Can I play any electronic games on an airplane?

1 Answer

Answer :

You can take these type of games with you but since it is an electrical device they will probably make you turn it off during take off and landing.

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Last Answer : Many electronic games come with a charger. PSP,Nintendo DS, and Gameboy are just a few.

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Last Answer : Your link wouldn’t open.

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Last Answer : Groucho Marx – if he were still alive. The time would fly (as well as the plane!)

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Last Answer : Theories abound, but truth still evades. Nobody knows anything for certain, all speculation. We just have to wait until the mystery is unveiled.

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Last Answer : answer:After a little checking, here was what I found: There are two companies, GoGo Internet and Row 44, that most airlines are using to provide airplane WiFi service. GoGo Internet uses a ... communications. Illustrations demonstrating how wi-fi works on a plane can be found here - wlan book

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Last Answer : answer:You're creating a false issue here. Getting on a plane with a 10% chance of crashing is immediate. You get on a plane and you might die. That's an entirely different type of thing ... is unlikely to make serious changes. The bottom line is that your comparison simply doesn't hold water.

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Last Answer : answer:That airplane ” pop ” feeling is pressure, air pressure, differentiation. So, consult a workout expert to see if you are breathing correctly as that inner ear pressure build up is due to something along these lines I would think. Still, I am not an expert here, so consult one.

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Last Answer : answer:You give it to the flight attendant to check. It should fit if there is available room, oversize luggage doesn't get through security. If you check it once on board, you don;t get charged ... anyone is willing to check their bags for free, especially for those in boarding groups 4 and later.

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Last Answer : answer:I have always noticed ticket prices going way up closer to the date of the flight. I try to buy as early as possible. I like JetBlue. They’re usually among the cheapest tickets and they let you check one bag for free.

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Last Answer : Please document by airlines which pilots will not allow “Airplane Mode”.

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Last Answer : Consider that this is your safety at risk.

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Last Answer : answer:It is one of those situations where if the person had indeed been a terrorist and was arming a bomb in the rest room, the passenger who alerted the crew would be a hero. Since it didn't turn out that ... deal with it so that the rest of society feels secure. It sucks but it is the way it is.

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Last Answer : In the month of August. :)

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Last Answer : North Carolina is where the first flight took place, but I give credit to the Ohio Wright Brothers for creating the contraption. Think of it this way, if the Wright brothers had gone to Mexico to ... saying the airplane is American, because Americans invented it. See what he says, and let me know.

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Last Answer : answer:I don’t see anything about pilots license as a requirement.

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Last Answer : answer:I would take it as a carry-on, you can't guarantee the environmental conditions in the cargo hold, and it would be wise to carry your meds with you just in case anyway. TSA doesn't ... a bag seperately and let it ride through the scanner. They've never asked me about perscriptions at all.

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Last Answer : answer:I love the ring airplane. simple and easy and always amazes. More for your fun

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Last Answer : Google Earth has a flight simulator that’s really cool. You can take actual flights from certain airports, etc. My friend was obsessed with it.

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Last Answer : Because in the event of a crash, a bright orange box is a lot easier to find than a black one when searching through wreckage and debris. So it wouldn’t be quite practical for it to be black.

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Last Answer : When would you like to travel? Reverse that. Aka, not before the holiday, but during or after. Not friday, but mid-week. And so forth. Most people will choose those dates, less seats – higher price. More seats, airlines want to fill up – lower price.

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Last Answer : answer:No generally. Double no in this case.

Description : Do you remember when flying in a commercial airplane was sort of fun and less like riding a Greyhound bus?

Last Answer : answer:I totally agree with you. And they actually served breakfast, lunch, or dinner depending on what time you were flying. With snacks, regardless of how long the flight was. Trying to make more money has really cut into a lot of things.

Description : Can I bring cream puffs on the airplane?

Last Answer : Yes you can! I’ve traveled with all sorts of food, even cheesecake.

Description : Could a passenger land a commercial airplane?

Last Answer : Some rare footage of the poor unfortunate souls who tried. Bless, it never leaves them….never. Sobs uncontrollably! :¬D

Description : First airplane ride?

Last Answer : If it is a passenger jet, exciting, wonderful, exhilarating. American passenger jets are about the safest form of travel. I routinely sleep on jets. If you’re talking about small (2 or 4 passenger planes), they are exciting and frightening at times. depends on your pilot and your confidence in them.

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Last Answer : The farther you are from something, the slower it appears to move. The closer you are to something, the faster it appears to move. This probably has something to do with relative frames of reference.

Description : What are the best/worst things to say on an airplane?

Last Answer : Saying anything like that on a plane these days will likely get you shot or at least arrested. I’d settle for an interesting seat mate.

Description : Why are you supposed to put the oxygen mask on yourself first on an airplane?

Last Answer : You can't help them if you are unconscious or dead. Your first priority is to keep yourself awake and alert AND THEN help the kids. Most people can survive (even unconscious) without getting extra oxygen for ... , but you are awake, you can put the mask on them. The opposite is unlikely to happen.

Description : Can I bring with me to an airplane flight a laptop and camera?

Last Answer : Yes. In fact, you have to bring your laptop with you.

Description : What equipment is available on an airplane if there is a medical emergency?

Last Answer : I’d hope they have some of this stuff. I think they have a small portable oxygen tank with a mask and basic first aid materials.

Description : What would a Airplane Flight Confirmation E-mail look like?

Last Answer : It would look something like this. Obviously all that stuff won’t be blacked out though.

Description : Does the Captain of an airplane have the authority to marry people, while in flight?

Last Answer : answer:This is directly from a pilot for a commercial airliner who happens to be sitting next to me: “Yes I have the authority to marry a couple on my airplane. However my jurisdiction is only in that aircraft and the wedding vows would not be binding anywhere outside of the aircraft.”

Description : What ever happened to the origami airplane the Japanese astronaut released from the space shuttle?

Last Answer : If that astronaut was me, and i had thrown that paper airplane, it would probably got stuck in the antennae of the spacecraft. I assume though, that if it wasn’t hit by space debris before, it would be burned when entering the atmosphere.

Description : Is it possible to steal on an airplane?

Last Answer : Actually,Airplanes are a “No Steal Zone” : P As long as it is something small,I doubt that you could steal someone’s Laptop and then claim it’s yours and it’s a coincidence that you just happened to have pictures of the guy’s family in the hard drive !

Description : Pilots: How do you deal with the stale airplane air?

Last Answer : I love airplane air. I really do.

Description : Have you ever used your car GPS on an airplane?

Last Answer : In the air, I wouldn’t try it on other than a private plane. If you try it on a commercial airliner in the US (in the air, anyway) and you’re found out, you’ll probably be talking to the Air Marshals at your destination. Confiscation of the device would be the least of your worries.

Description : Can I carry a bottle of perfume/cologne on airplane?

Last Answer : It might be better not to bring it and pick up a sample of something in NY. It gives you a good excuse to go shopping too. Not having it will probably make it easier to get through security. Even if you can take it, they’ll likely want to talk to you about it.

Description : If you were in an airplane that was diving towards the earth and you knew you were going to die, what would the one thing you would regret?

Last Answer : Getting on that damn plane.

Description : First time on an airplane. Tips for remaining calm?

Last Answer : Remember that there are way, way more fatal car accidents than plane accidents. The pilot makes plenty of flights every single day back and forth, and so do the flight attendants. Sit back, try to relax, ... 't look out the window. Read a book, etc. The flight will be over before you know it.