What's the best material for a tongue ring to avoid infections?

1 Answer

Answer :

Titanium or silver are best.

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Last Answer : Yes. Here is some information for you. Excerpt: Tongue piercing usually take between 10-14 days to fully heal, it is almost impossible to develop an infection because the mouth contains an enzyme Ptyalin and ... which forms a scab, but because of the saliva in the mouth a scab can't form.

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Last Answer : Immediately following the procedure you are going to have to clean it no less than three times a day by swishing a salt water mixture around in your mouth for a few minutes each time. Once you've had it in ... to do this once a day, but it is advisable to just do it every time you brush your teeth.

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Last Answer : Don't delay, go see the doctor ASAP. I have a long and storied history with sinus infections, caused by dust, caused by bacteria, caused by viruses, and I have learned to never let it get to the point that you ... you're up to it, please let us know how this turns out, I'd love to hear good news.

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Last Answer : It is known that pork must be thoroughly cooked to kill any parasitic worms that might in in it. The worms from pigs go out in their shit. Other animals, and humans walk in the shit and the ... are sometimes found in the victim's feces, which alerts the victim of the presence of said tape worm.

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Last Answer : http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/yeast-infection/basics/risk-factors/con-20035129

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Last Answer : It’s because A.) hospitals inevitably have a lot of pathogens and B.) there is no way to kill 100% of bacteria, and when you kill 99% of them, the 1% that survive are the “strongest” ones (to put it simply). These go on to reproduce and superbugs evolve.

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Last Answer : According to this forum, it looks like these might be chronic problems with this brred. It appears that you have to be consistent in following up (it may take more than one antibiotic). Also, have the vet check for crystals in the urine.

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Last Answer : answer:I'm thinking your probably take Amoxicillin Clauvanate? If so, patients and doctors tend to prescribe other drugs that don't destroy the normal flora in the intestines and vagina as much. Also, amox clauv is ... still take it, because it is so good for the rest of my body, but I request it.

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Last Answer : I would expect the yeast in the beer has no relationship with a yeast infection but that’s coming from a male so take it for what it’s worth.

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Last Answer : All I can tell you is I got tinnitus six months ago. I know it was from stress because the buzzing gets Much louder if something stressful happens. Since they buzz 24 hrs a day I rarely notice it. ... can be quite temporary and I don't think you'd want a dentist realigning your jaw this soon .

Description : Is there a connection between antibiotics and yeast infections?

Last Answer : Yes, antibiotics knock out the useful “biotics” in your system too, making you more susceptible to yeast infections. It’s important to eat yogurt while you are on antibiotics to restore those bacteria to your vaginal tract.

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Last Answer : answer:What kind of infection? Yeast infection? I'm gonna go out on a limb here, and guess it may be a yeast infection. If that's what it is, pills may cure it eventually, but for relief, you ... infections quite often. You might try that. If it's not a yeast infection, I'll just shut up now.

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Last Answer : The simplest answer would be to preserve an environment which is not conducive to bacterial growth. By this i mean maintaining vaginal pH within normal limits and (as a form of hygiene) either shaving or waxing the ... of water a day. (water.. not juice or soda or anything else.. that's extra).

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Last Answer : Cranberry is a proven aid in decreasing the severity and incidence of bladder infections. Here is one of the studies from PubMed.

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Last Answer : http://www.doctorslounge.com/oncology/forums/backup/topic-7972.html Seems that if the blood work comes back okay, they’re an after effect of infection? Scalp drainage sounds unpleasant…

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Last Answer : Rich with Vitamin C, the high amount of acid and other beneficial components in cranberry juice can help break down and prevent the formation of kidney stones http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/34119/ ... a cure-all. I drink it all the time, but mainly because I just like the taste.

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Last Answer : Is this the antibiotic that you take for only 5 days?

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Last Answer : I think antibiotics is the only treatment that will get rid of the ear infection itself, although heat may help with any pain. Going to the doctor is probably your best bet.

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Last Answer : That would be a big grapefruit and it sounds like a zinc deficinency. Soil needs to be tested.

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Last Answer : Respiratory Illnesses: 13 Types of Lung Infections The body's respiratory system includes the nose, sinuses, mouth, throat (pharynx), voice box (larynx), windpipe (trachea) ... /article.htm and https://www.onhealth.com/content/1/respiratory_infections_causes. Thankyou!!!

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Last Answer : answer:

Description : Who has more urinary tract infections ?

Last Answer : Although this problem affects both men and women, women are more prone to urinary tract infections.

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Last Answer : If azithromycin does not work , higher generation may be used subject to doctor's advice. It may take 5-6 days to eat even more , depending on the severity of the disease. However, it is better not to take antibiotics for minor problems.

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Last Answer : : 1) Amalki: Amalki contains a lot of vitamin C which has the ability to prevent urinary tract infections. Boil 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder and 1 teaspoon of mango powder in 1 cup of water. When the mixture ... 1 glass of water and drink it twice a day for a few days. The problem will be solved.

Last Answer : Both men and women are likely to be affected by this type of problem. This problem is more common during urination , pregnancy , diabetes , sexual problems and menopause. So be careful yourself. There are ... glass of water and drink it twice a day for a few days. The problem will be solved.

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Last Answer : I just looked at it too, at the moment 3,759,296 coronaviruses are recorded as infected but are constantly changing. But it would be good if it finally decreased already ... By the way, you can follow it here, there is also a coronavirus map: https://kiszamolo.com/koronavirus-terkep/      

Last Answer : All untreated. Lie on your back and place your hand lightly under the left ribs. Take a deep breath. With a deep breath, the diaphragm pushes the spleen down so you can feel it. The normal spleen ... operated on, because you can live without the spleen. What about the liver, does it bother you too?

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Description : Secondary infections?

Last Answer : DefinitionA secondary infection is an infection that occurs during or after treatment of another, already existing infection. It may result from the treatment itself or from alterations in ... The development of bacterial pneumonia following a viral upper respiratory infection is another example.

Description : Corneal ulcers and infections?

Last Answer : DefinitionThe cornea is the transparent area at the front of the eyeball. A corneal ulcer is an erosion or open sore in the outer layer of the cornea. It is associated with infection.See also: ... ulcer. Herpes simplex keratitis is a serious viral infection. It may cause repeated attacks that are t

Description : Chlamydia infections in women?

Last Answer : DefinitionChlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease. This article discusses chlamydia infections in women.See also:ChlamydiaChlamydial urethritisCauses, incidence, and risk factorsChlamydia is caused by the ... chlamydia have no symptoms at all. Only some women will have symptoms. Therefor

Description : What website can tell me the symptoms of bladder infections?

Last Answer : You can find symptoms of Urinary Tract, and Bladder Infections at http://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/understanding-bladder-infections-symptoms

Description : What can cause infections in the urinary tract that causes bladder control problems And how can one prevent this infections?

Last Answer : Germs are what causes infections in the urinary tract. Things that may acerbate this condition are inactivity, pregnancy, Diabetes or urinary retention. Being active and keeping the genital area clean are essential in prevention.

Description : What are the main symptoms of bladder infections?

Last Answer : The main symptoms of bladder infections include needing to urinate often, a burning feeling while urinating, and passing small amounts of urine at a time despite your need to go. Other symptoms include a cloudy color, blood in the urine and a foul smell.

Description : What are the symptoms to bladder infections?

Last Answer : Usually, bladder infections symptoms include having to go a lot, but when you try, not much comes out. Bladder infections sometimes has stomach pain, tiredness, and pain when going to the bathroom.

Description : What are some treatments to urinary tract infections?

Last Answer : Urinary tract infections are usually treated by medication and anti-biotics. It is best to see a doctor immediately if you think you may have a urinary tract infection.

Description : Is diet a treatment for sinus infections.?

Last Answer : Eating spicy foods, drinking tea and eating plenty of fruits and vegetables are known as some of the best natural remedies to help treat sinus infections.

Description : Does cranberry juice help with symptoms of bladder infections?

Last Answer : Some people do find that cranberry juice helps, but really you should see your doctor or other healthcare professional. Bladder infections can be a sign of something more serious.

Description : Urinary Tract Infections: Symptoms and Treatment?

Last Answer : Urinary tract infections are infections that affect any part of the urinary tract, though they most often start in the urethra and bladder before affecting the kidneys. In the bladder or urethra, ... likely to be infected through intercourse and because of the proximity of the anus to the urethra.

Description : Could it harm my baby if I keep getting bladder infections while pregnant?

Last Answer : Frequent bladder infections can harm an inborn child. Make sure you seek medical attention to prevent any harm to your child. The doctor will usually give you a powerful antibiotic to help you.

Description : What are the best home remedies for sinus infections?

Last Answer : Treating chronic conditions such as sinus infections can be very costly. Fortunately, there are many home remedies that people can try. One of the cheapest and easiest ways to help with your sinuses ... drains out the other. This method is also very effective in the prevention of sinus infections.

Description : Treating Bladder Infections?

Last Answer : Bladder infections can cause pain and burning upon urination, pelvic pain, an increase or decrease in urinary output, and sometimes blood in the urine. Treating bladder infections typically includes ... course of antibiotics must be completed to make sure that the bladder infection has resolved.