last Answer : Sometimes if you are using a cold humidifier, you can develop molds in the water stored inside it. You need to clean them out very well since there is no heat to sterilize it. Otherwise, a humidifier should make her cough become less of a problem. Perhaps your daughter is getting sicker?

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Last Answer : I would love to know it as well, I keep forgetting to ask this. Now that I’m here, how come the “e” at the end of a word changes it’s sound sometimes. Example: Dove (Dough’ve) ,vs Dove (Duv) Rule (R-uu-le) ,vs Dove (Duv)

Description : How can I get rid of a cough?

Last Answer : I find that garlic and or ginger work very well.

Description : I have this terrible, deep chest cough and it needs to go. Any home remedy suggestions?

Last Answer : drink hot lemon water. if you have brandy put a little bit of that in.

Description : Can humans pass Kennel cough onto dogs?

Last Answer : No. It’s spread through aerosolized particulates, and so is very infectious in areas where dogs congregate, but it does not persist in the environment. More info

Description : What to do when novocaine causes allergic reaction and cough?

Last Answer : You should really call the dentist and ask if the cough could be caused by the novacaine or if it's just a coincidence. Did you let them know about the bruising? You really need to let the ... time you get it or a different reaction. You really need to make sure and communicate with your dentist.

Description : When cough, congestion, and other cold-like symptoms are the side effects of a medication, are those conditions contagious?

Last Answer : ***Totally off topic – how’s your son doing?

Description : Cough Medicine?

Last Answer : Coughing is one of the germ's mechanisms for spreading itself to a non-infected victim. Same with sneezing and projectile vomiting, and even diarrhea. Once the illness is finished, oftentimes ... medicine works beyond the placebo effect, and there has been research done that supports this finding.